What is going on in this picture?


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Load this page. Scroll down a tad to see the full picture.

The name of the game reads ユメミルクスリ, which I'm going to take a wild guess at being 夢見る薬, yume being "dream," miru being "to see," and kusuri being "medicine."

But the title sheds absolutely no light on this perplexing scene. It looks like an お見合い, or omiai, "arranged marriage." There's a young man on one side of the coffee table and a young woman on the other side. To the woman's left and right are who look like her mother and father. At the head of the table appears to be the boy's father, and to his right side is his own mother (judging from the fact that this person is wearing a skirt).

But what's so friggin' weird about this photo is all of the expressions on their faces! The girl's! The boy's! The girl's mom! Wtf? What the hell is going on in this picture? XD


Survived to Japan
Super Moderator
Apr 28, 2008


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Yeah, the name "Sakurai Hiroko" definitely isn't anywhere to be seen in that Wiki link.

Nor is an answer to my question. XP

But thanks anyway. :) I didn't know that this was a famous game, nor an old(er) game, nor one of the few H-games which has been translated into English and released for sale in the United States. Crazy.

I'm really just interested in knowing what on earth has happened to generate the facial reactions seen in this picture. It's just so bizarre to see all three of them (boy, girl, girl's mom) expressing looks of mixed surprise and horror while the boy and girl join hands across the table. You'd think one of the two kids would have had to have been the one to outstretch his/her arm first, and so whoever that would have been ought not to be surprised ...

... unless the other person's response -- of outstretching their own hand -- came as a total shock.

Maybe that's what it is, given the girl's oh-so-brief bio in that link you provided. If she's the quiet, shy, librarian type of girl, maybe it took a lot of courage for her to extend her hand across the table. Maybe that's why she looks the least surprised and the most terrified of the three -- she's scared, but she isn't shocked in the slightest. Meanwhile, the boy and the girl's mom are both shocked that such a diminutive girl could have mustered the courage to do this.

But this is all just speculation on my part!! I'd prefer to know the real answer from somebody who's played the game! ^^;