Ultimate Scat Thread v2 [Updated Daily - 20/03/10 -1 Movie Added] Over 50GB+

Can you please re up these movies? All the links seem to be down. Really want the Gusomilk, ODV and aroma movies
File offline.

Any idea?

This is the first time I'm using Jdownloader even I have rapidshare account.:shy:
Hmmm ....links work just fine for me . Thanks ...lots of older titles I haven't seen for a bit ...cheers
I just wanna see women shitting..no eating, no shit touching. How can i differentiate..what do u call such movies. Where can i find those ?
These linksaveshit files don't work with JDownloader (Key Error).
Why don't you post simply the original URL's?
These linksaveshit files don't work with JDownloader (Key Error).
Why don't you post simply the original URL's?

They did work, they were implemented to hide the URLs to prevent content getting reported to RS. Alas, it has not worked, all content has been removed.
They did work, they were implemented to hide the URLs to prevent content getting reported to RS. Alas, it has not worked, all content has been removed.

To hide the referrer post it next time just in plain text (quote). Don't use Rapidshit, use Russian Filehosters like Oron or Sharingmatrix. Rapidshit is a service from the mountain people of Switzerland and Switzerland has a feudalistic-medieval federal state structure, where even "body fluids" (pee, female ejaculation) are illegal. Or with other words: Switzerland is the Afghanistan of Europe. ;-)