the sound of nothing i cant hear anything on my right ear and my headphones only work on the right side <.< being temporary deaf sucks
Dude...switch your headphones around.the sound of nothing i cant hear anything on my right ear and my headphones only work on the right side <.< being temporary deaf sucks
Dude...switch your headphones around.
I got tinnitus in my left ear. Had it for 6 years now. Kinda like a little Cicada friend riding on my left shoulder. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing. That's what I'm listening to! :donotwant:
it's kind of masochistic to listen to them and to think about what they become....
I'm listening to the worst acting EVER in the GI Joe movie