[Usenet] Chinese & Thai Girls Getting Naked

Natural Beauty 11

Here's another video in the excellent Natural Beauty series, #11, or [蓬萊仙山]天生麗質_11.
Every year at this time I put on my Halloween costume, & upload to Usenet as Bob Frapples.
The preview indexes for this video reflect that fact, as you'll see:



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The easiest way to download these videos is to subscribe for a free trial at http://www.iload-usenet.com/.It gives you 5GB worth of trial downloads from the usenet.
After you subscribe for the trial, download their excelent iload nzb downloader and install it. Login with the trial username and password provided in the e-mail from them.
Download the .nzb files from this thread and use the iload downloader to download the videos.You have 5GB worth of free trial downloads.

After you download the videos, use something like HJSLIT (google it) to combine the .001,.002,.003...etc files together and you get your final video.


Very Easy.
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The easiest way to download these videos...

Seems much harder than simply doing what garbro77 explained in the usenet made easy thread.
Or you could use xsusenet instead and have 25GB/month instead of only 5 that won't repeat.

Also using a proper usenet software would eliminate the need for hjsplit(it help to spell the name right when you're recommending people to google it).

Not that I want to totally discredit your way since it would actually work, but there are better ways in my opinion.
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It's not a good idea to rely on HJSplit to join split files from Usenet. The reason for this is one of the differences
between Usenet & the file lockers. A Usenet post can be missing some data, as is the video posted above.
Part 31 turned out to be incomplete after I uploaded it, which can happen no matter which service you use.

HJSplit will join those files, but it probably won't be a playable video due to msising data.
That's where the par files come in; they're for repairing files to restore the video completely.

You need to check the par2 file with a par software like MultiPar or QuickPar. If there are enough data blocks
(in the attached par files) to make the repair, the program will do it as soon as you okay it.
Both MultiPar & QuickPar are freeware.

I did forget to mention this about the video just above: make sure to download the par2 file & 1 or 2
more par files. You'll need them to repair this video.
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Secret Garden 06

Okay, now that we all have our methods for getting these videos, here's one to practice on.
It's Secret Garden 06, aka 秘密花園 06. I don't have enough of this series; always looking for more.
You'll see why:

Title Correction, 30 August, 2014:
This video was originally misnamed as Pink Corps 06 when I got it. After some detective
work by czar628 & myself, we found out that this video is actually Volume 06 of the 秘密花園, or Secret Garden series.



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Natural Beauty 10

Whether or not you celebrate Thanksgiving Day, here's something for which we can all be thankful:
Natural Beauty 10, or 天生麗質 10. I had an MPG version & a RMVB version of this video, & both
were severely glitchy for the 1st 13 minutes. Fortunately, I found a DAT version in great shape.
Grab some of the par files, there's a little data missing from 2 of the parts, & a small repair is needed.



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Spice Girls 04

Here's #4 in the Spice Girls series, or 蓬莱仙山 辣妹過招 CD04.
A4U models Kathy Liu, Lin Si Yee, & Cherry Chen are in it, the last 2 starring with a third babe in a hot segment.
Again, this one is missing a little bit of data after the upload, but should be no problem to repair.

My thanks to those who still give feedback :ok:

*Please note: there was a problem with my Usenet service, making this upload incomplete,
with repair impossible.
I uploaded it to Ryushare. You can find the links here.
Disregard the nzb attached below.


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2 Videos To Be Reposted

Something I've never seen before has happened to the last 2 videos I posted.
Even though they look ok in my Usenet service, Easynews, there are many damaged parts in each,
with not enough pars to repair them. I got a heads-up from someone whose word I trust.
A trial download of one video showed me that the parts were being misreported as complete.

I'll be reposting Natural Beauty 10 & Spice Girls 04 soon. When they're done,
I'll post the new nzb's in this thread, so it's probably best if you wait for the reposts.
Sorry about that; I'll do a test download after each upload just to be sure, before posting here.

