Tried to talk to a hot Vietnam Girl and now I have heartpain!


New Member
Nov 27, 2008
So there was this Vientam girl sitting somewhere and i mustered some courage and talked to her...but i was all shy.. Right before talking to her i had a strong surge of butterflies in my chest and then it started hurting and i couldn't walk... and it's been 5 hours and i'm still having chest pain.

man, just from a girl and i'm almost having a heart attack.

Anyoen ever had this? If this is anxiety, then how can you stop it?
I tried calming myself down but i couldn't.


Jun 25, 2009


Nutcase on the loose
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2007
Go home relax, while surfing on here, find a beautiful girl you like, download and masturbate, and hopefully the pain will go away, it maybe because you are curseing yourself, for not being able to talk to her, (for which I know that feeling well), if not maybe a couple of beers, not to many or you may get a hangover, and you still have pain, if that does not work then go to a doctor


Outside Context Problem
Sep 23, 2007
I find fapping a cure-all for any ailment; be it physical, mental or emotional!


Oct 25, 2009
I find fapping a cure-all for any ailment; be it physical, mental or emotional!

It certainly clears the sinuses. And its all-natural.

Right before talking to her i had a strong surge of butterflies in my chest and then it started hurting and i couldn't walk

It definitely sounds like anxiety, but it also sounds like a stun-gun shock. If you have any marks or irritation on your chest, she tased you, bro :dizzy:
Oct 6, 2007
Fag: My stomach really hurts because I wanted to talk to a girl.
Doctor: Get a fucking life and grow some balls.


New Member
Oct 7, 2007
Anyoen ever had this? If this is anxiety, then how can you stop it?
I tried calming myself down but i couldn't.
It sounds like a panic attack. It is an adrenaline surge without either a fight or a flight. It can be over within four minutes if you relax the moment it starts.

To stop this feeling of anxiety you should not fight it. Fighting it will make it spiral out of control. You should relax by reminding yourself it is all in your head. No one has ever died from just a panic attack. It feels gruesomely grisly and then it is over and you are actually just fine, just like the last time.

You can try to increase the intensity of a panic attack mentally. This will cause the attack to lessen. An anxiety attack is a spiral of fear inducing more fear which can stop when you no longer fear fear and invite it.

You could also distract yourself. Listen to someone talk or start counting things around you. Anxiety and panic are fuelled by your own thoughts; distraction can stop the spiral.

You should realise that the way you feel in such a situation does not match the actual situation. It is all happening in your mind; somewhere your thoughts have taken a wrong turn. Feeling horribly anxious is how you should feel when you fall out of an airplane without a parachute or if you find a polar bear charging at you. It is not how you should feel when talking to a woman socially.

The terrible feeling of anxiety can condition you to avoid anxiety inducing situations. You should however not avoid any of these situations as avoidance will only make matters worse for you. The first time in an anxious situation you will feel terrible, the second time in the same situation you will feel terrible, the third time you will feel a little less terrible, the tenth time will be not so terrible and the twentieth time will be okay. Every time you face an irrational fear it will extinguish a little.

An anxiety disorder can ruin a life on the same level as for example a cocaine addiction. You probably had your first panic attack, more can follow. Don't let it run its course if they do. It might never get any worse for you or just go away, but it might also be the beginning of a fully-fledged anxiety disorder.
Oct 6, 2007
Scarlet he's a troll and he's talking out his ass and nobody can have a full fledged anxiety attack from not talking to a girl, just self pity. I have experienced an anxiety attack (I was moving from one province to another and getting moved in my new job from one location to another at the same time) and you don't go on the internet to talk to people or answer calls or anything, you keep to yourself. I phoned my boss, told him I quit and then didn't talk to him until the next day, thankfully he knew something was up.


New Member
Oct 7, 2007
I'm not entirely sure myself he is a troll. As likely as he is, other people on this board or those who land on this thread through a search engine might actually experience something similar to what he is trolling about. Maybe he's just weird though.

I've had countless anxiety attacks myself, but the only three I remember involving a social setting were twice in the back of a crowded bar and smoking marihuana with friends. I do not recall having had a panic attack which started by talking to a female I was interested in. I guess it can happen though.

It took quite a while for me to tell anyone I had panic attacks. None of my family, friends or colleagues noticed anything about me. It is good it worked out for you.

I think social phobias, social anxiety disorder, love shyness and such, can make talking to the people your attracted to rather a challenge. Self pity is irrelevant in these cases, I feel. I know this does not apply to everyone who finds it a bit hard to talk to the opposite (or whatever floats your boat) sex. I do not mean to be antagonistic. I'm genuinely interested in these matters.
Oct 6, 2007
I found your post interesting to be honest, but at the same time I thought it was giving too much consideration to someone who we all know a bit too well for making up out landish situations for our entertainment.


New Member
Sep 5, 2009
I think you are having your first major crush in your life. then your head started racing on things to say, mashed with thinking of your planned future.... kissing, holding hands walking on some lame beach, which fucking positions you will put her in, then wonder if you want your first sex experience with her to be a bj or just plain missionary,
then your heart started to beat too much in anticipation of the approach and with your head doing so many processes, your stomach got crazy and you probably shitted in your pants. that's okay... blame it on the damn shart.
i'm not a doctor, althou i don't play one on television....
i suggest downloading a JAV with an actress that resembled her.... jack off a couple of times...
after a nice warm shower... towel off and have a rest... thinking about nothing.
the next day: put on the video again... freeze frame and talk to it with the lame lines your are thinking of using on the girl if you see her again. then finish the video by jerking off.
Future: when you see this girl that has given you the shits, check your fly, adjust yourself and go with some of the lines. check to make sure you not so stiff you premature in your pants while talking to her.
Let us know how it turns out!


Oct 25, 2009
he's talking out his ass and nobody can have a full fledged anxiety attack from not talking to a girl, just self pity. I have experienced an anxiety attack and you don't go on the internet to talk to people or answer calls or anything, you keep to yourself

Actually, depending on the individual, panic attacks can happen at random, and the persons reaction can vary. I can't remember the band (If I can I'll come back and edit this post), but I remember reading about a drummer who had to quit a fairly well known group because he had uncontrollable panic attacks. They came on randomly and would render him unable to perform.

I've had panic attacks, as well, and my resulting behavior was 'erratic', to say the least.

Scarlet, he's a troll

Now THIS I'm ready to agree with!

I'm not entirely sure myself he is a troll

For a while, I had my suspicions that he was a staff creation! :surprised: Just a character that could be used as the forum pinata. If the board was slow, they trot out "super generic stereotype "I only love Asians" guy" and everyone plays "whack-a-troll". I've given up that theory, since, I'm pretty sure, the staff here would never have taken it this far.


New Member
Oct 7, 2007
I found your post interesting to be honest, but at the same time I thought it was giving too much consideration to someone who we all know a bit too well for making up out landish situations for our entertainment.
You're right. Maybe he's just rather peculiar, but until he properly participates in this thread he started, he's a troll. I will think of him a catalyst clown; he brings a smile with his shenanigans and a topic for others to discuss. If anyone wants to use him as a forum pinata; he will have to be a little more convincing he's not enjoying it. And I guess I'm still giving him too much attention.