Which P2P applications do you use regularly?

Which P2P applications do you use regularly? (Can tick more than 1)

  • BitComet

    Votes: 43 10.3%
  • utorrent

    Votes: 153 36.8%
  • Azureus

    Votes: 34 8.2%
  • BitTorrent application (not the protocol)

    Votes: 20 4.8%
  • eMule

    Votes: 58 13.9%
  • WinMX

    Votes: 3 0.7%
  • Share

    Votes: 32 7.7%
  • Winny

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • Utatane

    Votes: 4 1.0%
  • Limewire

    Votes: 15 3.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 53 12.7%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
Just wanted to ask what P2P applications people use. Please note that BitTorrent refers to the original small application. BitComet, utorrent and Azureus all use the BitTorrent protocol, but if you use them, vote for them. If you select Other, please post to tell us which one, and why you like it.
I selected other as I use Transmission. I use it cos I use a Mac and it looks nice and works well. I also have used Azureus but try not to cos its butt ugly to use!
desioners P2P selection.

I agree with Egghead in that Transmission is really light & functional for Mac. Unfortunately it doesn't have half of the features that Azureus does so I'm still prone to use Az, although I hate how much it HOGS system resources!
When @ work I'm on a PC so I use µTorrent. A great torrent client.
I also voted Other as there are a few P2P that I've been using for ~10 years now and like them. They include…
Hotline The first real P2P application.
Carracho A slightly better application than Hotline.
KDX More features than the others but terrible GUI.
Wired Sexy Mac application that is currently under develpoment.
I still use all 4 of these because I have a great amount of control over what I get and what I share. I'm also very interested in meeting people to share files with. With the advent of anonymous P2P the personality has totally been taken out. We no longer care about who we get our files from and they usually don't care if we even complete our files. Also some networks are filled with bogus files, so you sometimes don't get what you expect.
Chatting to clients is something I enjoy and requests are usually fulfilled quicker than on a large web forum.
I use uTorrent, emule and shareaza.

Shareaza is great for music, Emule is great for pretty much everything else.

I used Kazaa for a while, a few years back, but file renaming was a real problem towards the end and you could never be sure what you were downloading.
dearest seniors...i'm a new member here,
i was member of Javtalk but it is now down from some reasons...
i'm using emule to download since my connection bars torrent, i'm kinda used to emule now and start to like it..
but how to download using emule here? is it just copy the link and paste it to emule? just like usual? in JAVtalk, they give specific link to copy and paste but here....
i oopened P2P folder and couldnt find them..
Dear seniors please help ur baby member here..
many thanks in advance...
dearest seniors...i'm a new member here,
i was member of Javtalk but it is now down from some reasons...
i'm using emule to download since my connection bars torrent, i'm kinda used to emule now and start to like it..
but how to download using emule here? is it just copy the link and paste it to emule? just like usual? in JAVtalk, they give specific link to copy and paste but here....
i oopened P2P folder and couldnt find them..
Dear seniors please help ur baby member here..
many thanks in advance...
sengman, there aren't any ed2k links on akiba-online at the moment. You could start a thread in P2P Downloads, take a look at the eMule channel on Scanlover Forum, or just wait for JAVTalk to come back online.
Every time I have tried to use torrents I have no success; where can I find information on how to use them?
I use azureus.
It might 'hog' some 200 MB of my memory, but what do I care? It's just 5% of it.
I'm a bit sad to see DC didn't even make it on that list.
It used to be the biggest of them all.
I'm loving transmission. The only quirk is..... It doesn't delete directories or the source torrent- BLEH!
eMule Adunanza v1.15 cause for fatsweb(italy) users is the best!
The network Torrent is very big.
And it has many curious surprises.
Every 5 minutes new servers are closed and open
The secret of his speed, it is in that the servers are always getting up-to-date
they are the never the same.
Check this configuration.
The speed of up, always has to be minor that of download.
Always between 25 or 35 KB/s.
Meanwhile the Download, always has to be to 75 % of the speed that is had.

I hope do you understand me.
My english is bad .... sorry.

A Greeting.
Nope, I do not understand you at all.
But I do, however, understand how torrents and the basics of the way its protocol works.
In terms of actual download/upload speed, neither could be considered faster, since optimal settings varies.
Speed is no longer an issue, as most long running clients have more or less perfected their network management.
The other day I ran some speed tests with various bittorrent clients. I used the same torrent, a popular movie with tons of seeds, let it run for five minutes, and noted what maximum speed each reached. I have a 5Mbps connection. The results for this torrent:

utorrent 90KB/s
bitcomet 35KB/s
bittornado 23KB/s
flashget 22KB/s
vuze 20KB/s
bitspirit 9KB/s

On my machine, Share EX2 regularly hits about 426KB/s, and on utorrent, I have broken 400KB/s on occasion. I can reach 250KB/s on Rapidshare and 220KB/s on WinMX or Utatane. Has anyone else run tests comparing different apps/clients?
The fact you only tested for 5 minutes and expected it to be accurate shows your knowledge of the torrent protocol is fundamentally flawed.
If you want to test torrent speeds, you have to download the entire thing several times over and then measure the average.
And even then, the result would be subject to chance.
I mean, what if I did that test, and I got connected to a fast seed only some of the times and I max out at 1.8MB/s, while the other tests showed an average of 120KB/s?
The way torrents work are far too random to be accurately measured by a 5 minute test, or even proper tests.