Your favorite and similar blowjob/deepthroat series?

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Okay, so, I got back to the actresses list a bit, just to re-check Yuuno Hoshi. I've heard a lot about her, and I've written about her in my old notes myself, and I have her in my old list of favorite actresses, so it's about time I re-watched some stuff with her


And just watching ASW-050 alone is enough to admit that she is a queen (maybe not the queen, but she is definitely up there). She definitely takes the lead, she is nasty, she talks dirty a lot, she is playful, she pops loud, she gulps loud (many girls are loud slurpers, but it's harder to find loud gulpers), she doesn't neglect the balls... she is too skillful for the guys to handle... and man, that tongue... she can even bend it in a way that holds cum like a spoon (not just a long tongue but a masterful tongue)... and that cum slurp at ~28:56, and the air tongue at ~1:12:06, followed by cock shaking at ~1:12:49, followed by the devilish cum fountain* at ~1:19:32... Top tier. Ultimate tier

Also, she sticks out her tongue a lot while deep-throating, and I have now added this to my criteria. As well as grabbing the man's butt to make the throating easier and deeper (definitely a pro move!). And the "munching" thing (at ~20:15 and ~36:33, for example), and the overall post-orgasm "torture". These are not new for me, but she reminded me about all of these. Another sign of a pro: reminding you about the art, making you document their every step... or gulp...

Still, to try and be objective and not base my judgement on a single movie, I tried to find something with her directed by Annie Nakamura. There is only one match on JAV Library, this compilation, but naturally, compilations come from somewhere, and her scene there is from REMU-063. And maybe not the only one since she did some more stuff for Real Works where the director is not stated. Anyway, REMU-063 is also top tier performance (pants play**, saying stuff like "oh, no, it came out...", playing with cum again and again...), and with her as a nurse throughout... So, what quacks like a pro...

Plus, I decided to check out the third actresses in BDrake's top BJ artists, i.e. Hikaru Yukino (I already know Kanou Hana too well and have her listed as well). But that will be another post... Oh, and of course, Yuuno Hoshi has now been added to my list as well. To the top, to recognize her greatness (but just below Hana since I know Hana much better)

P.S. Another logical step from here is to check other titles from the Mega Blowjob series (a list addition candidate). And just a note to myself for even later: Real Works might have many more great oral series "hidden" further in their past

* Judging by REMU-063, it might be one of her "signature techniques": to let the guy get so high on her oral skills yet not to let him get the most of it and cum inside her throat or mouth... What a devilish woman...
** Okay, I also watched a bit of RWRK-377 (just for a bit more of her), and she does great pants play there too. So, she might be a go-to for that stuff as well. Then again, I skipped almost all of undressing scenes in ASW-050, so, she might have done the same there, and then it's almost certain

P.S. A small note on the name of the movie by the way: I only now noticed that it's actually called "Snake Throat" in Japanese, not "Snake Tongue". Judging by some of the sources I often use, JAV Trailers use the "adapted" translation (calling it "Snake Tongue"), while JAV Land and JAV Library use machine translation, I guess, but in our case, it might be better (considering how inventive the Japanese porn makers can be with their descriptions, e.g. try translating the descriptions of the ASW label you can find on Duga etc. And try using different translation engines and see which one you like best. Chances are, the "cruder" and "more straightforward", i.e. the more literal the translation is, the more "boner points" the descriptions will give you)
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Just a couple of new findings and notes that are not related to my current task of re-checking my old favorites etc.

First, I found this great series, "Restraint Suite". It's not oral-focused but it not just meets several of my criteria — it excels at them:
  • The angles are superb: very long shots on the couch, on the bed etc. where we have that "straight ahead" look at the cock and balls. (The shots are especially long and fixed since it follows from the premise of having the guy tied — same as similarly great very long shots are possible in the pranks where the guy is handcuffed etc.). I have now added this series to the list as an example for the whole angles thing
  • Two girls one cock, and the girls are the dominant ones all the way
  • The cock and balls are very sizeable
  • Most of the actresses involved have great oral skills and can be very nasty (well, I've watched only two titles in the series for now, but in both of them the nastiness levels are great, and JUFE-205 has Miho in it, nuff said)
  • They worship the cock and measure it (though not that directly — after all, they're dominant, so it's packaged more like teasing and just looking at it from different angles to appreciate the growth, though they do talk about it getting bigger and "commend the cock"), and they "grow the cock" so to speak, i.e. the whole erection process is also extended (I have now also clarified it in the criteria)
  • They laugh both in a sexy and playful way (I've updated the note on laughter in the list as well)... and a lot more...
  • This all creates one of the best moments in JUFE-205 for me: it's the same couch scene; at some point (I won't give the exact timestamp to not spoil the surprise for those who decide to watch it — it should be watched in full) Miho is grabbing the cock firmly with her whole hand* (bonus points; also added to the criteria) while the other girl "munches" on the cock for quite a bit of time and then performs one of the loudest and nastiest pops I've heard (I didn't expect much from her since I don't remember her from anything, but now I will try and remember her — Mukai Ai, huh)
This whole ensemble is so powerful that I suggest you just watch the scene for yourself. But I still want to share the key moments as stills... Basically, that's what oral should be in all-sex titles: it should be so arousing that you're totally ready to go, fully hard, fully teased etc. And this scene is a perfect example of this. And as for the details of how to create that arousal: it's basically lots of different play and contrast (see the names of the stills for more info — and it's just a few of the things I mentioned... there is so much tease going on that the result is completely natural)