I just checked the Easynews support forum: they have a trouble ticket opened for this very problem. They claim they fixed their server,
& say it should be "catching up" with a backlog of posts which didn't complete due to a problem with that server.

I'll check back & do another test download later tonight, & post here if the original videos have completed.
I don't want to do any reposting if they're still having a problem, especially not if the originals will end up ok.

Stay tuned...
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Reposting After All

A test download earlier this evening showed no improvement to the previous postings,
so I've started the 1st of 2 reposts, Natural Beauty 10. Tonight I was able to download a complete TV show
episode, posted only an hour before I downloaded it, so I'm assuming that newer posts should be ok.

After the upload is done, I'll do a test download (remember, the original uploads appeared to be ok).
If the repost is successful, I'll post here with the new nzb file.
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Arrrrrrgh, Dammit!

I reposted both videos. The 1st one, Natural Beauty 10, uploaded ok, & only needed a small repair.
The other video, Spice Girls 04, failed to complete again, the 2nd upload having more errors than
the 1st one did.

Ok, 50% success rate, but there's one more problem: I can't get an nzb file for the good repost!
What you'll need to do currently to get N/B 10 is to browse to the newsgroup:
Look for posts with the header:
"Repost: Naked Ladies, Part 172: Natural Beauty 10", with my Usenet ID, Archie Pelago. You'll be able
to download the repost, repair it with the par's, & enjoy it at last.
The missing nzb may be due to Easynews's current problem; I never saw that happen before either.

According to Easynews, where I post, the "backlog" of newer posts should be feeding thru,
although it seems to be taking more time than they thought... if that's really the problem.

I'm trying the nzb for the original upload of Spice Girls 04 right now, just to see if it will work.
If not, I'm done for now, & will check its original nzb over the next few days.
I hope they'll fix this issue soon! If I can get an nzb for the good repost later, I'll post it here.

*Edit to add: the download for Spice Girls 04 was still too corrupted to be repaired successfully.
Stay tuned...
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Spice Girls 04... Yet Again

Ok, this time for sure. I uploaded the Spice Girls video to Ryushare. You can find that thread
in the Downloads forum here.

I thought that since I was using all that bandwidth to upload/download the same video to/from Usenet,
I might as well upload 1 more time, but to a file locker, which I know will work. I'll continue to do Usenet uploads,
and update this thread, but not until I can be fairly sure that Easynews has fixed their damn problem.

Ahh, now my frustration is relieved at last... go get the video & relieve yours!
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Zodiac 01

Here's the beginning episode of the Zodiac series, aka 台灣-蓬萊仙山 十二生肖 寫真 01
Easynews is still having trouble with incomplete parts, but I created extra par files for this one,
did a test download, & was able to repair the video successfully. So, on with the show:

File Type: MPG
File Size: 442.0 MB
Resolution: 352x240
Duration: 00:43:29



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Natural Beauty 09

Let's start off the New Year right, with another video! Here's Natural Beauty 09, or

File Type: MPG
File Size: 407.2 MB
Resolution: 352x240
Duration: 00:39:22



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Body Art - The Beating Notes Of Water Hibiscus

A change of pace here, a video I found in my travels that I thought good enough to upload.
It's one of the Body Art series, called The Beating Notes Of Water Hibiscus, which makes more sense
than the earlier translation I got, from which came the file name (too late now to change it):
Note of the Water Beating Hibiscus. Its original title is 人体艺术-跳动的音符之 水中芙蓉

Easynews finally admitted they're overloaded, & are starting new server farms, 1 in the US & 1 in Europe,
to help handle the load. I suspect that the closing of so many file lockers & the ease of using nzb's has contributed
heavily to that overloading, as more people flock to Usenet for their downloads.
Extra pars added to handle incompletes, test download resulted in successful repair, so on with the show:



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Natural Beauty 12

This time, here's Natural Beauty 12, aka
Still plenty of dropped data, extra pars, test-downloaded, successful repair, yah deh yah deh yada.



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