

the shy guy
Jan 13, 2007
well hi ..
what do they say on things like this?
a shy one like me probably dont know what
so take care of me??
sth like this i hope
i love rpgs and i like helping others(on every dimension and subject i can)
well nice to meet u all
about my upload is the 1/4 of my speed so except low ratio but i hlp wherever i can :P
Welcome shy dewd.

Don't worry though, you'll have fun here. Trust me. :)

Well, as long as you follow the rules. Haha. Then you'll have fun. If not, you'll have me breathing down your neck. And unless you're a loli, that's not a good thing. :D

Yea you don't want him breathing down your neck. Trust me he hasn't brushed in decades :rofl:
actually i try to turn myself into sm so np about breathing
ty btw