JUFE-205 - Scene 1 - Point 1 - Ball play.jpgJUFE-205 - Scene 1 - Point 2 - Kissing.jpg
JUFE-205 - Scene 1 - Point 3 - Ball grab to contrast the kissing.jpgJUFE-205 - Scene 1 - Point 4 - Double teasing.jpg
JUFE-205 - Scene 1 - Point 5 - Grab and munch.jpgJUFE-205 - Scene 1 - Point 6 - Popping.jpg
JUFE-205 - Scene 1 - Point 7 - The results.jpgJUFE-205 - Scene 1 - Point 8 - Some assessment before more action.jpg

Second, I finally checked out that title that PHauc14 has recommended some time ago and that I bookmarked for later, SDTH-030. What I wanted to note (apart, again, from the great angle in the car scene and great throating action) is how skillful the girl is in at least one more aspect
Many girls can multi-task, but usually it's like jerking and sucking or fondling the balls while throating (which is already high level). But this girl performs what we might call "throating and popping": first she deep-throats, but then she doesn't just get the cock out of her throat (by simply lifting her head and throat off it): she vacuums it enough to let it go with a pop. I've seen this before, but here it's very clear. Great combination. I have now also added this as a note to my criteria

Additional tasks here would be...
  • checking more of her, starting with the same studio, as well as
  • checking the studio to see if there are more scenes with that guy as well
I have a few more "new" (more like rediscovered) things I'm still researching, so, some more time will pass until I come back to my initial plan... or at least the plan in the previous post. But hey, it's all great content, so...

* Okay, so, while re-watching it now to make some screenshots, I realized that in that exact part she doesn't hold it firmly, which is due to the length maybe: if she used her whole hand, Ai would not have a lot to suck on... But in other parts, Miho does grab onto it with a firm grip
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So, yeah, a lot of digression has been happening in my JAV research lately, and I have a lot of new findings that I want to share, but some of them are just pointers (because if I decide to follow some of these further, I might not return to the plan for a long time). So...

Some more findings, and most of them are really inspiring JAW-wise:
  • While browsing my other old data, I found that I favorited the Janesu maker, and I've checked it a bit, and it seems like another case of "one makes the source, others make compilations": for example, a scene with one of the sexiest gyaru, Hasegawa Natsuki, from DJSK-106 has become a part of one of my favorites, ASFB-255, and another scene with her from JXAZ-013 has made it to ASFB-276 (it gives me some hope that the scene with Fujiwara Hitomi mentioned in the opening post might be in some other places as well, even if those are not oral-centered at all)
At first I thought that it's the same studio just compiling its own stuff (they take all the scenes from the same other maker, it seems, — and maybe these two studios are just related somehow; basically, one studio makes titles by actress, then another studio takes specific scenes from several such titles and makes a fetish-focused compilation... or, very likely, an actress-focused ones, but we're not interested in those much here)... In any case, we might still have some compilation that has this scene with Hitomi: it just needs to be long enough (4+ hours so that her name is not listed and that's why this compilation cannot be found by searching for titles with her name). I have now also updated the opening post based on these findings (the labels etc. part)
  • Also, while browsing my old collection in general, I found this great series from SOD, and MissAV suggested this one as well (both are not oral-focused but there are some quality oral segments and even scenes there, and the whole atmosphere reminds me of the Semen Collection Ward, plus at least one actress is the same between them, — though this is not surprising, of course, — the one and only Miho); basically, SOD, or the SDDE label at least, has a lot more titles to offer quality oral, apart from oral-focused ones*
And of course, I have now added the SOD maker to the respective list, just below Barutan
  • This series reminded me of other similar series and titles (e.g. this all-sex one, this title with a great cum-shot, and this recent series I saw mentioned elsewhere on the forum) and allowed me to find this title, for example; also, I added the whole "ejaculation management/control" (精子管理/コントロール) fetish to the list
The last one, the Fitch series, is especially arousing for me (not counting the SDDE ones, which are automatically top-tier because of the whole nursing/care thing): the outfits are great and add to the atmosphere; the colors are cold but it fits and enhances the mood, and you can see all the action clearly; the cocks are big and get all kinds of play... I haven't actually watched any of the titles in it apart from the one with Alice (for obvious reasons, i.e. she's one sexy thing with great body and great oral skills), but I would assume that the series overall is at least worth mentioning in the opening post as well, which I now have done. Also, the fact that it has so many titles already and has some more scheduled is a great thing in itself. Overall (though I have only checked the first one in the series in addition to the Alice one), lots of teasing and play with great angles and close-ups. Even though there is only one purely oral scene in each part, it's totally worth it — and the whole series thing (i.e. x2, x3... of the same stuff) really works for us here. I've always had this impression of Fitch that it's a "glamorous high-level filth", and this series really lives up to the image. So, another task for the future is to check more of the Fitch works for oral content









