What games are you playing?

I've heard very good things about Diablo 3 but have never played this type of game. Interested in the co-op side of it but was just wondering if it's as much fun playing on your own.
Solo is good, but can get a little tedious if you go at it for hours on end, if you do get it let me know i might be able to run you through some of the content.
Solo is good, but can get a little tedious if you go at it for hours on end, if you do get it let me know i might be able to run you through some of the content.

Thanks dude! Not sure if i will ever get it but i don't want to be someone who never tries something different and this Diablo 3 has been reviewed well so there has to be something to it.
Thanks dude! Not sure if i will ever get it but i don't want to be someone who never tries something different and this Diablo 3 has been reviewed well so there has to be something to it.

If you can't afford it you can find it at TPB for XBOX360, PS3 and PC. I believe in supporting gaming companies myself but sonetimes they get a little greedy with the pricing.....which is the only reason that they are cracked, hacked and ripped.....so that the more finacially challenged have a chance to play. I am as poor as a church mouse, haven't paid for any digital media except Windows 7 in years (and I deplored doing that but I had a few extra bucks). I am very thankful for KAT and TPB.
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If you can't afford it you can find it at TPB for XBOX360, PS3 and PC. I believe in supporting gaming companies myself but sonetimes they get a little greedy with the pricing.....which is the only reason that they are cracked, hacked and ripped.....so that the more finacially challenged have a chance to play. I am as poor as a church mouse, haven't paid for any digital media except Windows 7 in years (and I deplored doing that but I had a few extra bucks). I am very thankful for KAT and TPB.

Thanks for the advice. My problem is more finding the time to play all the games i want rather then financially. I'm playing The Last Of Us on ps4 and MGS HD collection on 360 at the moment and still have a long list of games that i would like to play which i can either borrow from friends which i did for TLOU or pick up cheap as i did for MGS HD. I feel like i may draw a line on the last gen soon as this gens line up is starting to really hot up. AC Unity and Far Cry 4 are out soon but then again i still have games like Mass Effect 3, The Darkness 2, and a couple of others that i want to play. Can't complain though, better to have too much choice rather then not enough, and some people say console gaming is going downhill, nonsense.
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Mad Caps ( Reflexive Arcade Games )
Highly addictive.
The hours fly by with this puzzle.
A huge massage for your neurons.
Successful sounds and musical tuning steps.

Full Screen For Details.

In this video this girl wreathed much
and she has not played anything.
Far Cry 4, the graphics are awesome. I can't imagine what it looks like on a first rate system. Gameplay is familar but the minor changes from Far Cry 3 will take some getting used to. Too busy to play it much right now but I had to take it out for a spin.
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My friend got Far Cry 4 upon release too and he really can't stop talking about it. Really tempted to get it now although i have been promised it for Christmas. AS Unity looks great although i've heard some not good things to do with many glitches and bugs being in the game. If anyone has it can you comment on how you've found it?

I just started playing AS Revelations. Only the three years behind but really want to finish the Ezio trilogy. Once i finish it i may play Black Flag next or just go straight to Unity.
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Just bought Lords of the fallen, and Dragon Age Inquisition. Lords of the fallen is brutal but a constant wanting to one up your self. Dragon age is very nice but not too different from what I've seen them do before.
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My friend got Far Cry 4 upon release too and he really can't stop talking about it. Really tempted to get it now although i have been promised it for Christmas.

Wait for Christmas (bless that Holy Day). They rushed the release a bit so there are still a few bugs, by Christmas they should have most of them fixed so download the updates. Of course I got the cracked version but it runs pretty damn good. Big game. I liked Jason Brody better as a lead character and Vaas may have been the most charismatic villian ever but Far Cry 4 does not dissappoint. There is almost too much to do as oppossed to Far Cry 3 where there was not enough. The NPCs' overall are much better and the weapon selection is awesome. I can't say enough about how good this game is compared to other FPS games I have played.
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Wait for Christmas (bless that Holy Day). They rushed the release a bit so there are still a few bugs, by Christmas they should have most of them fixed so download the updates. Of course I got the cracked version but it runs pretty damn good. Big game. I liked Jason Brody better as a lead character and Vaas may have been the most charismatic villian ever but Far Cry 4 does not dissappoint. There is almost too much to do as oppossed to Far Cry 3 where there was not enough. The NPCs' overall are much better and the weapon selection is awesome. I can't say enough about how good this game is compared to other FPS games I have played.

