a) on the diet issue...
NEVER, and I Quote a specialist in this field from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, NEVER eat carb's for dinner and protein filled meals for breakfast.
Why? It is quite simple relative to your metabolism.
I) Protein is best digested/incorporated to amino-acids when you sleep, hence getting burned out. Also, your meal should not contain more than in avg. 30-35 G. pure protein per meal as your body likely wont consume it in one go. Btw, there are about 40-50 of them, all depending on if its beans, meat, what type of meat and so on. That matters just as much.
II) Carb's in either fast (sugar, dextrosol, fruit sugars, such as bananas and more) or slow form (fibre, corn, bread and grain) is best consumed during the morning and day when you burn it off.
Whilst you sleep and the amino-acids work, your carbs get an extra hit too.
Ponder that the next time you consider fried eggs, bacon and sausage for breakfast.
All rich in proteins and fats.
(No I'm not a dietist, but I was a very good runner for many years, after loosing nearly 30 KG (60lbs) in ten weeks)
b) Secondly, and much more on topic

(my favorite topic btw, sex)
If your "toolkit" hangs to the left, it's known as PTL, if it's to the right, it's PTR
PTL is the most common.
PTC (straight down the centre) does not exist... PTC is a substance found only in oranges, in the white layer between fruit and the peel making the orange smell like an orange. (Now it's food sex suddenly... hmm)
Ok lets not dick around with that anymore...
With nearly (soon to be) 7 billion people, we cant all hang the same way.
As long it's not painful, contorted or causing other side effects it's all normal.
As for getting cramped into a pleasure-spot?
I doubt it lasts for long.
It happened once during the making of a porno-flick in the US, a girl cramped up and lost it. The guy of course couldn't do much, squeezed the living daylight out of him. But as a human you pop out.
It's not like with dogs where the male has a hook on the end getting stuck afterwords to prevent leakage thereby ensuring greater chance of getting off spring.
The only time I have heard about this potentially being a risk, was a guy I know who had a g/f so tight she had to take a muscle relaxant to get it in.
If that drops off in the middle of it, then you as a guy will be a lot worse off than her, believe me. :exhausted:
Pfiuuh, enough for one day... good night all.