Tomoe's fakes

:xD:Of course Anpanmanfan! I don't forget her tits! That will be for the second fake. Btw working on a photoshop fake of Tomoe is also physically difficult:panas:and need much more than 60 sec' lol
SouthKanzai forgive you, I do not want to disrespect anyone.
But I paracer to me that is a lack of respeto..arruinar the career of an artist like Tomoe.
Ridiculing front of everyone, we are knowing that they are doctored photos.
They are fools members who fall into this game, that I do not cause any feeling of pleasure!
Puff .... They do not learn but those who enter a stupid like this game. I do not understand how you can excite one thing that we know is false
Tomoe is unique! Unlike any other on the network.
If you get angry ... then it gives us the same!


Perdone usted Southkanzai, no quiero faltarle el respeto a nadie.
Pero me parace a mi que es una falta de respeto..arruinar la carrera de una artista como Tomoe.
Ridiculizandola frente a todos, que estamos sabiendo que son fotos trucadas.
Son miembros tontos los que caen en este juego, que a mi no me causa ningun sentimiento de placer!
Pufff.... No aprenden mas los que entran en un juego estupido como este., no entiendo como puede exitar una cosa que sabemos que es falsa
Tomoe es unica! No hay otra igual en la red.
Si usted se enoja...pues, Nos da lo mismo!
It's almost impossible to correctly understand what you're saying, marcela, because your English is quite bad. If I understand you correctly, you're bothered by these fakes? You don't like the fakes?

So leave the thread. Problem solved. Don't visit threads you don't like. Simple solution.
Sorry Marcela...but Tomoe left us since a long time with absolutely NO news, nothing. I think that is also disrespectful isn't it? I was so shocked. I'm still shocked by this lack of news.

I love this girl, she's probably the most beautifull idol I've ever seen.
I bought all her Bluray films, btw gave her a lot of money... I think that it's not disrespectful to play with her "image" since she left. She sold her image, I've bought. I use it for my pleasure and I share with you guys.
I understand that some of you don't like. So don't watch and don't blame me please.
why tomoe pics were deleted?
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I wonder what the admin's take on this is. There is one member voicing his/her dislike of this thread, but apparently there are way more members who enjoy it.
Sorry guys, pics deleted by me. Don't want to have trouble with some Tomoe's fans.
I had several warnings from them here and elsewhere , I do not know what they are capable.
You can join me by PM if you need.
Sorry guys, pics deleted by me. Don't want to have trouble with some Tomoe's fans.
I had several warnings from them here and elsewhere , I do not know what they are capable.
You can join me by PM if you need.

They're capable of precisely fuck all, but I don't blame you. Hysterical fans can be quite unsettling, and nobody needs that stress in their life. Maybe best to keep your work off open forums, but I would say never stop creating. There's countless people who appreciate your art! #nakedtomoefullofcock
Even the Japanese make countless of fake ... some people just have to take their fragile sensitive feeling and shove it up their asses

Once I even encounter a person whose his/her feeling hurt badly by me just because I post better pics than him ... pics that other user request me to post :lol:
Internet full of retards and you can just ignore them

You can try search for アイコラ on the net or twitter (Japanese use twitter a lot)
Or maybe you can share your future work on twitter like most of Japanese share their works
Sorry guys, pics deleted by me. Don't want to have trouble with some Tomoe's fans.
I had several warnings from them here and elsewhere , I do not know what they are capable.
You can join me by PM if you need.

So, you've deleted your Tomoe pics because of her angry fans. Does this mean your other fakes are safe? Gonna send a PM right now because I'm late to the game lol
Sorry guys, pics deleted by me. Don't want to have trouble with some Tomoe's fans.
I had several warnings from them here and elsewhere , I do not know what they are capable.
You can join me by PM if you need.

ignore those people like marcela. his white knighting on an idol that wouldn't even know he exists is pathetic.

continue your work. you are appreciated.
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Hey everyone! I found a Tomoe look-a-like online. she's beautiful! Not the same bodytype though, and her facial expressions aren't as adorable and serene. It's amazing to fantasize with! Search for: DelightfulHug

Trust me... :hypno: