young japanese girls

Most foreign men like them cause of the short skirts and naiveness, they see a sweet innocent girl in skimpy clothes. Living here all my life I just see a kid lol
It's the eyes for me, but a nice body and skin help. XD

I think Japanese girls are my favorite overall, but I like girls of any ethnicity.
My theory is that it is the exotic brown eyes and black hair, AND that everything else is mostly indistinguishable from Western Caucasian features.

Other races have brown eyes and black hair, but they also have other differences, such as noses, lips and skin colour, and too many differences reduce rather than add to the attraction.
I think the reason 99% of the people like young Japanese girls is they have been brainwashed by JAV to believe all Japanese girls are like that when it's the exact opposite. Just like non English natives think Western girls are blonde haired with huge breasts. I personally find it ignorant to say "I specifically like this ethinicity/nationality of people" when they haven't lived in the country for any amount of time.

Stereotype: East Asian girls are obedient
Truth: Go to Korea and you'll find girls who will drink more than you, smoke more than you, and in some cases be louder than you while drunk.

I personally like those girls in small doses because I'm a very outgoing person and it makes me feel comfortable, but whatever you've seen in porn or read on the internet (most likely posted by people who read a book about Japan or have never actually been there) is bull shit.

Of course it's not to say ALL girls are like that. My GF is very shy and loves to cook for me, but she's not a majority from my experiences.

Side Note: Aqua's statistics can be taken with a grain of salt, because we don't know what all those girls look like without make up on. In my opinion no make up is TRUE beauty.
what is it about young japanese girls that makes males go ga-ga:coldsweat:
is this type of content a good thing for young and old guys to be looking at.

What is it about any young girls that make a guy go ga-ga? I don't question it myself. Each girl is an individual, with their own assets and baggage. But I can only base my opinion on her by what I see. If I like what I see....well then I like it. Rationalizing it isn't going to change that. Neither is someone elses opinion on what I find attractive. There are many females I find attractive that I can view here. Not all the females I view here I find attractive. Some belong in the kennel.

Whether the content is a good thing or not for young and old guys to be looking at is debatable but unimportant. Because it is why we are here. Yet I suppose it does have something to do with the fact this is your only post in four years.