It's all coming together again: same as with Annie Nakamura, both this series and the one I wrote about in my previous post have been filmed by the same director, Yumeno Aida. And the MMTA-009 series is also him**... And ARM-324... Maybe that's part of how the suggestion system works: similar tags + same actresses + same director... apart from what actual users watch together (i.e. "people who watch X also watch Y")...

If you check his filmography some more, he's shot a lot of similar series/titles: GVG-386, ARM-550, GVG-363... Plus there is JUFD-571 series, also similar... at least the JUFD-627 title in it. Plus ARM-107 (with that outstanding gloryhole scene)...

So, I guess I have three favorite directors already: Iramaccho, Annie and this new one, Umeno Aida. Though, again, his "Vacuum Suction Clinic" is nice but did not create the same burst of endorphins (and some other stuff) for me...

Anyway, I'll try and get back to the plan now :)

* Just as I was finishing writing this, I searched some more and found this title: similar ejaculation control but as the next list item but in a professional setting (in this case, prison/jail), and I remembered that I've actually already seen it, posted by none other than PHauc14. And finally, for now, the throat prodigy there, Nanami Noa, is the same girl that made me pay attention to the AKDN label (see the opening post). So, another interesting "coincidence", huh?
** And at least
one other director to check, plus maybe those CJOD and MIAA movies I mentioned some time ago are by him at least partially
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Okay, so, I got distracted again: KAGN-019 came out, and since this type of BJ titles is not my top priority (the combination of the setting, lighting, angles etc. does not really "hit" me — I do understand that it's the whole idea, i.e. genuine shoots in random places without preparation, but... yeah, not really my thing), I decided to go down the recommendation hole once again, and here are just some more labels to research:
  • KAGH (one more label from Kaguya Hime; seems like a label preceding KAGN/KAGP)
  • FCH, FCP (seem like they're from different studios but they look very similar; FCH especially has at least one title I'm really interested in, throating-focused)
  • YMDD (or at least this one title that I'm even surprised I've been missing until now — and the whole series it's a part of that is called very appropriately, "Feels Better than Sex")
  • ONIN (at first glance, they seem to be doing anything apart from straightforward sex including oral, but it still might be worth researching)
  • PYM (another one if you like KAGN; maybe worth checking out for some variety)
  • HALT (one more KAGN-like; the thing here is that there are lots of titles in it already)
  • CLT (and one more)
  • BAZE (feels like Flower stuff)

P.S. A few makers to not forget about here are Faleno Tube and Beatle
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I just found my perfect BJ series (at least for me)
It's ノーカット連射性交 from Materiall (MTATA-001,002,005)

I mean I love regular BJ scene but I always find it kinda boring when the guys get all the pleasure when the girls only gives and got nothing. So my fav BJ scene always the one that involve a 2nd guy as a 3rd person in the scene. So the scene goes like, the girl giving 1st guy a BJ then 2nd guy come and start teasing the girl (with hands, normal vibrator, remote vibrator, etc) but order the girl to just focus to give pleasure to the 1st guy

