Too Much Info, Girl!

What I am saying is that you are being syllogical. You are saying, "Since A+B is possible, then I should be able to characterize A as A+B." And I'm saying, "No." A is A, B is B. 別々だ。In other words, the girl would have to be a licorice eater, a leafy greens eater, etc. to make your example work. And it doesn't, because she's not.

For fuck's sake, just admit you didn't realize that steatorrhea isn't green. Quit trying to create some mythical "well what if......?" patient who just so happens to have A, B, C, D, and E all wrong with him to ensure your prediction is accurate. Such a man, were he to exist, would be so ridiculously rare that it would be just as ridiculous to try and characterize the rest of humanity by his experiences..
... the girl would have to be ... a leafy greens eater ... she's not.
And now you tell me. You provided Too Little Info!

For fuck's sake, just admit you didn't realize that steatorrhea isn't green.
That would be no fun whatsoever.

... to ensure your prediction is accurate.
I was aiming for effect not high probability. I already told you so. I never claimed it to be a likely color, just a possible color.

This is what I would call sickly yellowy-green:
You know what the worst thing is? You like her so much you check out her facebook profile and come to rant about her stuff here. You say its too much info, well, you sort of gave us too much info in the world do you know her poop color and odor? I think you have just dug your own grave buddy. I have no more to say here, moving on.
I considered posting a nice troll in response to this flamebait (yawning is not only a sign of boredom but also of arousal and an invitation to sex), but I get the impression you don't want to play.
You know what the worst thing is? You like her so much you check out her facebook profile and come to rant about her stuff here. You say its too much info, well, you sort of gave us too much info in the world do you know her poop color and odor? I think you have just dug your own grave buddy. I have no more to say here, moving on.
LOL. XD Sorry, Holmes, but I'm not a scat rat. Also, she and I don't work on many levels. We're great friends because of it, but would never be compatible romantically.

Also, maybe you don't know how Facebook works, but I didn't do anything to find this news out. It came to me. It landed in my lap. It's called a Status Update. When a friend of yours updates their status, it notifies you and tells you what that status is. So she updated her status, and I automatically received it. The end.
I really hope this thread gets to 5 pages!! :rollseyes:
eh, saku you get low reputation. You come in and tell us of this girl but no pics?

foreskin tug but no finish?
Kind of an unnecessary thing to do, posting her status and health issues.
@__@ Don't over think things.

I don't like beans, btw.
:sadomaso: man multy slash the dude,nobody knew this chick had terrible smelly poop until you posted it here and it was too much info i wont sleep well tonight :scared:
And because of comments like this is that people kill themselves :harp: its bad enough knowing that she has a medical problem and you need to exploit more defects to worsen her state of mind...tolerance is key to a healthy society instead of hating why not better understand?
Well I deserve to have read this thread - this is what I get for sticking my head out of our cozy Junior Idol cave to have a look around. It's a skat lovers' dream minus the images, and I ain't no skatterwhit.

Now I'ma just bumpin' the thread so somone else can be tortured. Y'all don't mind me - I'm just feeling my english propensity toward sarcasm. Y'all get on with your discussion now. I'm gonna head on back to my cave. Think I'll go watch a Nao Misaki video to cleanse my mind.

___ :nosepick: ___

(I ain't puttin' my pretty girls signature in this thread - nah-ah, no sirree - that'd just be wrong.)

_____ vv Update vv _____

Ya know, I just had beans and hotdogs for supper last night. I use 'vegetarian' beans and kosher hotdogs. I add a bit of brown sugar, like most folks, but I also like to add onions, yellow mustard and a liberal amount of black pepper. It makes for an interesting experience at both ends.
Well, this pretty much resolves any lingering questions I've had about the future direction of human evolution...