Turning 18

Trust me things only get worse as the years pass lol. Your still young as hell enjoy yourself!. I just turned 23 and still feel like I have a ways to go until I'm "old", don't try to grow up to fast you'll just live in regret for the time you never spent right.
hmm well. its been three months and a half. nothing's really changed much lolol. getting a job was a ton easier though =D didn't have to bother with that work permit crap like i had to when i was 15 lol
Well guys, the time's come for me to change into a full fledged citizen of this country US and A. you guys probably don't know me too well or at all, since i rarely talk in the forum, but yeah, i'll just speak mindlessly for now.

Turning 18 in a week..hmmm i'm pretty young eh? but hey, i could go to jail now. looking deeper in depth, turning 18 really has more downs than ups. Theres nothing i couldnt do when i was 17; hell i could go to strip bars if i wanted to. But now, there's that "jail" thing, and now i people can legally call me a pedophile (im not, i swear damit)

people, list me some reasons why being 18 is better than the ages below it :]

I actually thin recently there was a thread identical to this one but I'll reply here too :dunno:. Coming from the USA too I have to say the only pros to being 18 are buying porn and being able to enter certain strip clubs depending on state. Besides that it'll all negitives but look on the bright side your still young enjoy it, I'm 22 and still feel like I have some... Time left lol! :defeat:.
Well I'm 24, and I have to say there are not many pros to becoming 18, especially in retrospect.

But I can say if you manage to remain single, you are 1 step closer to being in your prime. I would say a man's prime is like 30-39 years old. Financially stable, perceived maturity, you know a lot of "tricks" by then, your sex game will be, or should be, grade A by then (technique). But the thing is, most men get married/in a relationship before they reach their prime.
i was excited to turn 18, but now that im 24 i wish i was 17.

worst if it all is that instead of being a lolicon, i'm usually mislabeled as an pedophile.
I'm scared to say this but I'm 32 and still act like a kid. so it dosn't matter how old you are it depends what you do with your time.
Dearest Ether,
Ether and he asked this question . . . said:
people, list me some reasons why being 18 is better than the ages below it
I am probably one of the oldest Akibacans.

The best reason for turning 18 years old on your birthday is very simple.

If you do not get older,
. . . . . then you are dead!

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, but when it was time to be an adult I put away childish things.

Its called Life. Sad thing about being 18 or even 21 is that sex only gets better after age 30. So you still have a long ways to go before you body fully matures into having the ultimate sex of your life.

They say, "sex only gets better with age". I thought that was bullshit until I turned 40. Now I know its true. Your orgasms are controllable and you can make them as explosive as you want, when you want - totally awsome!

Longest sex to date = 13 hours and 3 orgasms. Yes, I am Male!
I hope it's not 13 consecutive hrs.....:exhausted: or else tat makes u a superman.:hero:

Well I'm still 17, but if a girl tied me up naked in her room and left me there for 13 hrs and came back to whip me occasionally.... thats not sex right?? D:

btw, on the note of lolicon vs pedophilia, I still go for the most adorable freshman asian girls, and I'm labeled a pedophile.. so... :frozen:
I'now 21 get more responsibility
than ever all my online attention.:full:
Have fun buying pornos and dying for your country.
I had fun being 18, i was much more of a adult back then than i am know, some good advice is try to have as much fun as possible because you will never be 18 again. (i don't really think that counts as advice)