I always love when the girl tried to focus giving Blowjob to the 1st guy but can't help to start moaning by the stimulations the 2nd guy give to her private parts. There is some Jav with this kind of scene, but it always a short scene between other scenes, But in this series, all the scenes are just the girl giving BJ to the guy with other guy teasing with different method and vibrators. Love it

If anyone have a titles recommendation for these kind of scene (doesn't need to be series, individual scene from other titles are ok too) I would love to check it.
My personal fav is the one with remote vibrator, because when using hands/normal vibrators, usually the girls came first before the guy even came. But with remote vibrator, the other guy can control and turned off the vibrator if the girl is about to came and not letting her got her orgasm before she finished her job making the 1st guy cum
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I just found my perfect BJ series (at least for me)
It's ノーカット連射性交 from Materiall (MTATA-001,002,005)
Thank you for sharing! You might already know about this one, but Sex Agent had a few titles like this (I mean, it's likely that Barutan shot the original scenes for different movies, and then Sex Agent put all those in a themed title). For completeness, you could just check both of these makers, but here is at least one, AGEMIX-420 where there are a few scenes like that (see the gallery; though I'm sure I've seen more in their titles; maybe check their blowjob-centered ones first)

P.S. If I remember correctly, in one of these Sex Agent titles, there was a scene where the girl was jerking and sucking off two guys while sitting on the face of the third... must be in one of their oral-focused titles...

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I've been smitten by Airi Nagisa's cute looks but never really dug into her work until now.


Two things stand out about SONE-465. Her amazing eye contact game, and the volume of cum that gets splattered on her face. Most of the guys had amazing loads. I wonder if they get paid more? Since they'd have to pass up other cum scenes to do this. But they really found some well loaded cocks for her to suck on.

Regarding her technique, it's mostly hands free excellence backed by a good slurping sound. Her post nut sucking also lasts longer than other girls.

Oh boy. I need to collect her stuff and anticipate her future, more hardcore material. Because the way up from this film is simple - multiple cock scenes, plus gokkun.

The biggest missed opportunity is her not being able to open her eyes after this good nut. Imagine her face coated like this while she continues guy after guy with that eye contact game. As The Rock said, could be game over.
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Nice! I'll make sure to check the title and her other works as well :)
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A small update (a digression again, but I good one again): so, I lamented not long ago about the state of the DROP label, but I realized only now that DROP-106 features Yuri Maina! So, I checked her recent works, and she has done quite a lot! In DROP-106, she's actually in the first scene, but I guess since there is a lot of throating in the title in general, I haven't paid much attention to any single scene...

Ogawa Himari (whose recent works I was checking when I remembered about Yuri Maina) has also done a new one actually, which is good. It's a lesbian one, but at least she's still working. Let's hope we see some more oral extravaganza from her in the future
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For anyone interested (and since javhd123 has explicitly asked how to use them), here is a short instruction on loopers in general and the two programs I personally use. It will be quite detailed since I have some time and I think loopers are one of the best things to really savor porn sometimes\

(It's basically an elaboration on what I've written on them here and here)

1. General info. What are "loopers"?
Loopers are programs (or site features like on MissAV under the player, or even the built-in features of players themselves) that allow you to create loops, i.e. to loop video or audio indefinitely. Many if not most players allow you to loop the audio/video from start to finish but not all of them allow you to loop any part of audio/video. And that's where the loopers come in

2. Which loopers I use
There might be many (and players like VLC have some built-in looping functionality though it's still very basic compared to the specialized loopers like the ones I describe here), but I use two: 99% of the time I use the MPC Looper, and in some cases I use iClooPlayer. The first allows you to not just loop any part of the video with precise (down to milliseconds) timing but also save those loops into playlists and control playback speed much more precisely than the MissAV player or most other media players. The second is a player that has some built-in looping features but why I use it at all is because it allows you to play videos backwards. I don't know any other players that have this built in (seems like it's not trivial at all to play modern videos backwards — and the audio as well, keeping it all in "backwards sync"). I use it very rarely but it's cool to have such a tool at your disposal

3. How to loop
The "backwards player" I mention above is also not very intuitive, so I'll leave it to you to work it out, but I will give you a basic instruction to get started

