Viewing DVDs from .iso files without burning them


New Member
Apr 5, 2007
FYI, Windows users can view DVDs in Windows Media Player (assuming you have the codec installed) without having to actually burn a DVD first.

Get ahold of WinRAR (WinZIP may also work, but I haven't tried it) and use it to extract the .iso file. It will create two directories named AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS. Go into the VIDEO_TS directory, right-click on the file named VIDEO_TS.IFO and open it in Windows Media Player. You can then watch the movie with sound and all.

If you want to convert the DVD to an .avi file you need a video conversion program. I use ConvertMovie 4.4 which came bundled in with a shareware video editing program that I bought.
You can also do that with Alcohol 120% or magiciso :)
I would recommend Daemon Tools much more than anything else for mounting CD and DVD images to a virtual drive.
That way, you can use the .iso, or whatever the format is, without altering anything.
Been using it for years, and it has never failed me.
Plus, it's free and very reliable.
I used that once or twice but cant remember it. I think I'll install it and try it out aagin :) Thanks Denamic
I also vouch for Daemon tools for reasons that Denamic stated. It's what I've always used though I do have poweriso and magiciso installed as well, probably to open some non-standard format.