Why Most Sexy Pretty Girls in America don't like me, but ugly ones do?

After the r***-stain chose to post his spam bullshit on my wall (after I told him his big ass cartoon posts were annoying) I decided to simply block him. Feel free to do the same.

aqua - boy ! You made my day ! Thank you.
Who the fuck are you ?w Bro. this is uroboros. You post shit on my wall. So i made the same.
Start fight?w love and pice bro. love and pice.

▽ Annoying .... mmmm for you ? you think i care about unknown user? w

▽ Flag in your hands ! block me ! i hear about you first time here, in this topic.

▽ Sriously・・・no, no, seriously?! You give some one green light on add me in block list ? ∑(゚◇゚; ) You has this illness ? → syndrome of big EGO and very small ちんちん?(;´д` ) 

I can't・・・・ if some one say " DO NOT DO THIS " i can't ww I must finish this with nice 日常 screen shot !

Good question, but typical. Young women with money and away from
Friend Approval Network will do many different things, so it is hard to predict what motives drive them. Your distinction of hot/ugly is reciprocal; women have polarities to their standards, too.

I think my contribution here is to try to get you to respect yourself and to state that Pussy is Pussy, a wonderful tautology. The woman has all the rights to her body, and if she invites you in, then it is not because you are special; it is because she feels special.

On the other hand, you seem to worry about matters that you don't control. Whatever JGirl window you see is all that you have. Wishful thinking is unable to change that.

Good luck.