what are you watching? (tv shows)

As much as I it does not whatsoever bother me to interrupt Javvees' non-sensical spamming in this section, which he seems to consider his own, (please mods, just give him a section all his own already), I thought I would give my thoughts on the new Fall Schedule the Networks are presenting this fall:

Looks like a bunch of crap. I mean seriously, not one original idea in the bunch. A few "new" detective and lawyer shows and the reimagining of some old previously cancelled tv shows. That is about it. A bunch of crap. Sole Survivor, the premise of which could easily be seen as being gleamed from The Last Ship or even older, Battlestar Galactica is supposed to be the hopeful new success. It stars Kiefer Sutherland as a lower echelon politician promoted into the Presidency after more qualified successors and the President die in catastrophe. Oh joy. Another reason not to watch ABC.

Timeless almost sounds interesting, if I am bored enough I might try it but it has been done before, at least in concept. "Premise: A trio is tasked with traveling through time to catch a criminal who stole a time machine that could catastrophically alter history." Not only was something like this done on Syfy (The Canadian show "Continuum") but it will probably join other time travel shows like "Quantum Leap" (which I actually liked) and Sliders (which I actually loved the first few seasons of) in the cancellation bin. Of course it couldn't have been inspired by the success of "Outlander" (which never interested me at all but has a following) or the ever popular and seemingly eternal Dr. Who (which I used to watch but gave up awhile back as the politically correct foundation of some of the storylines were starting to make me physically ill but overall probably still a decent show).

So I will likely watch a few old favorites that remarkably have not been cancelled and go back to watching anime, if I can find the time. If anyone sees something new on the telly they actually like, please leave a post in this thread for me (and maybe others) so we can give some thought to checking it out to see if we like it too.
I'll write a few lines about Dark Matter, because I love that show! Sure, don't expect it to change your life, but as far as entertainment goes, it is currently pretty high up on my list. The second season ended not so long ago (September 17th) and I must say, I liked the whole thing. The writers pulled some unexpected twists, upped the humour, and even some things that first could have been thought of as "well, it's just there because of the episodic nature of the series" came back later in a meaningful way, although I do agree with some people saying that the story was a bit all over the place, but I didn't mind at all. What I like the most are (some of) the core characters, so naturally, I care about what happens to them, even if their stories aren't always tied into the overarching narrative. I especially liked the episode that focused on Three and Five (Episode 11). I'll not go into detail, of course, so go check it out along with the whole series if you haven't yet!


(The sad thing is that the show has lost quite a lot of viewers, but luckily it still got renewed - this time, at least, because I'm not sure if there'll be a fourth season if the ratings won't improve, and I don't think they will, so the third will probably be the last season unfortunately.)
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I'll write a few lines about Dark Matter, because I love that show! Sure, don't expect it to change your life, but as far as entertainment goes, it is currently pretty high up on my list. The second season ended not so long ago (September 17th) and I must say, I liked the whole thing. The writers pulled some unexpected twists, upped the humour, and even some things that first could have been thought of as "well, it's just there because of the episodic nature of the series" came back later in a meaningful way, although I do agree with some people saying that the story was a bit all over the place, but I didn't mind at all. What I like the most are (some of) the core characters, so naturally, I care about what happens to them, even if their stories aren't always tied into the overarching narrative. I especially liked the episode that focused on Three and Five (Episode 11). I'll not go into detail, of course, so go check it out along with the whole series if you haven't yet!


(The sad thing is that the show has lost quite a lot of viewers, but luckily it still got renewed - this time, at least, because I'm not sure if there'll be a fourth season if the ratings won't improve, and I don't think they will, so the third will probably be the last season unfortunately.)

Yep. One of my favorite shows as well. I guess I am out of touch with what young people want nowadays as I have no idea why it isn't either more popular or Scyfy hasn't tried it on a night where it might get more views. I suppose they feel it won't stand against the crappy network programming Mon-Thurs. Friday night is not a very good indication how it rates among younger viewers though as many of them are out on Friday night. Friday is the night most networks send a program to die, not seek to gather viewers, (commonly referred to as "Friday night death slot"). The competition is mainly 20/20 and Blue Bloods (which is supposed to be good and I like Selleck a lot but I am sick of cop shows). Those two seem to dominate ratings but neither are really geared towards younger viewers.
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Wow. Another display of intelligent discourse. Better luck next time, thanks for playing.

Gotham is back. About gave up on that show but the season opener was more interesting than last seasons finale inferred so I will give the show the benefit of the doubt. Still the same great costumes and sets too.

Stranger Things was suggested to me elsewhere. The first season is now available on Netflix and all the reviews I have seen so far are that this is a way above average show. I haven't had time to watch it yet but check it out for yourselves if you are able. IMDB has its' viewer rating at 9.1 after over 175 thousand gradings. I doubt it will stay that high but that is stll pretty impressive, especially if you add Rottentomatoes has a 95% rating.
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You don't watch Bull on ABC? Kinda sorta a redo of the old jury consultant film from back in the day..
Michael Weatherly dropped from NCIS, and shows up here.. Go figure..
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You don't watch Bull on ABC? Kinda sorta a redo of the old jury consultant film from back in the day..
Michael Weatherly dropped from NCIS, and shows up here.. Go figure..

My bad. I had no idea what you were talking about before...you weren't very specific. No, I watch nothing on ABC at the moment. I am kinda sick of lawyer based tv series. I watch "Suits" and that is all I can handle of that genre. Granted though, this is an interesting take so for others who might be interested:

The Frankenstein Chronicles S01 was decent, but they need to improve the writing for the next season. There were too many flat moments in this one. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4206804/
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"The Frankenstein Chronicles" sounds interesting,might check that out. Not much of a glowing recomendation though.