0) You'll need to download and install Media Player Classic (this looper runs over it to achieve the overall needed functionality; it's not developed anymore, but hey, I don't know any other loopers, so we'll need to use this one; download one of the .exe files, most likely the one with x64 in it — unless you're still running a 32-bit system, in which case you'll need the x86 one; download, run and install)
1) Download the looper (I'll be describing how to work with this version; there might be significant differences even between the versions of this specific looper). Again, you will only need to download the .exe file. You just download it and run it
2) Once you run it, it will ask you where the .exe of the Media Player Classic is located; browse and link it to the player; optionally, create shortcuts for both the player and the looper in your Start Menu for ease of access
3) You can now run the player separately with a video already playing — and then run the looper, and it will work over it. Or you can run the looper, and it will automatically open the player, and then you can open the file in the player
4) From here, you're basically set: you just find what you want to loop, press IN at the start, OUT at the end (there are some adjustment tools in the looper as well near those buttons), and voila
5) You can create any number of loops in this looper file, even linked to different videos, so a single file might work as a single access point to all your favorite cum-shots, for example, across your library; you can also control the playback speed, loop not all but only the selected loops in the list and even shuffle the items... and that's pretty much it, but give it a try and you'll realize how useful it is; and yes, of course, you can save these looper files, and then you can easily edit them with the Notepad app, for example (they are just text files)

4. Some further thoughts
This actually makes it easier to share your favorite parts of any movie: instead of making an edit which takes lots of time and effort, you could just share a looper file: since it allows you to "cut out" any parts of the video (and even any several videos) and then put them in any order in the playlist, the result is basically the same but without creating a new file. So, anyone will only need your looper file and the same version of the basic video file you've used (since the looper works based on timestamps, if the files differ in some way, — i.e. one has ads in the beginning, — the looper will need to be synced as well)

Long story short, this might become a niche way to easily make and share porn "edits" quickly and easily. Just make sure that the path to the video in the looper file doesn't have any sensitive info :)

I guess when sharing those loopers one would need to replace the file path with some agreed-upon symbols like <the path to the file here>*

5. An example
Just to give you an example, below is a looper I created for JUFE-205 (just change the extension from .txt to .looper — as I said, they're just text files basically). It should work on the basic version of the file (i.e. no ads in the beginning that the Chinese rippers often add). Just open it in the Notepad or any other text editor and replace the <the path to the file here> with the full path to where you have this video (of course, you'll need to download it; you can find it on this very site in several versions actually)

For example, if your user name is JAVFAN, it might be C:\Users\JAVFAN\Downloads\JUFE-205.mp4

* Though, naturally, if one shares a looper referring to several different files, they would need to specify which loop refers to which file, so it would be something like <the path to the file here>.FileA.mp4, <the path to the file here>.FileB.mp4 etc. Just a mildly autistic addition, which I often make


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For anyone interested (and since javhd123 has explicitly asked how to use them), here is a short instruction on loopers in general and the two programs I personally use. It will be quite detailed since I have some time and I think loopers are one of the best things to really savor porn sometimes\

(It's basically an elaboration on what I've written on them here and here)

1. General info. What are "loopers"?
Loopers are programs (or site features like on MissAV under the player, or even the built-in features of players themselves) that allow you to create loops, i.e. to loop video or audio indefinitely. Many if not most players allow you to loop the audio/video from start to finish but not all of them allow you to loop any part of audio/video. And that's where the loopers come in

2. Which loopers I use
There might be many (and players like VLC have some built-in looping functionality though it's still very basic compared to the specialized loopers like the ones I describe here), but I use two: 99% of the time I use the MPC Looper, and in some cases I use iClooPlayer. The first allows you to not just loop any part of the video with precise (down to milliseconds) timing but also save those loops into playlists and control playback speed much more precisely than the MissAV player or most other media players. The second is a player that has some built-in looping features but why I use it at all is because it allows you to play videos backwards. I don't know any other players that have this built in (seems like it's not trivial at all to play modern videos backwards — and the audio as well, keeping it all in "backwards sync"). I use it very rarely but it's cool to have such a tool at your disposal

3. How to loop
The "backwards player" I mention above is also not very intuitive, so I'll leave it to you to work it out, but I will give you a basic instruction to get started

