Upload Errors


Mar 7, 2007
Is anyone else having problems uploading images? I always get a 'upload failed' message and the whole site, in general, seems slow. I used to be able to upload, but now, it's just so frustrating.
Do you mean when you attach an image, or inserting an image?

I just did both pretty quickly with this pic of my bitches

Perhaps there were a lot of members on the site at the time, so the server was in high demand...

Thanks, but I think the uploads are 'timing out'. The whole site is slow for me. It takes a very long time for any page to load and I've tried at different times of the day. Oh well, guess I can't upload 'add attachments' anymore. :(
Right now, it seems that I cannot upload any files into the forum by using the attachment function anymore. Eveytime I tried to attach, it gives me a message saying "upload failed".:coldsweat:

The forum is getting slow now. And now the attachment upload got problem as well. What happen to the forum?:sigh:
Lol handyman... love that crazy pic >_>;;

"Failed to write file. Check disc quotas and permissions for the path: where/attachments/live/1/9/4"

Already mentioned this to chompy already some 5-7 hours ago. Guess he's still sitting on his arse :P Just be patient until chomps gets it fixed. As an alternative, use megaupload or any other hosting site. Mihd, Badongo to name a few without wait time.
Apparently these errors are to do with the new version of vBulletin.

Chompy is indeed on the case, so please be patient until these creases are ironed out.
what's strange about this, to me, is that some people can attach torrents but I cannot. is it going to be fixed?