What games are you playing?

Halo Reach and Super Street Fighter IV, not very good at either!
I am presently playing Princess Waltz, courtesy of Mhitandyr who posted it in the Hentai Game torrents section here.

I am enjoying the story so far, I suck at the "battle mode" part though. Not much eroge in this I hear but I was bored and love translated games.
Been playing Fallout 3 with the Children of the Wasteland mod, was completely blown away by it, fantastic WRPG.

Only managed to stall for 115 hours before completely running out of stuff to do, such a short game. :notagain: But that was just the vanilla game, ordered the GOTY edition so now I have the second run to look forward to. :grassdance:
I am playing F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin. I suggest making the game video settings a little brighter than what they suggest.
I got distracted and picked up the Half-Life and Half-Life 2 series...which totally kicks ass by the way. Playing Half-Life 2 Episode one at the moment.
beat the crap out of bulletstorm,crysis 2 (full game but its beta so there are tons of bugs) playing dragon age 2 demo and downloaded killzone 3 for ps3 mwhahahaa and beat that shit too xD

waiting for warhammer retribution,brink,witcher 2,diablo 3 (hopefully),deus ex,mass effect 3 and so on
Crap, I forgot the Dragon Age 2 demo just came out. Waiting for Dragon Age 2, Dungeon Siege 3 and I just saw that F.E.A.R. 3 will be out in the end of May so I'm waiting for that too.
Playing Half-Life 2 Episode one at the moment.

Even though its a few years old, HL2 still beats the hell out of most recent games.

Guess its time to reinstall it! :pandalaugh:
skyrim official trailer mindblowing *.* elder scrolls will kick ass once again mwahahaah

While I was reinstalling HL2, I decided to reinstall Stranglehold, as well. Very cool game. Its like Max Payne, but with a Hong Kong movie twist. :cool:

Also playing Ivy the Kiwi for the DS. Very fun platformer, but some very difficult levels to get through! :exhausted:
currently playing

Monster Hunter Tri (Wii)
Dragon Quest VI (DS)

Monster Hunter is just good for mindless grinding and letting out any vented up nerd rage.

Dragon Quest VI proves that they just don't make 'em like they used to. I really enjoyed DraQue IX but VI is far better in terms of...well everything EXCEPT you can't see what you equip on your characters (which doesn't even affect gameplay)
skyrim official trailer mindblowing *.* elder scrolls will kick ass once again mwahahaah

it's going to be a killer, but i don't feel like buying a new pc just to play with it, and having it on consolle is suicide, because of the gazillions of bugs they'll leave behind.

btw i'm playing Oblivion in these days; it's great and all, but it's like Daggerfall revamped...
i am finishing warcraft iii reign of chaos & frozen throne.

what an epic story! :exhausted:
Been going though some of the stuff I got at Steam's Xmas sales recently, latest was Red Faction 2. It's almost so bad it's good. ALMOST.
it's going to be a killer, but i don't feel like buying a new pc just to play with it, and having it on consolle is suicide, because of the gazillions of bugs they'll leave behind.

btw i'm playing Oblivion in these days; it's great and all, but it's like Daggerfall revamped...

hah thats exactly why i was forced to an upgrade XDD since i download most of the games instead of buying them i figured out it was cheaper to buy new pc parts so that i can enjoy games and porn equally <3

on the other hand ps3 games are free too ahahaha but yeah as you mentioned too many bugs <.<

downloaded dragon age 2 waiting for crack only few more hours till domination mwhahaha
I'm totally hooked on Battlefield:Bad Company 2 on XBOX360
I've also downloaded Tribes2 again, after a break of about 4 years, can't wait to see if the 'old magic' still works :)