Tsutomu Miyazaki, the "Otaku Murderer" is executed


figlio di puttana
Sep 14, 2007
TOKYO, Japan (AP) -- Japan has executed a man convicted of killing and mutilating young girls in the late 1980s.

Public broadcaster NHK reports that 45-year-old Tsutomu Miyazaki was hanged early Tuesday.
In 1997, Tokyo District Court found Miyazaki guilty of killing four girls aged from 4 years to 7 in 1988 and 1989 and sentenced him to death. Tokyo High Court upheld the sentence in 2001, and the Supreme Court followed suit on January 17 this year.
The murders and Miyazaki's arrest dominated headlines in the country and prompted calls for tighter restrictions on the content of violent adult videos

More about Miyazki's life and his crimes:



Tsutomu Miyazaki, seen in August 1989, attends a police investigation of his serial killing of girls in Tokyo.


New Member
Feb 16, 2007
"The murders and Miyazaki's arrest dominated headlines in the country and prompted calls for tighter restrictions on the content of violent adult videos"

clear cut case of one guy fucking it up for all the other closet perverts.


Miu > all
Apr 30, 2007
Well violent porn is now banned in Britain due to some nutcase. But I always wonder what constitutes violent porn? Whether it's simulated or actual extreme bodily harm being comitted. It seems somewhat vague.


Jun 11, 2007
Well violent porn is now banned in Britain due to some nutcase. But I always wonder what constitutes violent porn? Whether it's simulated or actual extreme bodily harm being comitted. It seems somewhat vague.

Well, there's a lot of that all over the world either way already. Like say bondage type stuff in the u.s. A girl can't legally be restrained with ropes (to the point where they couldn't get out of it themselves) in porn movies. Along with stuff like pretending she's unconscious.

But that's really not the case in other countries, heh..

Anyways, Miyazaki did a lot of bad things, but the true impact of it are the many copy cats who wanted to do things like him, or out of respect to him. Which just continues to add to the things he did.


New Member
Sep 10, 2007
Glad this little sick shit fried: no excuse for doing the sick & horrible things he did.


New Member
Jun 29, 2008
I can't believe they want to blame his violence in movies and porn. Most countries that have the highest sexual assault and murder rates already have worthless bans in place.


New Member
Jul 10, 2008
Well, as I'm not a capital punishment kinda guy, I'll start this post by saying that I don't approve of ANYONE being killed by the state in any contry.
However, he should have seen that coming!

In Japan the Death Row waiting times is QUITE long, so if I were him I'd pledge guilty and try to get it over with as fast as possible >_<

Back to the death penality in general, (Don't get me wrong, I REALLY resent what he has done. And I feel really sorry for the families of the children that died by his hand) it shouldn't be practiced in a modern country like Japan! Even if he'd killed ME, I wouldn't have wanted it to cause another death, and especially not by the Japanese state (Taken into consideration Amnesty's report about human rights on death row).

However, as I can't do anything about that, I REALLY hope that this at the very least let the parents of the victims find some rest in their everyday life, even though they will never get to see their children again...


Active Member
May 2, 2008
I have to disagree....
Whoever made the stuff up about Death in public as bad? People just wanna look/be civilized by minimizing punishment. But punishment has always been brutal, even the Bible states brutal punishments (like going to hell/what can be more brutal than that?). People need to open their eyes and start looking at reality, and reality isn't nice to those who aren't.


Is Eating Your Internets
Mar 27, 2008
I've gotten in so many debates on Capital Punishments, and it's always amusing. Personally, i still support Capital Punishment. It's fair game, if the criminal has admitted to the killings, and has shown no remorse. What better way to save tax payer money than to eliminate that entity which consumes money, but gives nothing back in return. Of course Capital Punishment should be done in the utmost care, and that's probably why Japan has a super long time in processing Capital Punishments.