Which country are you from?

I come from Rori-imouto-land

It's a nice place.. you guys should come visit some day
New here.

Our stereotypes haunt us still even after fifty years.
:crash: ... Whoops spilt my tea :p
I`m from Romania (Suceava )
damn i was hopping that at least one romanian guy\girl would find the site
:surprised2: :miserable:
o well :distressed:

Romania its nice contry but if u decide to visit stay away from the gipsy`s :sarcastic:

I'm from the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg :evillaugh: a little country between France and Germany.

Does even some1 know that it exists ? :defeat:
You mean the little plot of land approximately the size of a city?
I know of it.
Had to check my map for that one, It takes a large map to even have the country show up fortunetly the map in my room covers an entire wall, but even then because of space the name was shortened to Lux.
Thailand. First person to say "Wait... Do you even have electricity there?", "Where is that?", and/or "My parents/I/Someone I know have been there. It's nice" gets castrated.
the land of political killing,corraption,and rarerities:full:
but after i graduate...hmm i plan on migrating somewhere:secret:
Japan for now....shit pretty much the only tanned mother fuc#er in all of Japan
looking at previous statistic posted, was kinda surprise to see quite a number from SG, but no one mention it here?!?!