Thanks for the advice. I've read and seen a few reviews for the game and they've all been positive, although a lot have marked it down for being too much like its predecessor, which in my opinion is not a bad thing as Far Cry 3 pretty much got it right with its awesome gameplay and wonderful melee system. For a game this big a few bugs and glitches can be expected unless they're big ones like in AS Unity but as you said hopefully the game can be patched to iron out the bugs.
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Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. So far I love the single player mode. The graphics are pretty great. From what I can tell you can earn points to buy upgrades to your exosuit. I love the Target Enhancer which highlights the enemy in your site and threat grenades which are similar to the sensor grenades in Future Soldier Ghost Recon but threat grenades do not last as long. The homing grenades are great especially if you are standing near a ammo refill/resupply crate.
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Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. So far I love the single player mode. The graphics are pretty great. From what I can tell you can earn points to buy upgrades to your exosuit. I love the Target Enhancer which highlights the enemy in your site and threat grenades which are similar to the sensor grenades in Future Soldier Ghost Recon but threat grenades do not last as long. The homing grenades are great especially if you are standing near a ammo refill/resupply crate.

It's good to hear the single player is good this year. I heard nothing but bad about last years effort so didn't go for it but i might take a shot at this years COD. All people talk about with this series is multiplayer but i'm just not into that so single player mode is everything to me.
It's good to hear the single player is good this year. I heard nothing but bad about last years effort so didn't go for it but i might take a shot at this years COD. All people talk about with this series is multiplayer but i'm just not into that so single player mode is everything to me.

I never been a fan of the multiplayer modes either.The whole just running around shooting each other for fun just never seemed appealing to me.I like the missions and stories. I liked Call of Duty Ghosts.But my main complaint about it is that it had nothing to do with the character from Modern Warfare 2 except for the baklava.Which is a huge letdown. It would like be if the makers of the Crysis series made a game called "Crysis:Pycho" and it had nothing to do with that character from the Crysis series except for maybe the character you were playing only just had the same codename as the character from the previous games or just had a sticker that said Psycho or that his aunt was psycho and nothing was ever mentioned about the character Psycho from the previous Crysis games.
Sorry I've been gone so long, I have been running the new dlc content for destiny. While the story came up short for the dlc, the new raid and missions kinda made up for it.
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Update: I finally started playing Sudeki again (no, not Sudoku). Hopefully I will finish it these holidays.
Then I plan to finally finish Zelda Link's Awakening DX for the Game Boy Color. Also I have the game for my Game Boy Color I'm planing to play it on my PC as the GBC doesn't have a backlight and so it is really dark.
If I'm also able to finish that (shouldn't take long, shouldn't it?) I will try to finish Zelda Skyward Sword. There I haven't done the last side quest and end boss.
And if I'm also able to do that - but I guess then there wouldn't be any time left - I will start with Zelda Wind Waker HD.
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Sorry I've been gone so long, I have been running the new dlc content for destiny. While the story came up short for the dlc, the new raid and missions kinda made up for it.

Update: I finally started playing Sudeki again (no, not Sudoku). Hopefully I will finish it these holidays.
Then I plan to finally finish Zelda Link's Awakening DX for the Game Boy Color. Also I have the game for my Game Boy Color I'm planing to play it on my PC as the GBC doesn't have a backlight and so it is really dark.
If I'm also able to finish that (shouldn't take long, shouldn't it?) I will try to finish Zelda Skyward Sword. There I haven't done the last side quest and end boss.
And if I'm also able to do that - but I guess then there wouldn't be any time left - I will start with Zelda Wind Waker HD.

I must admit Skyword Sword was really disappointing for me and i'm not really sure why. I loved the look of the game and the dungeon designs were some of the best in the series. Also the Wii mote controls worked perfectly which made the sword play sublime. But i was still left slightly disappointed with the lack of depth to the world. I would liked to have seen more towns and villages to explore and pick up side quests. For me, the amount of extra quests and activities in the likes of Majora's Mask or Wind Waker really made those games come alive. Don't have a Wii U yet but i can't wait until Majora's Mask comes out on the 3DS. If you can then definitely check out A Link Between Worlds on the 3DS especially if you liked A Link To The Past which was my first Zelda title.

