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ゴールデンボンバー - 女々しくて (Golden Bomber - Memeshikute)


i (or another member) may have posted this already but there was a feature on them recently (on 'kinsuma' last week) and i learned a few things about them that i didnt know which renewed(?) my interest in this song.

what i did already know was firstly, that this song came into the mainstream not from golden bomber but as a remixed version for an energy drink commercial, 'megashaki' (メガシャキ) below:
Ver. 1


Ver. 2


secondly, they are known as an 'air band' (taken probably from 'air guitar') and meaning that none of them play any instruments.

a couple of interesting points that i didnt know were:

the lead singer Shou KIRYUIN was originally a comedian (i think he graduated from the 2004 class of NSC, the school run by Yoshimoto office and one of the biggest talent offices in japan) and was also in a comedy duo with Kazuma IKEDA (now in the duo 'Shizuru' with Jun MURAKAMI) but he decided one day to quit and pursue (or 'run away to' as he put it) his other passion, music.
with no band members he went to see his friend from high school Yutaka KYAN and, as he had a guitar, asked him if he would start a band with him.
they picked up Jun UTAHIROBA and Kenji DARUBISSHU (the white faced guy) in 2007 and 2009 respectively and released this track 'Memeshikute' in oct 2009.

'Memeshikute' was actually written by KIRYUIN when they were just starting out but was canned because the band said 'it (was) too gay'. the title means effeminate or unmanly and KIRYUIN says he was writing about his feelings regarding leaving (running away from) comedy to pursue music.

KYAN originally played guitar at their concerts but was slowly cut out as he wasnt that good. now, none of them play any instruments (in the PV the drummer is hitting the drums with white foam sticks as is usual) and all the music is produced digitally by KIRYUIN, who also writes all the songs and lyrics. they are well known for their humorous antics on stage and want the audience to be involved in something more than just a music concert but something that can be enjoyed by all different people on all different levels.

their name was also decided by KIRYUIN and comes from the name of a can of coffee that was sitting infront of him when they were kicking around names. he thought it was the stupidest name for a coffee and knew that they had to use it.

Memeshikute is also known for its dance moves. although it is a full dance video clip, the main sequence of moves is taken almost straight from Morning Musume's 'Love Revolution 21'.
[youtube]J-74wPcPJ4Q[/youtube] :nosebleed: She's my lolita...
When you're smiling - Kei Murimura :gayprance:


I just wanna spend my life with you - Cerejo :please:
That blue ball is my face....:nosebleed:

Thugs & Harmony folks...

Got to get the bread and milk


They had no more bread and milk


Now...The remix!! :grassdance:


A little bit of Techno makes the world a better place

Interesting Ane-san.

Music porn.:nosebleed:
Therion really is music porn <3 (to remember Summernight city and similar is...orgasmic <3)

Something heavy:

Something to shatter your speakers:

Something to relax with:
This album changed my life.