Why the Myth that Japanese and Asian women Have flat bottoms?


Feb 11, 2009
First of all, the girls i see in java are super hot and curvatious.
The real Japanese, tourists and students i see in my city, also have the hottest asses ever..

Sure i've also seen Chinese girls that are sticks, but thehre's plenty of hot Asian chicks and i dont understand why the myth.

It's a myth because the myth of the skinny Japanese girl still exists. Of course, there are still skinny Japanese girls, but they are becoming fewer thanks to so many Japanese, especially from childhood, loving pizza and hamburgers, pastries and junk food. The Japanese diet had 10% of its calories from fat around WW II and now is about 30% fat, not to mention the total calorie count is higher. So now you have a lot of fat Japanese women. There are a lot of hungry heifers here who gorge themselves. The hottest women will have fat in the right places in the right proportion. Moreover, higher fat diets have led to girls' entering puberty earlier in the West, so I imagine it is the same here. Of course, most Japanese women will not be skinniest, the fattest, or the hottest.

There are a lot of Japanese and Asian women with hot asses. But as my experience is anecdotal, obviously I can't say what percentage. Probably the minority, but not that rare, either. Maybe a higher percentage of American women have hot asses. I don't know as I've lived in Japan for 3 years and Hawaii for 6 before that. But my memories of most American women in the US and the vast majority of those I encounter here is that they look like Jabba the Hutt、while many Japanese and Asian women that I have met in Hawaii and Japan are more curvaceous than the ones I knew in the US more than 10 years ago.


Outside Context Problem
Sep 23, 2007
We see it in the IV releases as well. An awful lot of chunky girls on those covers!


Guitar samurai
May 12, 2007
Japanese women DO have flat asses. It's not a myth. Especially when compared to the stereotypical women of Europe and North America.

JAV women are not typical Japanese women. I know you're dumb, but I didn't think you were THAT dumb. Or do you seriously believe that all Japanese women are J-Cup and like bukakke trains of 100 men while walking through the streets of Tokyo dressed as Sailor Moon with a dog fucking them, all the while with a remote-controlled rotor up their ass?

Just when I thought a certain individual couldn't make himself look any less intelligent. Good lord.

You really like arguing on this site, don't you?


Outside Context Problem
Sep 23, 2007
You really like arguing on this site, don't you?


I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007


I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007
Yes, but at least with the Japanese woman being used in this context, the vast majority of them are relatively flat-bottomed. They just are, there's nothing weird, racist or abnormal about it. Kind of the same way that I was able to point out (successfully) the Japanese tourists I saw in Turkey. I could pikc them out simply by the way they walked and stood.

There are some things that are unique to people from a mono-cultural country (ie: China, Japan, Greece, Turkey) where there is not a lot of mixing and melting pot ideology going on (ie: Canada, USA, England). So there you go! Although I agree with The Envoy, there are exceptions to every rule.


New Member
Apr 13, 2008
in usual japanese girl or asian girl have small ass, stick thigh but few are hot ass, thick thigh like this:



New Member
Dec 25, 2009
not all of them are sticks and have pancake bottoms. i know a lot curvy jap girls who have an apple bottom and natural big boobs. it's a little bit on the rare side to have natural big boobs..but there are some.


New Member
Jan 3, 2010
I think you are only an arsehole to people whilst you are hiding behind your computer....be a man, not a prick.


I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007
Come say that to my face, I have no trouble seeing people face to face. Unlike you, I don't live at home. Oh wait, that means you'd need to leave the confines of momma's basement and actually visit Japan for the first time.

Shove it up your crack, troll.


Survived to Japan
Super Moderator
Apr 28, 2008
I think you are only an arsehole to people whilst you are hiding behind your computer....be a man, not a prick.

Go back to 4 chan ! You are someone who deserves to be banned rightaway (damn I posted in this thread :O).


Active Member
Dec 12, 2009
I'm amazed at the content in this threat. Why in the hell ask such a question in the first place? I live in Atsugi Japan and I travel all over Japan and why should it matter if a Japanese girls has a flat ass, Y A A F I. Being white I have come to hate the white woman because she has grown a sloppy ass along with a fubba or shall I say a gut. As for being ugly, good for you that you think that. I think Japanese girls are killer.
Some people just need to go play in traffic.


New Member
Sep 13, 2008
Well my wife is filipina and she has a great body. Spent a few years in Korea and some woman have flat asses and some have not flat asses. It shouldn't really matter and you would know if actually went out into the world. I don't think alot of people here actually go outside.

No most women don't look like the top porn actresses.


New Member
Mar 26, 2009
if you dont actually belive asians have flat asses.... its becouse probably you spend too much time watching JAV..... As for the context.... YES it without doubt, most asians have bad teeth AND flat bottoms, there will always be exceptions of course. Damn it people before you actually ask a stupid question on this particular forum you should always be aware Aquamarine is always around to show you wrong :/
pd:dont even TRY to troll, hell always win at the end :pandalaugh:

happy Y

New Member
Dec 5, 2009
A theory

My theory is:

In Asia, they don't have buggys. So they always carry their baby with them. Mostly sittung on the arm.
It's like in ancient Egypt, if you always keep pressure on certain bodyparts, they'll adapt to form. As a baby always sitting on moms arm, how could a big butt develop? Right? :cheer:

Mystery solved, case closed.


I Know Better Than You
Mar 19, 2007

They have buggys (strollers) here. What makes you think they don't???

(I can't speak for the Philippines though, China, Taiwan or other parts of Asia, however in Japan strollers are just as common place as in Canada)