Who said Japanese ladies don't like black guys?

@alexkiallys hey man, as a black man that lives in the "hood" and does not do hood shit as well, i know where you are coming from bro. i know what it's like to have other black folks tell you you are not "black enough" and they are not talking about your skin tone. it sucks man it really does. i have been in relationships with other races and it's not the woman that has the problem, it's the parents and family. that's been what i have seen. i'm not a stereotypical black guy in my manners or the way i speak so when i open my mouth i can see the shock in some mostly white and black peoples faces. it's like they are thinking "this nigger is talking wrong". with east Asians like the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese the girls love me to bit's but there people mostly older brothers and fathers but sometimes mothers and sisters never like me because i'm black no matter what i do. i had a girl tell me in tears that she was leaving me because her family didn't want her dating (and i think fucking) a monkey as she said they called me. she hated it but she didn't want to be disowned.

the way that other see my blackness is like living in a box with a few air holes. the world is never fully open to you and you can do nothing about it. you have to look thru the cracks to get a little bit of light and fresh air. in my time with women it seems that asians have the biggest problem dealing with black men, right up there with white folks but it's getting better with white people i think. not by much but slowly. i don't know why the East Asians dislike black folk so much but it's the older men over about 40 that really have a problem with me dating they're women.
This is an interesting but controversial topic. Once you start talking about racial issues, a lot of people can take it the wrong way. Hopefully nobody does tho...

I'll start with with a little bit about myself. I was born in China and came to the U.S when I was 10 years old. I live in a small town in the Midwest where white people and black people lived on different sides. Later I went to college in NYC and studied abroad for a year in Japan.

-I think most men of any color get jealous when woman of their culture/race date outside of their color. There are guys who don't care but they are the minority in the world. When ever I hung out with White people and we saw a white girl w/ black guy, they tell me some racist shit. Same thing when I was hanging out with black guys. I was one of the few Asians so I was neutral to them (atleast on the outside)

-Most Asians from Asia have limited experience with other cultures. Most places in Asia including Japan learn about gaijins from T.V or news. Movies and t.v often depict white and black stereotypes. - White guy = hero/romanticist. Black guys = Ghetto/rowdy (This is the media talking not me.) So you can't really blame them. Same for people in the west. A lot of people stereotype asian people know kungfu or middle eastern people are terrorist because of the media.

I was in Japan with my classmates (white & black). Majority of girls at our university prefer not to date outside of their race. However there were very liberal girls if you know where to find them who willing to date outside of their race. I also noticed the girls that were attracted my white classmates and black classmates often stereotyped them. Sometimes girls would be shock to find out my black friend was very introverted and like anime. I can see this happening over and over everywhere I went. Often girls who date blacks guys expect you to be a certain way. I know some of my classmates actually use the stereotyping to their advantage so girls would be interested in them. For example in my case some people saw me as Chinese not American and would often say "wow you must be good a ping pong". I would just play along and say yes...

Same thing happens in the west. Guys often stereotype Asian girls to be a certain way, whether they be true or not...
To wrap this up nicely, People should judge everyone individually and not try to stereotype them because everyone is different.
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I don't give people much of a break, because in this day and age, you have the resources to learn about other people. There are Black people in every part of the world, so it's not like they've never been seen in Asia, Europe, South America etc... , so when people go by a stereotype, I think they're being lazy.

At times, there are grains of truth in some stereoptypes, but if you want to REALLY learn about someone elses culture, you can. And I don't care how people are portrayed in the media. People like to rely on stereotypes when they've judged others, but when it comes to their own people, all of a sudden, it's not right.

If someone doesn't want stereotypes used against them, why not extend that same courtesy to others?

Social media and the World Wide Web has taken away people's ignorance as an excuse. Hell, you can go to Wikipedia and learn quite a bit. But people don't want that. They want to use stereotypes as a way to express their hidden bigotry, sexism, racism and homophobia.

