Definitely Skyward Sword. The more I hear about this game the more I'm convinced it'll be the greatest Zelda ever.
- Skyward Sword ties directly into Ocarina of Time, includes the story around how the Master Sword was forged. This means there'll be tons of cool OoT references in the game.
- Skyward Sword will be 'tremendously expansive', more so than any other Zelda game including WW and TP
- Nintendo says there's nothing else like it as far as motion control goes. No other game out there does a better job of utilizing motion controls to immerse you into the game.
- Skyward Sword blends overworld and dungeon elements, breaking out of the now stale dungeon-hopping formula other Zelda games.
- You get most of the basic items at the beginning of the game, and upgrade them as you go along to gain new abilities.
- More puzzles and exploration than ever before.
- Bill Trinen hasn't finished the game yet, but he believes it to be one of his favorite Zelda games ever.
- Skyward Sword starts off in Skyloft, and the adventure kicks off after a series of events that send Link on an adventure to the unknown world below the clouds to save Zelda.
- The game involves lots of mystery elements, including why you can't quite catch up to Zelda when trying to rescue her, who Ghirahim is and why he's so interested in capturing Zelda, and the involvement of Link's female companion who is the spirit of the sword...
- There are a lot of new character races in Skyward Sword, more than what we've seen at E3, as well as known races such as Gorons.
- You will visit familiar places in Skyward Sword, but they may or may not be part of Hyrule...