What did you do with your life?


Mar 18, 2007
I'm going to college but I don't know what to do with my life. I know most of us want to spend our life watching porn (I know I do..) but what did you guys do with yours life besides watching porn?
life kinda repetitive...... watch porn, get a girl, get laid, get a job, get rich >>> from here many option but usually its going to step 1-2-3 until you're married and its going another repetitive chain after getting married :XD:
The world is ever changing. so does the advanced technology.. including the medical technology... I am sure many of us men want to have sex with different girls as much as we can in our youth.. Different girls of different breasts size, different looks, in terms of sexiness... but unfortunately it is difficult to fuck without condoms.. it is risky to have HIV
i dont have to do anything... my family is rich..... i can spend 10,000 dollars every month for the rest of my life...LOL:XD:
I spent a great part of it working and sleeping actually and in between, chasing pussy. I would guess that would be the case for most men here, except those relaxing and enjoing the college life!! :full: Right Wilson?
I'm going to college but I don't know what to do with my life. I know most of us want to spend our life watching porn (I know I do..) but what did you guys do with yours life besides watching porn?

Trying to become a medical doctor. As you might imagine it's tough to balance the study load with all the wonderful hentai the world has to offer.

My advice is to not get too swept up in it (there really is such a thing as "too much of a good thing", believe me!!) and to try to find out what you really love to do in life. People say that you can't do such-and-such job because the pay is crap but if you think about it that doesn't make a lot of sense. When I stand in line at the post office, I think to myself "That guy probably doesn't get paid very much but it's obviously enough for him to justify continuing to work here rather than copping out with Welfare. It's gotta be enough for a roof over his head, food in his tummy, and a car to get to and from work."

I always ask myself these sorts of questions. "I wonder how they got this job?" "I wonder how many years they've been working this job?" "Can they support a family on this?" On and on it goes. Grocery clerks. Bank secretaries. Bookstore employees. Video game store employees. On and on it goes. I ask myself "Are these jobs just part-time play money? or are they the actual financial backing of this person's continued existence?" Maybe I'm just too optimistic, but I'm pretty certain that despite the doom and gloom about the world's economy these jobs have to pay enough to allow a single individual to feed, clothe, house, and transport himself. (Even if that transportation is public, just so long as work's on the route!)

So just find out what it is you want to do with your life and NO FUCKING BULLSHIT whole-heartedly apply yourself at it. (As a pretend but common college example,) don't fuck around and say "I wanna make video games! :3" if you can't code, can't write stories, can't market, etc. nor are you interested in gaining any of those skills. On the flipside, let's say you say "well I like foreign languages and I speak Chinese and am studying Russian but what the hell can I do with that except be a tourist? >_>" don't sell yourself short and look into jobs with the UN, CIA, or other government agencies in need of translators as well as corporations who need translators to negotiate business deals. Or let's say you say "I really love to hunt." Then heck, maybe you could become a professional hunter. No shit. People do it, so why not you?

Find what you really want to do, are willing to get better at, and balance your fapping time with your professional-development time.

Very easy to give you this advice because I know what it's like not to live up to it and feel like shit over it. Don't want you to suffer the same.
I am buying some rental property now that I'm young, hoping to live off the rent in a few years. I'll be a better otaku then, I'll be working less! If it doesn't work, I could always sell it and blow the cash on the mandatory trip to japan.
I am buying some rental property now that I'm young, hoping to live off the rent in a few years. I'll be a better otaku then, I'll be working less! If it doesn't work, I could always sell it and blow the cash on the mandatory trip to japan.

sounds like a extreme otaku