Yep nori1208 speak english littleJust sometimes hard to share files with him...He have many rare files...If i remember correctly he send me Juliet long time ago
He sent me a LDrip of Gotaman R (I'm still trying to catch the first episode in a similar version). The first times I requested something from him, he was complaining that I was making silent requests. Later, after I got the Gotaman file, I guess I ended up in his ignore list too...
He has also the three Pendant episodes, in a unknown version (german dub, japanese dub ?).
(15禁アニメ) ペンダントⅠ ~秘密のペンダント~ (DVD 640x480 DivX5.02) [CRC32_F8A3F093].avi,385085826,,,,nori1208,ADSL,kujira
(15禁アニメ) ペンダントⅡ ~想い出作り~ (DVD 640x480 DivX5.02) [CRC32_9D5D72CF].avi,229520892,,,,nori1208,ADSL,kujira
(15禁アニメ) ペンダントⅢ ~私だけのサンタクロース~ (DVD 640x480 DivX5.02) [CRC32_9FF11EF6].avi,233493216,,,,nori1208,ADSL,kujira