Tokyo Manga/Anime Ban Passes, TAF2011/Comiket in Jeopardy


So, to the Japanese members (*coughguycough*), any news on this?
TAF2011 still has not been officially cancelled, but most of the publishers who are boycotting TAF have decided to hold an "Anime Contents Expo" at the Chiba Makuhari Messe convention center (about 40 minutes from Tokyo Big Sight). The Anime Contents Expo will be held on March 26-27, which coincidentally (read: intentionally) is the same planned date for TAF2011. In other words, they plan to sabatoge TAF2011 by making it near impossible for TAF to achieve its goal of 140,000 attendees.

Sankaku provides more information, and some future alternative locations.
Came across a picture that seems to express someones views on this.