I finished watching season five of Longmire from Netflix. It was pretty good, not my favorite season of Longmire but mostly entertaining. I got the hots for Katee Sackoff but I have since she was on Battlestar Galactica. She is still hot. I hope they renew it for a final sixth season.

Stranger Things was excellent. Kind of reminded me of Goosebumps except on steroids. Good cast too and it has already been renewed for a 2nd and longer season.
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Katee Sackoff? Seriously? It is so hard for me to believe that anyone would find that woman attractive... Also, how similar is Longmire to Justified? I usually don't watch that genre but for some reason I made an exception and loved Justified, heard Longmire was something along the same lines but I'm not sure about it.

And yeah, everyone's praising Stranger Things which makes me think that it's yet another one of those overhyped rubbish shows like Game of Thrones.
Okay. Tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but now you are just being a fucking troll. Not that nice talking to you, adding you to my ignore list now, probably should have done it earlier. What a fucking asswipe of a repy though. Don't bother replying to any of my future posts as I won't see them.

I hope you find a better use for your life than trying to put others down. Life is too short for that. Be happy. Try to make others happy. Serve rather than seek to be served. Compliment rather than insult. Don't waste that obvious intelligence and passion by embracing the despair that life has apparently wrapped you in. All hard feelings aside for the moment, I truly wish you well in your future endeavors and my best wishes to you and yours.
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Okay. Tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but now you are just being a fucking troll. Not that nice talking to you, adding you to my ignore list now, probably should have done it earlier. What a fucking asswipe of a repy though. Don't bother replying to any of my future posts as I won't see them.

I hope you find a better use for your life than trying to put others down. Life is too short for that. Be happy. Try to make others happy. Serve rather than seek to be served. Compliment rather than insult. Don't waste that obvious intelligence and passion by embracing the despair that life has apparently wrapped you in. All hard feelings aside for the moment, I truly wish you well in your future endeavors and my best wishes to you and yours.

Wow. All right, I'll reply anyway - after all, I'm sure there are some other people reading. Again, I don't see how I'm a troll and to be totally honest, it comes as a surprise that you're so sensitive that you somehow can't handle the fact that some random guy on the internet finds a woman that you find attractive ugly.

But to be on topic, Agents of SHIELD has started to air again, second episode came out on Wednesday (my time) and so far I'm not convinced that this new setup is any good and I'm not really a fan of Ghost Rider so far, but at least the story seems to progress at a nice pace. I just wish they used John Hannah a whole lot more! It's a straight up crime to have him but not give him any screen time like last episode!
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Sorry about that last post folks, it was an accumulation of negative contentious replies that led up to it. I just come here to share with people of similar interests, not to feed the trolls. I have better things to do than argue for the sake of arguing.

Timeless looked really good, worth suggesting to others. I decided to check out the old movie reboots that I was curious about; The Exorcist and Westworld....suprisingly liked them both and for different reasons. The Exorcist is hollywoods atempt to make a somewhat secular tv show apparently.....can't wait to see how bad they screw that up. Pretty good horror material though, read the book and saw the movie. Despite some inaccuracies it was a very good first show. Westworld is an HBblow production and a good one, based on the first show, a fine performance by most all involved and Anthony Hopkins easily earns his paycheck here. Really not sure how much they intend to get out of this as a series but as a mini-series they could really have some fun. I think I will go along for the ride.
Scream Queens Season 2 starts here this week but we probably won't get the next season of Gotham until 2017.
BUT, series XI of Red Dwarf is in its third week. Hooray!
Delores claims to never hurt a living thing, then kills a fly. She may be the new unstoppable monster hiding under the stairs.
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Delores claims to never hurt a living thing, then kills a fly. She may be the new unstoppable monster hiding under the stairs.

I don't know. Westworld seems to be picking up decent steam and it is only the second episode.

The Exorcist is trying my patience however. After watching three episodes I don't know if I can stomach a fourth. Bad writing getting worse and inadequate source material also makes the writers look ignorant about their subject matter. Too bad. The show had potential.
I don't know. Westworld seems to be picking up decent steam and it is only the second episode.

The Exorcist is trying my patience however. After watching three episodes I don't know if I can stomach a fourth. Bad writing getting worse and inadequate source material also makes the writers look ignorant about their subject matter. Too bad. The show had potential.
I don't think that you can better the original 1974 film by William Peter Blatty
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I don't think that you can better the original 1974 film by William Peter Blatty

Totally agree. There was never a better pairing of such an odd couple in the fantastic Yul Brynner and Richard Benjamin either. However you can expand on the concept of Westworld, which is what HBO is doing. The next best thing to being creative (at least in Hollywood) is stealing/borrowing an idea from an already previously successful franchise. They have already made many subtle changes to Michael Crichtons' novel (who also penned Jurrasic Park by-the-way). Give it a go, if you liked the original movie this may hold your interest. A lot of gratiutous nudity and violence too.
I have recently watched "31". It's the usual American rubbish slasher film (I wouldn't call it horror). Some of the antagonists were cool, but the main cast was unlikable so I totally didn't care whether they would make it or not.

Also, "The Bodyguard". It's the usual Chinese rubbish kung fu film with a small twist on it (the protagonist is a grandpa). The fighting scenes were absolutely ordinary, but it had some touching moments.

Wouldn't recommend either to anyone though.