Why are image hosts allowed?

Do you think AO should ban image host links?

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Mar 19, 2009
Akiba-Online has a great system for including images in posts. And yet unscrupulous users (I hesitate to call them "community members") continue to use image hosts and trick community members into clicking thumbnails that link to spam-ridden (and in some cases virus-ridden) image hosts. I would like to hear the reason why image host links are not simply banned. What possible benefit is there to the community, or to Chompy's bottom line? Or is Chompy getting a cut of the income from those clicks? There are several accounts here that may not even belong to individuals, but rather belong to full-time spammers who simply find other people's torrent or download links and attach an image-host thumbnail, not because they want to share content, but simply because they want income from clicks. By allowing image host links, AO is putting the profits of a handful of so-called users above the interests of the vast majority of AO users.

Please ban image host links, or offer a convincing explanation of why you do not.
[...] Or is Chompy getting a cut of the income from those clicks? [...]
I hope you know that this is a malicious insinuation. How should he get any money from them? It would be maybe different if there would be a rule to use on specific image hoster. But that is not the case.

But I guess I know what you mean. Many members using image hosts. And in most cases I don't know why because they surely don't get money for it. Maybe they don't know that is possible to upload pictures as attachments here. Deep linking often doesn't work. And after a while you can't read the thread because all the images vanished as the image hoster deleted them for some reason. I also think it is more convenient for the other members here. So I try over and over again to explain that and how they can upload pictures as attachments here and how they can include them into their posts.
no we do not get money, and yes I am in favour of banning them

biggest problem before was the amount of hits we was getting, and 100s of attachments to a page did slow it down

yes some members do get paid by image host, $5 per 1000 hits was the last amount I heard
Hi daredemonai
Now If I put files on my posts I always put them as attachments, But Now I must admit I have started to use a image host to host my pictures for my Saori Hara thread, Simply because all my pictures were lost when akiba moved Server last time. So I felt I needed to do this just in case this happens again in the future. But I never put them as thumbnails, Instead I just put the direct link on the post, So you can see the full (image) picture, So no clicking thumbnails and more importantly no crap pop ups that freeze your computer etc...

But saying that like coolkevin, CodeGeek and yourself, I would ban image hosts and get members to attach their files to their posts. But If Akiba-Online does this I bet you will see alot of members disappear overnight especially on the torrents section.

Now I don't want to put any of my fellow Akiba-Online members down, But the simple truth is most members are not posting torrents for the community, But for the money. If I have offended anyone saying that, I'm sorry but it's the truth.
I just know this to be the case because as a mod over at scanlover were image hosts are banned, If I see anyone putting image hosts links on their posts, I usually send a PM telling the member they must attach their torrent, images to their posts in future else their post will be delete and every time I do that, you will never see that member posting torrents again.
You just have to go on scanlover and compare the amount of members who post torrents over there as opposed to here on Akiba and you will see what I mean, It's for the money not the community.

So yes I would like to see image hosts banned, But I just can't see Akiba doing so?

There are a small number of members using image hosts who actually participate in conversations. But most of them are here just to generate clicks and money. They don't care if you thank them. They don't care if you insult them. All they care about is saturating the site with image host links. The torrents they post are, of course, not their own material. They did not rip the DVDs. They did not scan those images. They simply recycle older torrent links by other members, or maybe they pick them up on other sites. They don't care how many seeders there are; they don't care about the quality of the video. They create the illusion of contributing new content, but the content is rarely new. I do not believe AO would suffer if these spammers left the site.

It might be fun to, rather than ban them, simply delete the image host links from their posts. They would figure it out eventually, because their click counts would drop, but in the meantime they would continue posting torrent links. Have you noticed that some of them spend hours every day posting link after link? I wonder if those people have been hired by someone else to post these, sort of the way people pay "like" farms to just "like" links all day on Facebook.

