Hello everyone, 
today I realized again that the media gallery is used by members simply for uploading images they use in their posts. I mean they don't have any general value and I always thought that media gallery is for images with general value. It seems that these people don't know that they also can upload files to their posts and embed the images into their post - which is IMHO the preferred way of including images which are only related to the thread (like these screenshot of an error message here: https://www.akiba-online.com/media/ws000003.12769/).
Since the media gallery was introduced there have been uploads to various themes, like Idols, genres, jokes & so on. But also has become a dumping ground for all kind of sh... - unnecessary material. On top of that you always get a "unread" notification also there is nothing (of interest).
Is it possible to write a big, blinking, bold message at the upload dialog in the media gallery that it only should be used for general images (images of general interest)? Or I'm the only one who is annoyed by that?

today I realized again that the media gallery is used by members simply for uploading images they use in their posts. I mean they don't have any general value and I always thought that media gallery is for images with general value. It seems that these people don't know that they also can upload files to their posts and embed the images into their post - which is IMHO the preferred way of including images which are only related to the thread (like these screenshot of an error message here: https://www.akiba-online.com/media/ws000003.12769/).
Since the media gallery was introduced there have been uploads to various themes, like Idols, genres, jokes & so on. But also has become a dumping ground for all kind of sh... - unnecessary material. On top of that you always get a "unread" notification also there is nothing (of interest).
Is it possible to write a big, blinking, bold message at the upload dialog in the media gallery that it only should be used for general images (images of general interest)? Or I'm the only one who is annoyed by that?