My sister just bought Link's Awakening to play on her 2DS. She bought it by mistake as she wanted A Link To The Past :rolleyes:, but she has said that she's really enjoying at the moment so i might give it a go after she's done.

Just bought and started playing Alien Isolation. Only played a short while so far and still haven't come across the Alien but i did decide to play on hard mode as advised by several reviews so i'm making pretty slow progress. Can't wait to get to the Alien as it's meant to be scary stuff and pretty difficult to boot.

Sorry I've been gone so long, I have been running the new dlc content for destiny. While the story came up short for the dlc, the new raid and missions kinda made up for it.

Quit this game and didn't buy DLC out of general principle. The fact that they thought they could charge £35 for the season pass when it's $35 dollars (conversion rate put that about £22) in the States was quite frankly outrageous. This is a digital product so they can't even use their normal excuse of import costs and taxes to explain their cost increase, it's simply down to pure greed and considering how many people i know who did purchase the DLC despite the cost just shows their methods have sadly worked.

On a personal level though, i also stopped playing due to the level of repetitive grinding that was needed. Lack of matchmaking for raids was simply idiotic too. Finding six friends all willing to put in the hours needed to do the raids all at the same time was just not happening for us. A real shame that Bungie has been reduced to this although i lay the real blame at Activision's feet. At least the game was working properly right from the start though. Shows what proper Beta testing can achieve, a lesson other studios should have done themselves (Halo and Driveclub) and i'm really glad to hear that The Division is going to get proper online testing before full release.
I must admit Skyword Sword was really disappointing for me and i'm not really sure why. I loved the look of the game and the dungeon designs were some of the best in the series. Also the Wii mote controls worked perfectly which made the sword play sublime. But i was still left slightly disappointed with the lack of depth to the world. I would liked to have seen more towns and villages to explore and pick up side quests. For me, the amount of extra quests and activities in the likes of Majora's Mask or Wind Waker really made those games come alive. Don't have a Wii U yet but i can't wait until Majora's Mask comes out on the 3DS. If you can then definitely check out A Link Between Worlds on the 3DS especially if you liked A Link To The Past which was my first Zelda title.

My sister just bought Link's Awakening to play on her 2DS. She bought it by mistake as she wanted A Link To The Past :rolleyes:, but she has said that she's really enjoying at the moment so i might give it a go after she's done.[...]

I played the 1st and 2nd Zelda, but never completely back then. The first Zelda which I played through was "Zelda - A Link To The Past". So far it is also the only title which I played through more than one time. The next Zelda was Twilight Princess on the Wii. Wasn't bad. And then Skyward Sword. I was a little disappointed by the new upgrade system of the items. I'm the type of guy which levels his items and weapons as soon and as much as possible. But in Skyward Sword it was very limited. You only could level up your items bit by bit. And finally I'm curious about the new Zelda for the Wii U. It should be really big. Maybe it will meet your taste more than Skyward Sword. Let's hope they don't screw it.
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I plan to get a Wii U next Christmas so hopefully the next Zelda and proper 3d Mario game will be out by then. Not really sure what other games are coming out on the console over the next year but i've always bought a Nintendo console at some point in its lifetime so will do the same for the Wii U.

Also on side note has anyone completed MGS Peace Walker. I thought i had finished the game, beat the end boss, got the end credits only to be presented with a whole new chapter. I thought it may be a short chapter but i've already been playing a few hours and it seems to be dragging on with the same repetitive missions. I don't want to go searching for the answer in case i encounter spoilers but i'm intrigued by what may come so i'm going to stick with it.
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Far Cry 4. I just started but so far it seems pretty much seems to play like Far Cry3 with some additional features. You get to ride elephants. There are rinos, badgers,tigers,eagles and all sorts of other animals that will attack you if you get to close. You can actually damage a animal hide making it not worth much.Like for example if you kill a small animal with a rocket launcher or a vehicle mounted machine gun you can pretty much count that animal hide worthless. There is a gyrocopter,although you can only go so high in it.If you hang around a captured base too long the enemy will attack it.Occasionally just wandering around there are hostage rescues that pop up in which you can kill the bad buy,help your guys fight off the enemy or blow up a co and get some experience or karma points. When you skin a animal you collect bait which is used to attract predators.Which you can sometimes use to lure a predator to attack a enemy base. You also earn the ability to call for help which you can use as decoys when attacking a enemy base and it doesn't count towards your presence being detected.
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