Unknown Fitch Girls

It boggles my mind when I see members ask questions and then disappear (at least by not signing in); EROTAKU joined Akiba-Online on the Fourth of July, took the time to upload an avatar picture, put up this thread (I thought brand new members were not able to post immediately upon signing up), and then left for the fireworks, never to return again.

Pretty irresponsible, huh? Potential helpers can put in the considerable research time, not even aware that the questioner is no longer interested to check. (I see this happening a lot.)

In case of his return, or if others are interested:

FINH-012: Ayano Tamashizuku ( 珠雫あやの )

FINH-008: Sakurai Ryohana ( 桜井涼花 )

FINH-018: Serina Fukami ( 深美せりな )

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Yo! Thanks for response. Been very busy. This was the last time I'm going to moved house. Nyway, thanks!