0) You'll need to download and install Media Player Classic (this looper runs over it to achieve the overall needed functionality; it's not developed anymore, but hey, I don't know any other loopers, so we'll need to use this one; download one of the .exe files, most likely the one with x64 in it — unless you're still running a 32-bit system, in which case you'll need the x86 one; download, run and install)
1) Download the looper (I'll be describing how to work with this version; there might be significant differences even between the versions of this specific looper). Again, you will only need to download the .exe file. You just download it and run it
2) Once you run it, it will ask you where the .exe of the Media Player Classic is located; browse and link it to the player; optionally, create shortcuts for both the player and the looper in your Start Menu for ease of access
3) You can now run the player separately with a video already playing — and then run the looper, and it will work over it. Or you can run the looper, and it will automatically open the player, and then you can open the file in the player
4) From here, you're basically set: you just find what you want to loop, press IN at the start, OUT at the end (there are some adjustment tools in the looper as well near those buttons), and voila
5) You can create any number of loops in this looper file, even linked to different videos, so a single file might work as a single access point to all your favorite cum-shots, for example, across your library; you can also control the playback speed, loop not all but only the selected loops in the list and even shuffle the items... and that's pretty much it, but give it a try and you'll realize how useful it is; and yes, of course, you can save these looper files, and then you can easily edit them with the Notepad app, for example (they are just text files)

4. Some further thoughts
This actually makes it easier to share your favorite parts of any movie: instead of making an edit which takes lots of time and effort, you could just share a looper file: since it allows you to "cut out" any parts of the video (and even any several videos) and then put them in any order in the playlist, the result is basically the same but without creating a new file. So, anyone will only need your looper file and the same version of the basic video file you've used (since the looper works based on timestamps, if the files differ in some way, — i.e. one has ads in the beginning, — the looper will need to be synced as well)

Long story short, this might become a niche way to easily make and share porn "edits" quickly and easily. Just make sure that the path to the video in the looper file doesn't have any sensitive info :)

I guess when sharing those loopers one would need to replace the file path with some agreed-upon symbols like <the path to the file here>*

5. An example
Just to give you an example, below is a looper I created for JUFE-205 (just change the extension from .txt to .looper — as I said, they're just text files basically). It should work on the basic version of the file (i.e. no ads in the beginning that the Chinese rippers often add). Just open it in the Notepad or any other text editor and replace the <the path to the file here> with the full path to where you have this video (of course, you'll need to download it; you can find it on this very site in several versions actually)

For example, if your user name is JAVFAN, it might be C:\Users\JAVFAN\Downloads\JUFE-205.mp4

* Though, naturally, if one shares a looper referring to several different files, they would need to specify which loop refers to which file, so it would be something like <the path to the file here>.FileA.mp4, <the path to the file here>.FileB.mp4 etc. Just a mildly autistic addition, which I often make
i tired but it not working idk what i did wrong i drop a mp4 in Media Player Classic then i open the mpc looper but it doesnt loop, and i run the setup for mpc looper already but every time i open it keep asking to run thru the setup again is that normal,, not tryin to be annoying but is it possible for u the make a video on how to use the Media Player Classic n mpc looper and post on this thread so i will easy to understand for people who are not good with this kind of stuff
Man, making a video for that is a real hassle :)

Have you chosen the same .exe of the player that you are playing the video with? You might have several versions of it — if you're using a 64-bit system, then you can still install x86 programs, and they will be installed to Program Files (x86)

If the .ext file that you've chosen in the MPC Looper settings and the .exe file you're running is the same and you're still getting this error, post the screenshot of the error you're getting, and we'll try to work it out

If you want, you can make a video on how you're using the player and the looper, and it will likely help us understand very well what could go wrong :)
And if even after that we don't work out what the problem is, I will try and make my own visual explanation (see below)

So, the troubleshooting process I'm offering is:
  • First you post the screens of the error message(s) you're getting and we try to work it out that way
  • If that doesn't help, you make a video of the whole process of you trying to make it work, and we try to troubleshoot this way
  • If even that doesn't help, I'll start by making a step-by step visual instruction with screenshots (I will add it to the original instruction above, under a spoiler)
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Man, making a video for that is a real hassle :)

Have you chosen the same .exe of the player that you are playing the video with? You might have several versions of it — if you're using a 64-bit system, then you can still install x86 programs, and they will be installed to Program Files (x86)

If the .ext file that you've chosen in the MPC Looper settings and the .exe file you're running is the same and you're still getting this error, post the screenshot of the error you're getting, and we'll try to work it out

If you want, you can make a video on how you're using the player and the looper, and it will likely help us understand very well what could go wrong :)
And if even after that we don't work out what the problem is, I will try and make my own visual explanation (see below)

So, the troubleshooting process I'm offering is:
  • First you post the screens of the error message(s) you're getting and we try to work it out that way
  • If that doesn't help, you make a video of the whole process of you trying to make it work, and we try to troubleshoot this way
  • If even that doesn't help, I'll start by making a step-by step visual instruction with screenshots (I will add it to the original instruction above, under a spoiler)
so i loaded the mp4 file on Media Player Classic let the video play then i loaded up the mpc looper then i clicked on in and then out then what DO U HAVE TO DO


