Tomoe Yamanaka 山中知恵

Don't do anything until I get back!

EDIT: Unless you're crazier than you think I am, I don't see that anywhere in BUNO-004. Do you have it and grabbed from there? What time mark?

EDIT AGAIN: It is actually BUNO-002 I've isolated the clip and putting it through super slow motion...

EDIT AGAIN AGAIN: You be the judge...

testslow-muxed_22-001.mkv (6.3 Mb)

That's a great proof on pasties (atleast it looks to me). May I ask what software you used for slow-mo edit?
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In her recent Twitter updates, she has mentioned that this month’s DVD has been released before the official date of November 25. Some followers have also commented that they have seen it. Hopefully this month’s video will be posted soon.
I wonder though, even if it were an actual Nipple what would've people's reaction afterwards. Sure, BIG DEAL at the time, but after some time people would've wanted more, because that's human nature, so people would've been demanding bare ass, both nipples, full nudity etc.
Are there any that would demand high quality and actually watchable movies?
EDIT AGAIN: It is actually BUNO-002 I've isolated the clip and putting it through super slow motion...

EDIT AGAIN AGAIN: You be the judge...

testslow-muxed_22-001.mkv (6.3 Mb)
Using SMPlayer software equalizer at 00:00:14 of your slowmo video with Contrast: 45, Saturation: 48, Gamma: 20

I dunno man...
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A smaller enhanced image might help to some degree. Either way, whether it's a pastie or an actual glimpse of her it's the closest thing we'll probably ever see to any actual nudity from her. Barring any future slips or somehow she decides to show more. I find it hard to believe they would not have a pastie on shooting this scene and released the footage prior to screening the film!
That is no nipple pastries. The pastries supposed to be lighter than her skin with a dark outline indication so that is her areola.
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That is no nipple pastries. The pastries supposed to be lighter than her skin with a dark outline indication so that is her areola.


Not always: "Pasties", not "pastries", come in all shades/tones, meant to match skin color/tone. And I've seen all sorts used in these shoots.
Not always: "Pasties", not "pastries", come in all shades/tones, meant to match skin color/tone. And I've seen all sorts used in these shoots.
Pastries are good to eat. I'll allow it.

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Maybe only pics of pastries should be allowed out of these two from now on? The thread has started being boring and pastries would definitely help remedy that.
Today is the official release date of her latest DVD. Hopefully we won’t have to wait too long to see it online.
Today is the official release date of her latest DVD. Hopefully we won’t have to wait too long to see it online.
Buy it and post it, you'd be a hero! :D