Unknow Hentai Covers - We can identify here

when the hobby becomes a pain in the a**

1 simple 1 episode title - but 9 different covers only (until now...)...

1 jap. VHS
2 jap. DVD
3 U.S. DVD
2 german DVD
1 dutch DVD

anyone´s got even more of this?

From France, or Spain, or so...

a bootleg perhaps...

some more VHS, a LD?
From France, or Spain, or so...

a bootleg perhaps...

some more VHS, a LD?

Not released in France for sure. Not released in Spain or Italy either, but I can't be 100 % sure. I don't have LD scans.

You still miss the american VHS (double-bill with Dream Hazard). :notagain:
I just find for you this...

thx. Muguez, that´s the inside of the Anime18 DVD cover, their covers always were double side printed.

my post was meant as a joke, of course, but something like this goes for the complete Secret Anima series (I do not mean those crappy Trimax releases were "Secret Anima" was abused for other titles as well), at least because it was in most parts released parallely as St.Lilia series...

at least here is another DVD front which looks different, don´t know whether it´s the CPM or Anime18 label...

...and the VHS front by CPM

edit: added a crappy Trimax VHS fragment
a small taste of Italy (known titles)...

I only picked complete ones by PINK´O, there are more titles though, and at least the covers look far better than the Trimax crap...

Five Card, Keraku-no-oh, Vicious and Flashback Game...
random finds: the 2 missing fronts of Five Card by PINK´O Italy, two Blue Animations and some Banzai from France...

There are some Banzai I do not really know what is is...

La Passion Pourpre?
Annus fabulosus? -> ah, slave market
La Filiere du desire? (I know that Bondage Lady, but from where ? Natural 2 Duo?)

the other ones are very clear to me.
What the hell is Imma Youjo by Banzai? - The Erotic Temptress 淫魔妖女 6 - I thought there are only 5 parts...

That´s our fate, I have a lot, you´ve got a lot more, but nothing near to completion...

please see my request reg 3 titles - last but one post.
The thread is on fire !


What the hell is Imma Youjo by Banzai? - The Erotic Temptress 淫魔妖女 6 - I thought there are only 5 parts...

That´s our fate, I have a lot, you´ve got a lot more, but nothing near to completion...

please see my request reg 3 titles - last but one post.


Imma Yojo 6 is actually "Bride of Darkness". That's a complicated story indeed. Imma Yojo 1-3 were released by "Anime Erotik", a short-lived adult label (and before on VHS by Katsumi Video). Banzai took over with their bootleg releases, starting directly with vol.4 ! For some reason they thought it would be cool to have a sixth volume, see the scans below (sorry nothing for imma yojo 5).

La Passion Pourpre? => Kuro no Dansho/Mystery of the Necronomicon
Annus fabulosus? -> ah, slave market (yep, Dorei Ichiba)
La Filiere du desire? (I know that Bondage Lady, but from where ? Natural 2 Duo?) => Jinshin Yuugi/Love Lessons

I can tell you, Banzai did NOT release any exclusive material (most of it looks like taken straight from R1 DVDs).

Since we're into it, can you or someone else tell me what is the real name of the last title, "Mission Clonage" ?
realisation K.AZUMA ? - ATUMA ? at Mission Clonage.

If I could recognize the director´s name we could go searching in AniDB...

edit: it´s Kanazawa Katuma / Kanazawa Katsuma - let´s walk into it from behind, viewing the video titles combined with this man there are...

Plan Sexus XX / Banzai -> Desert Island Story XX
L´AXE DU MAL / Banzai
Vertige de l´amour / Banzai

may this be helpful? I keep on checking...

title list he was involved: http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=creator&creatorid=1505 - now into details...
I forgot to say that there is a trick. This title was most likely re-released under a different name, like "L'axe du Mal". So I'm just asking in which series you can see screens like in the cover (cloning stuff or weird experiments), it's too new for me.
the guy and the girls of mission clonage definetely are from DESERT ISLAND XX !!! Re-Release Plan Sexus XX !!! NuTech Digital cover of that episode for evidence - see cover back pic left on top, it´s the same scene like that of the mission clonage cover...

the japanese covers don´t show the scene at all...

I like riddles...
next riddle - what is this?
correct, that´s a japanese bootleg cover, original title シスターズ輪舞 mentioned at the cover twice though, and it is uncensored...

here´s a LD cover...
The thread is on fire !



Imma Yojo 6 is actually "Bride of Darkness". That's a complicated story indeed. Imma Yojo 1-3 were released by "Anime Erotik", a short-lived adult label (and before on VHS by Katsumi Video). Banzai took over with their bootleg releases, starting directly with vol.4 ! For some reason they thought it would be cool to have a sixth volume, see the scans below (sorry nothing for imma yojo 5).

La Passion Pourpre? => Kuro no Dansho/Mystery of the Necronomicon
Annus fabulosus? -> ah, slave market (yep, Dorei Ichiba)
La Filiere du desire? (I know that Bondage Lady, but from where ? Natural 2 Duo?) => Jinshin Yuugi/Love Lessons

I can tell you, Banzai did NOT release any exclusive material (most of it looks like taken straight from R1 DVDs).

Since we're into it, can you or someone else tell me what is the real name of the last title, "Mission Clonage" ?

Ohh man Imma Youjo one of my first hentai what i seen :D
And i have the Vol.1-2 on Original VHS Tape :pandalaugh:
unknown / rare covers combined with a riddle, what are these ones?