  • saved1.PNG
    293.3 KB · Views: 20
So, it works as it should then :)

Now you just create loops as I described. It's just a tool to repeat the highlights again and again. For example, in that video you loaded, if you like like a certain cum-shot scene, you mark IN the beginning of it, then mark OUT the end of it, and hit "Add" below the now-empty list. It creates the loop

If you don't have any ready loopers, it might sound boring and you might think "why do I even need this?" but if it's a quality movie, there might be lots of scenes that you might want to watch again quickly. And loopers help with that: they're like bookmarks

For example, instead of cutting out the stuff you don't need and creating an edit of only what you like in a movie, you could save time and effort by simply creating loopers of the moments you like and play only them

I mean, not every movie is worth creating loopers for it just as not every movie is worth using for using it in a kind of "Best Of" compilation, a PMV or whatever. But with some movies and even scenes I have created HUGE loopers because there are so many great moments there. To give another example, here is one of the biggest loopers I have for a single scene from a movie. You will need to download the movie, obviously, but the looper has a couple dozen of "bookmarks" for what I thought is worth re-watching there (counting the "shorter" and "longer" loops of the same moment separately)

Still, sharing loopers might not look easy (in exchange for editing to create a ready-to-watch compilation on the author's side, it's you, the user of the looper, who need to do the work of downloading the original movie and adapting the looper to your system, but I think the overall workload is like 1% of the workload for editing), so here is a detailed instruction on how to take the looper below (or the one I attached to the instruction above) and use it if you have the movie:
  • Open the file in any text editor (let's take the default Notepad for example)
  • Using the Edit > Replace command, change the <the path to the file here> part with the path to the file in your system (for example, in this case, if your username in the system is JAVFAN, it might be C:\Users\JAVFAN\Downloads\SVDVD-614A.mp4)
  • Change the extension of the looper from .txt. to .looper
  • Open it (if you have downloaded the fitting file (i.e. without any additions of ads in the beginning etc.) and set the path to the file correctly, that's it)
  • Navigate the looper and see what parts of the video I found especially interesting (in a way, I'm sharing a part of my perverted mind since obviously, different parts will be interesting for different people; there is a certain something to how one names the loops, of course)
In this case, it's a looper from an oral-focused movies with my favorite scene with Takagi Chisato whom I mention in the opening post of the thread, so it's all about deep-throating and, in this case, the sounds that she makes in the process

The links for the fitting file (i.e. the one that splits the movie as it was originally split, into three parts and not into separate scenes) on the forum all seem dead, so you will need to find the file elsewhere, i.e. on JAV Library. I don't have it anymore as well since it's a looper I created years ago... but it's still there if I want to re-watch the best parts of it (in my opinion)


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Long story short, there are two scenarios:
1. You don't have an existing looper for the video file — then you need to create one yourself
2. You have an existing looper for the video file — you need to adapt the looper to your system (your path to the file will be different, and you'll need to change the extension from .txt to .looper after editing the path)

Seems like you are in the situation 1, so, naturally, you will need to create your own loops. And if you want to use the ones I shared, you will need the fitting video files for them. Maybe I've created too much hype around loopers here, but they are just "helper files" that need to be created (essentially, same as playlists but for video moments) and we also need to remember that they only work for the version of the video they were created on (time-wise, i.e. any changes to the timing like adding an ad in the beginning or splitting the original file into separate scenes will "ruin" the timing, so the looper will point to different moments in the video — the same times but the different moments as the times in the video have shifted, same as it happens with subtitles)

P.S. Oh, there is one more scenario, of course:
3. You can also edit and add to the existing loopers (for example, someone could take my looper for JUFE-205 and add dozens more loops for the same scene and/or the rest of the scenes)
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So, I'm less busy now than I've been in the last few months, and I'm finally getting back to the actresses list, but before that, I just wanted to leave another note about Amaharu Noa:
  • If you still haven't checked her out, I strongly recommend her for several reasons: first, she is really pretty (maybe a hafu), second, she has short hair (if that's one of your things, like mine, that's a plus), and third and foremost, she not only has great oral skills but also looks and acts lewd a lot, often without trying to (the best kind); I got reminded about her by MissAV today when I got suggested FSEI-006 again (check out that "oh-by-the-way" tongue display in the preview from there via this direct link)
  • One of the more recent ones with her that I plan to watch, MTALL-146, has both NTR and a "blowjob line-up" (see the gallery), and with the traits above, I think, it will be a treat
  • Also, she has been doing a lot of rougher stuff recently (e.g. MISM-354), which is good, I guess; I haven't yet checked it out, but I feel that it's totally worth your time
And yeah, in general, Flower is not slowing down, and they recently published a new oral video starring her, FSOKU-005... So, it's going nicely so far...

