What Car Do You Drive?

I drive a P.O.S 99 Pontiac Grand Am V6 to and from work. I drive a 06 Honda Accord V6 around town... I plan on getting rid of that Pontiac soon.
Two.. Pathfinder and Buick Century..

Well, a Harley too, and a Funco buggy.. (For the sand dunes)
I have an old Jeep Wrangler. It's getting to the point where I really need to sell it, but I can't afford anything new yet. lol
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For the last three years, a 2007 Mazda 3 1.6L... far better than my first car, a 1990 Ford Tempo!

Hoping to upgrade to a 2011 Honda CRV later in the year... need more space and security for my four month old son, but too large an SUV just wouldn't be practical here in Taiwan.
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1994 Buick Roadmaster..........
Purrs like a kitten......
And roars like a lion............

One of the best cars I have ever driven.
I've had it for 10 years and she is a beauty.