Using Japanese.


Sustaining L.I.F.E.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 22, 2006
Hello all. I've tried a few times in different posts to use Japanese. I can't get it to work and fear that there is nothing I can do on my end to correct the problem. To answer a few simple basic into questions I'll state:
Yes, I have Japanese fonts installed on my system and can access and type with them.
Yes, I know enough Japanese to type in it.
Yes, I'm able to use the fonts and system to create Japanese type on other sites and forums.
One thing that might help to know is that I'm on a Mac. Although I don't think there are many others here.
Any help and or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks (?????????????)Japanese
What browser are you using? If you're using Safari, try going into View > Text Encoding > Unicode (UTF-8).

Worked for me: 日本語

Yeah, no problems here..
I think it's a local issue.
Senshi, Changing the Text Encoding I was able to read your 日本語 however mine was still just question marks. I'm sure it's some combination of browser & or input method. Are you on a Mac also running Safari? Do you use standard Mac Kotoeri for input?
OK, this is interesting. I don't see how changing my view would change my input but that seems like what has happened. I changed my encoding to UTF-8 which allowed me to read Senshi's text and when I quick replied the text was readable, but I guess that sukebe & Denamic can't read it.
Just to continue with my testing I changed the encoding to a more popular Japanese encoding ShiftJIS. This kept all Japanese readable except Senshi's.
So I wonder if I input now then it'll be readable for both sukebe & Denamic? What encoding are you guys using? let us know if you can or can't read the following.
いろはにほへとちりぬるを わかよたれそつねならむ うゐのおくやまけふこえて あさきゆめみしゑひもせす
^yeah I can read it fine now. I'm using UTF-8 enconding on firefox, default languaje to japanese, and MS PGothic as default font.
Yeah, I'm using the standard Kotoeri input in Safari, but there's something with Safari that doesn't save the encoding, and it really annoys me. I'm in ShiftJIS now, テストです。
Well if you've got your default encoding set to it it should save. we can read your テスト。
Regardless of what encoding type I select, I still only ever see question marks...

I'm using Firefox 2.
With firefox, you should select "autodetect" -> "japanese"

make sure also that you have support for east asian languages. You may need your windows disk.

Regional and Language settings [control panel]

make sure the bottom check-box is selected, then click ok.
With firefox, you should select "autodetect" -> "japanese"

make sure also that you have support for east asian languages. You may need your windows disk.

Regional and Language settings [control panel]

Done and done. Windows copied a bunch of files from the CD, but still nothing new in the browsers(s). Question marks or little squares wherever a Japanese character should be...

What little hair I have left is getting pulled out trying to get this to work...
snakeboy, are you able to see any correctly displayed Japanese characters? Or is everything a question mark for you? Also is it only akiba or on other Japanese sites?