(The cover is still for the first title mentioned in this post as it's what reminded me about her)

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Okay, so I skimmed over 4 or 5 titles with Hikaru Yukino, and my initial feel was that she might be really good but I'm just not watching the right titles. So I stopped limiting myself to what MissAV has to offer with her and found two of her asfur titles, ASW-011 and ASW-017, and man, now we're talking! That's how much it means to be able, as the director, to use the talent that you have within your actors and actresses!

(Another case in point that asfur in general and their Swallowed Whole! series in particular are among the top of oral JAV not just "by their highest marks", but on average as well, title by title)

I'll update this post when I actually watch at least both of these, and in the meantime, you might recommend more titles that you think best showcase her talent

<to be updated...>
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Okay, so I skimmed over 4 or 5 titles with Hikaru Yukino, and my initial feel was that she might be really good but I'm just not watching the right titles. So I stopped limiting myself to what MissAV has to offer with her and found two of her asfur titles, ASW-011 and ASW-017, and man, now we're talking! That's how much it means to be able, as the director, to use the talent that you have within your actors and actresses!

(Another case in point that asfur in general and their Swallowed Whole! series in particular are among the top of oral JAV not just "by their highest marks, but on average as well, title by title)

I'll update this post when I actually watch at least both of these, and in the meantime, you might recommend more titles that you think best showcase her talent

<to be updated...>
Started looking at asfur, not sure how I've overlooked this series but the videos are all great, so thank you for that.
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Started looking at asfur, not sure how I've overlooked this series but the videos are all great, so thank you for that.
Yeah, there have been a lot of cases, even in this thread I think, when I though to myself: "How is that that I'm only finding out about this now?!." There is a line from a certain poet that comes to mind that can be translated something like (my second try — a bit closer to the source)...

How many marvels to discover
Enlightenment has for us in store...

How many things yet to discover
Enlightenment has for us in store...

How many marvels undiscovered
Enlightenment has for us in store...

P.S. If you haven't yet, do check out the list I give in the opening post of this thread; there are lots and lots of great oral series an movies already collected there... Well, they're great in my opinion, of course :)
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Okay, so I got distracted again and decided to re-watch the KAGN label titles. I now think that this one (and those similar to it, i.e. those with the guy and the girl alone, and the guy himself is filming) might be one of those most likely to have real cum in them (I don't notice any cuts or moving the cock out of frame to perform some fake-cum trickery, and it would be much more difficult to pull it off when you're the one filming it as well). Also, the cocks here are sizeable, and the angles are OK though very repetitive

My current favorite is KAGN-015: it has both Amaharu Noa and Otsu Alice, as well as a nice hyottoko ("blowjob face") girl at around 43:10 (though I still haven't finished re-watching it for... natural reasons: it took me from the 20th part to the 15th to... arrive yesterday, so it shows that it's not that... potent of a series, but still, it's one of those that I can certainly enjoy more than once)

(I now think that it's because it's a perfect combination for me: oral + gonzo + JAV, i.e. the purest form of porn pleasure for me, or at least one of the kinds of pleasures I prefer to, if we use some degenerate yet accurate slang, goon to. I'm not that deep into it, but you might have seen those "goon walls" on sites like Spankbang, and this series is perfect source material for those)


Why I decided to write about it at all is because I only now noticed that the "Notes" section on this wiki may contain links to the corresponding FC2 content (here is the listing for the KAGN label itself; I checked the listing for Flower as well, and it doesn't include FC2 links even though I'm sure those are also compilations of FC2 content; in any case, we now have more evidence that a lot of these FC2 makers, fortunately for us, release the same content on DVD)

P.S. Also, for later research, in KAGN-014 there is this skillful girl that might be the same girl as in one of the titles from the masked blowjob series I also mention in the opening post (KAGP-273). Yet another reason to finally (re)-discover her name and watch more content with her... which I did, and there are three matching actresses between these titles: 波多野結衣, 最上一花, 菊池まや. Upon checking their appearance, it seems that it's 波多野結衣, i.e. Hatano Yui. Hm... I've seen and heard her name a lot, but I didn't even know she's such an oral pro. I'll make the research of her other works a priority for now and report back later...
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