It takes effort to learn about someone or something and people don't want to do that. They rather spend their time doing trivial activities.

In regards to someone dating outside their race, it depends on context.

It gets complex but I'll try to simplify it. There are Whites who view anyone else as inferior. There are people of color who view Whites as oppressors.

So if a White person is with someone of color, other Whites think they can do MUCH better.

And when someone Black is seen with someone White, other Blacks wonder why anyone would be with someone who at one time enslaved their people?

And you have people with "Yellow Fever" (obsessed with Asians) or "Jungle Fever" (obsessed with Blacks).

If that's what people want, then whatever, but someone can pursue someone of a particular race and never be happy, when the person who might treat them good is right in front of them.

As for me, I've been picked on by seemingly everyone. But that turned out to be a good thing. I don't have preconceived notions. I don't view anyone as a friend until they prove it to me.

I don't have to form alliances with someone just because they're male ("guy code") or because they're Black. Being this way gives me freedom.

When you have friends, there are certain things you have to do and say to maintain those friendships. I don't have to lie on my friend's behalf because they've done wrong and I'm supposed to be their "alibi." I don't have to give in to peer pressure because I'm alone.

I can be uncensored and unfiltered and if someone doesn't like it, then what are they going to do? Not be my friend?!!!

There are advantages and disadvantages to having friends or being alone..

Being alone has opened up a world for me because I can educate myself on anything at anytime and don't have to deal with someone else's criticism.

Also, I've met women who I would've never encountered if I lived my life like everyone else.
I live in Asia and from my experience race is either a massive turn off or turn on for Asian girls. I have seen girls make embarassments of themselves when placed in a room with a real life black guy. Basically leg-humping and hair-twiddling until they wet themselves. On the other hand I have had Asian girls straight out tell me the most abhorant racist shit about black guys that makes me think they would rather beat them to death with a shovel rather than have sex with one. I have never really seen a neutral point of view on the matter being displayed in real life.

Also as a white guy with an Asian girlfriend and living there I can say that the sexual politics surrounding race here is fucking weird. Asian guys resent white guys because there is a perception that all Asian girls would plump for white dick over Asian. When in reality it actually takes quite an adventurous asian girl to openly date a white guy, which makes getting a girlfriend much harder. Most Asian girls would definitely want to try it, but most ain't gonna wanna buy it and take home to their parents. Even if it is like shooting fish in a barrel at bars, clubs or internet dating, that is balanced out by the fact their probably wouldn't come clean to chasing caucasian dick when no one is looking. You will notice that most foreign guys in Asia in hook up places have hot girls on their arms, but those doing the weekly shop with their family pretty rough looking ones. I lucked out as I met my Asian girlfriend abroad, didn't have to compete with a conservative family until I arrived here. It is in my experience because they want to fuck outside their own, but not marry outside their own.

Also witness Asia's insanely high lesbianism rates with virtually no married lesbians or open lesbian couples over 30. You can fool around with girl, but daddy and mummy will not let you marry one. Same goes for foreigners.

While the whole time every Asian guy I know wants to bang a white or black chick and never really sees the hypocracy of claiming Asian girls all love foreign guys.

I think a lot of it comes from Asian societies as a whole being so homegenised so you end up with 99% of people not even getting the opportuity to fuck outside their race, then all of a sudden a black or white guy shows up and people are either slathering over their balls or running for the hills in panic. So people split into the adventurous types and reactionary types.

Anyway I suggest to anyone who is black to try their luck in Japan, China, Korea or Taiwan. Approach it the right way and you could have a lot of fun.


Asian girls are crazy as fuck compared with Western girls so be prepared.
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what do you mean by like or dislike ? for curiousity and sexual experience I'm sure a lot of woman like exotic foreign guy, but for long term relationship, to built a family, most people would stick to their own, who had the same culture, ecc

and so far that I know many japanese are still racist, not only to black people but to other foreigners too, including caucasian and other asian