I don't log in often, but when I do, I try to attach full-sized images to as many of these spammers threads as possible. I get some small satisfaction from reducing their click counts, if only a little.
Current spamming assholes include:

  • loki777loki (This asshole seems to just steal whatever the Jav Idol blog is posting. That would be fine if he wasn't spamming.)
  • vincentfu
  • ydfire (I suspect vincentfu is the account ydfire uses when ydfire is suspended.)
  • tomlovekitty

They should be banned. Permanently. And their IPs blocked for all eternity.
all treading on thin ice
It might be fun to, rather than ban them, simply delete the image host links from their posts. They would figure it out eventually, because their click counts would drop, but in the meantime they would continue posting torrent links. Have you noticed that some of them spend hours every day posting link after link? I wonder if those people have been hired by someone else to post these, sort of the way people pay "like" farms to just "like" links all day on Facebook.

I don't log in often, but when I do, I try to attach full-sized images to as many of these spammers threads as possible. I get some small satisfaction from reducing their click counts, if only a little.

if it does not come up right away, and it refers you, it gets deleted and a lot are deleted, and post is deleted

I did notice your attachments thank you
Personally I don't mind imagehosts, for one thing it should decrease strain on the akiba server which is all for the better and if it means more videos gets posted in the torrent section I'm all for it.

On the other hand where do I report imagehosts that requires mouseclicks to reach the image? loki777loki is currently using imgmega.com which requires mouseclicks to reach the image.
Do I just report the posts normally even tho it's technically not a violation yet since the site isn't on the list at the time of writing?
On the other hand where do I report imagehosts that requires mouseclicks to reach the image? loki777loki is currently using imgmega.com which requires mouseclicks to reach the image.
Do I just report the posts normally even tho it's technically not a violation yet since the site isn't on the list at the time of writing?

the report button is just below this post

image hosts that do require clicks other than the 18 confirmation, are banned
image hosts that do require clicks other than the 18 confirmation, are banned
Thanks for that information, I was(previously) under the impression that it had to be in the list before it was counted as a rule violation.

A curious question tho, why is the 18 confirmation allowed? There are plenty of imagehosts that doesn't require it from what I've seen.
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A curious question tho, why is the 18 confirmation allowed? There are plenty of imagehosts that doesn't require it from what I've seen.

I know, but it is there for protection, albeit that everybody is going to say they are, but it is not really a big deal
I don't mind all image hosts, but some are annoying because they are often down or slow, so you have to click several time before you get through.

And then there are the dangerous ones, like the one that made you install "PIX Image Viewer" to view pictures full size, and it turned out there were some very suspicious things happening when you used that addon. Or I get a warning from my anti virus software some file is blocked when I visit a page. Luckily most of these problems can be stopped with the proper addons and blockers.

Another site I use for non JAV videos, has a list of allowed image hosts. Maybe that's an option here so people can still use sites that are safe and reliable, if they want to, but not the bad ones.
report it and post will be removed
report it and post will be removed
Just a question here, wouldn't it be better in the case of first time infringers to just remove the offending links from the post, warn them not to use forbidden imagehosts and point them to the relevant rule?
This would preserve the post for everybody to enjoy and presumably doesn't include a lot more work for the moderating staff(I'm making the assumption that deleting a link in a post wouldn't take significantly more time/energy than deleting the whole post).
If the poster persists then of course sterner methods would be required.

I don't mind all image hosts, but some are annoying because they are often down or slow, so you have to click several time before you get through.

And then there are the dangerous ones, like the one that made you install "PIX Image Viewer" to view pictures full size, and it turned out there were some very suspicious things happening when you used that addon. Or I get a warning from my anti virus software some file is blocked when I visit a page. Luckily most of these problems can be stopped with the proper addons and blockers.

Never browse the internet without some sort of scriptblocker(and preferably an adblocker as well) and never ever install software that you weren't explicitly looking for because it's always malware, every single time.
Just a question here, wouldn't it be better in the case of first time infringers to just remove the offending links from the post, warn them not to use forbidden imagehosts and point them to the relevant rule?
This would preserve the post for everybody to enjoy and presumably doesn't include a lot more work for the moderating staff(I'm making the assumption that deleting a link in a post wouldn't take significantly more time/energy than deleting the whole post).
If the poster persists then of course sterner methods would be required.

we do, and it is usually more than once, times that by all mods that come across the problem

never ever install software that you weren't explicitly looking for because it's always malware, every single time.
well maybe sometimes, but surely it is the source you should be careful of