Translate the last writings uehara ai ?

This quest is worth 500 XP and potentionally some loot depending on where the translated text takes the party.
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To Team Ai-chin.
Thank you for a lot of love up to now.
There have been various things that can not fit in this letter for the past 5 years.
Each person's support is different, I got a lot of love.
I want to be confident, I want to be loved, I ran through in full force 5 years. Thanks to everyone, I got a lot of love. I gained confidence. I saw a wonderful view. I shone.
Thank you for giving me a dream time for me who was a ordinary girl.
I will return to an ordinary girl again.
When casual, Please remember me.
I hope that I can remain in everyone's heart.
Ever Thank you.
From Ai Uehara.
To Team Ai-chin.
Thank you for a lot of love up to now.
There have been various things that can not fit in this letter for the past 5 years.
Each person's support is different, I got a lot of love.
I want to be confident, I want to be loved, I ran through in full force 5 years. Thanks to everyone, I got a lot of love. I gained confidence. I saw a wonderful view. I shone.
Thank you for giving me a dream time for me who was a ordinary girl.
I will return to an ordinary girl again.
When casual, Please remember me.
I hope that I can remain in everyone's heart.
Ever Thank you.
From Ai Uehara.

thanks for the translation ..... so this letter for ai chin team

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these few days I read many times ...why there is no word of the fans in this Uehara ai letter that makes me curious :(