What games are you playing?

I finished Final Fantasy Tactics (on PSP) two days ago, now i'm playing Luminous Arc on my DS.
I'm playing:

Jade Empire
Burnout Revenge
Final Fantasy XII
and Dance Dance Revolution Supernova 2 :goodboy:

I want: Devil May Cry 4
Call of Duty 2
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
Ace Combat 5
[just the ones that are at the top of my list at the moment...]
On my Wii, I'm playing Super Mario Galaxy (and have Super Brawl Bros reserved to pick up next week)
On my PS3, I'm playing Rainbow 6:Vegas
For the Nth time, Operation Flashpoint. And I can't imagine ever stopping. ALL, GET IN TRUCK!
strategy games

i prefer strategy games myself,such as hidden n dangerous,soldiers,mohaa,company of heroes,plus a very old strategy game eastern front....stixitin
Prefer turnbased strategy games also some RPG such as STALKER or Neverwinter Nights or some from Dungeon&Dragons series.
Last strategy games - heroes6 and FantasyGeneral.