Unable to open torrent files!


Dark Prince
Feb 11, 2007
HELP~~!:cry: I just sign up here, and when trying to download the torrents, the torrents files are unable to open. I'm using bitcomet. The popup says:
"Unable to open torrent file. Please try re-downloading the torrent!"

I tried many times still cannot...:why: I thought might be my com problem but after trying at other site like HF and Xuhu, I have no problem in opening or reading the torrent. Therefore I think it could the site problem. Please HELP~~Onegai shimasu!:bow-pray:
Hmm... I suppose some torrents are corrupted due to the recent shutdown...

Nice avatar btw :moe:
Perhaps try a right-click save-as, and save the torrent somewhere. Rename it (it'll still work) and try again. I sometimes need to do that for certain torrents despite having all languages installed.
No. All attachments are corrupted. There is no fix.
just wait till the uploaders upload their attachments/torrents again

in other words: just wait
That sucks..
I guess I will delete all my attachments and dig up my old torrents and reattach them.
It will take a week or so before the forum regains its balance again, so be patient.
Sounds bad.

*whips the reposters*
Get to work, get to work. (reposts should be easily fixed, get it done!)

If anyone wants to help out by re-uploading torrent attachments and deleting the corrupt attachments for members who won't/aren't here, I could grant temporary mod status so you can edit other user's posts and add torrents if you can find them (e.g. on www.deadfrog.us or www.datorrents.com or any chinese site)

This is alot of tedious work and some torrents may not be so easy to locate, but any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you all. :bow-pray: I'll wait then...:sigh: :miserable:
BTW, I like the "THANKS" button.:goodjob: