Zool's Full Fisting & Extreme Thread

Zool, and though not jav, only forgive me this time.
In BDSM of USA, has been especially respected the three following.

John Alexander Scott Coutts (John Willie)
Jeff Gord
Brent Scott, former Carnegie Mellon professor, known as "pd"
View attachment 417018 View attachment 417019 View attachment 417020 View attachment 417021 View attachment 417022

Greenglobe. I have lots of early insex and his newer stuff also. I have met Jeff Gord and he has been to my house. You know he passed away last year....Very sad.
Hi Zool,
First Thanks for this, I have downloaded it, unfortunately it appears that part8 is corrupted.

https://filejoker.net/vimvagnzlp8s/MAD-45-iso.part08.rar 350.0 Mb
I have downloaded it 3 times and it didn't work.

View attachment 417169
you see the part8 size is different.
Can you upload it again please?
Thanks a lot

will fix

i haven't fixed it yet - uploaded by ftp to free site and it again added to the file size - suspect maltreatment of free users - making some headway to get premium account
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Hi,greenglobe.Here are some of my videos,What you need?I will give you. And I have dozens of 胜景山庄 movies is uploading红豆的天空 代号冰石.avi_thumbs_[2015.05.11_20.56.36].jpg sh.mp4_thumbs_[2015.05.11_21.09.18].jpg 红豆的天空 7号特工 -红豆.mp4_thumbs_[2015.05.12_23.35.09].jpg 红豆的天空 沉默 - 欣怡 红豆.avi_thumbs_[2015.05.12_23.35.58].jpg 红豆的天空 代号冰石.avi_thumbs_[2015.05.11_20.56.36].jpg 红豆的天空 誓言 莎莎.avi_thumbs_[2015.05.12_23.36.45].jpg 红豆的天空 撕裂.avi_thumbs_[2015.05.12_23.37.32].jpg 红豆的天空 撕裂之绝密的真相 东方月.avi_thumbs_[2015.05.11_21.28.49].jpg 红豆的天空 血祭 -红豆 东方月.avi_thumbs_[2015.05.11_20.57.35].jpg 红豆的天空 血狱 东方月.WMV_thumbs_[2015.05.11_20.58.11].jpg 红豆的天空 银狐1.WMV_thumbs_[2015.05.11_21.04.28].jpg 红豆的天空 银狐2.wmv_thumbs_[2015.05.11_21.04.49].jpg 丽佳美亚  川江巾帼魂.mp4_thumbs_[2015.05.12_23.48.58].jpg 丽佳美亚 蔡鸣凤传奇 上.avi_thumbs_[2015.05.12_16.00.30].jpg 丽佳美亚 蔡鸣凤传奇 下.avi_thumbs_[2015.05.12_16.01.21].jpg 丽佳美亚 地窖少女之洛阳X奴 1.avi_thumbs_[2015.05.12_23.49.58].jpg 丽佳美亚 刁刘氏 莎莎.MPG_thumbs_[2015.05.11_21.05.57].jpg 丽佳美亚 姐妹无间道 莎莎 雅思.rmvb_thumbs_[2015.05.11_22.05.40].jpg 丽佳美亚 警官驾到K女版 模特莎莎兔兔.mpg_thumbs_[2015.05.12_23.38.43].jpg 丽佳美亚 女警付丽之深入虎穴.rmvb_thumbs_[2015.05.12_23.39.42].jpg 丽佳美亚 女囚悲歌之付丽.wmv_thumbs_[2015.05.11_21.06.41].jpg 丽佳美亚 女囚悲歌之假戏真做 下.mp4_thumbs_[2015.05.12_23.40.40].jpg 丽佳美亚 女囚悲歌之假戏真做(上).mp4_thumbs_[2015.05.11_21.07.07].jpg 丽佳美亚 女囚悲歌之终极虐欲 莎莎.rm_thumbs_[2015.05.12_23.42.45].jpg 丽佳美亚 秋风寒叶 莎莎.mp4_thumbs_[2015.05.11_21.07.50].jpg 丽佳美亚 新十五贯.rmvb_thumbs_[2015.05.12_23.49.21].jpg 丽佳美亚 重镣女死囚 上 莎莎.mp4_thumbs_[2015.05.12_23.43.29].jpg 丽佳美亚 重镣女死囚 下 莎莎.mp4_thumbs_[2015.05.12_23.44.10].jpg 胜景山庄 周年庆活动纪实 上.avi_thumbs_[2015.05.12_23.45.05].jpg 胜景山庄 周年庆活动纪实 下.avi_thumbs_[2015.05.12_23.47.07].jpg 胜景山庄 周年庆活动纪实 中.avi_thumbs_[2015.05.12_23.46.14].jpg 香罗带冤案 .avi_thumbs_[2015.05.11_21.08.41].jpg 斩娥记.avi_thumbs_[2015.05.11_21.11.44].jpg

Thank you.Now, I have examined.
丽佳美亚、胜景影视 香罗带冤案、胜景山庄 斩娥记 all I have.
红豆的天空 also, those of old low-quality, I have to watch all.
So, it is unnecessary upload.

To your kindness, I will return someday without fail.
However, this time of EDGD-147. Also, BDSMLAND have to re-upload at jav-library.
In the future, it is not posted in the thread at all.
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VD-468 is available in 1080 p, at jav-library if anyone's interested

hey Mr.hat,

just a suggestion - i know i saw this video on akiba-online - but couldn't find it with your id# VD-468 - the actual id is SVDVD-468 and even at javlibrary the identity of the poster is Yipman - he is an akiba-online exclusive poster [or whatever he is called these days] - give akiba-online posters first credit. there are numerous torrents posted at javlibrary as well but having reviewed the torrents they all come from Yipman's video - so he is the guy to credit, okay?
Thank you.Now, I have examined.
丽佳美亚、胜景影视 香罗带冤案、胜景山庄 斩娥记 all I have.
红豆的天空 also, those of old low-quality, I have to watch all.
So, it is unnecessary upload.

To your kindness, I will return someday without fail.
However, this time of EDGD-147. Also, BDSMLAND have to re-upload at jav-library.
In the future, it is not posted in the thread at all.
OK,These are actually I bought for you.
If you have,I have not sent to your mailbox.
About EDGD-147,There isn't much I love scenes.Because I love nose torture.
I hope you can share with me in my personal mailbox.I won't share it to others.
Of course,Also thank you EDGD-147.
I just now have to see this website BDSMLAND.I really hate this kind of behavior.
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hey Mr.hat,

just a suggestion - i know i saw this video on akiba-online - but couldn't find it with your id# VD-468 - the actual id is SVDVD-468 and even at javlibrary the identity of the poster is Yipman - he is an akiba-online exclusive poster [or whatever he is called these days] - give akiba-online posters first credit. there are numerous torrents posted at javlibrary as well but having reviewed the torrents they all come from Yipman's video - so he is the guy to credit, okay?
That's strange the first part of my sentence was "I saw that sv" is missing from my post. First time I tried the post it didn't go throw. I actually tried searching for yipman and the svdvd-468 title on here via the search bar and go no results for either. But thank you I wasn't sure on the etiquette.
That's strange the first part of my sentence was "I saw that sv" is missing from my post. First time I tried the post it didn't go throw. I actually tried searching for yipman and the svdvd-468 title on here via the search bar and go no results for either. But thank you I wasn't sure on the etiquette.

no problem - there's a glitch [sometimes] at akiba-online in searching any forum sometimes. so if you are in my thread and search for something in all forums you don't get good results - always do a search from original home page or at the beginning of the particular forum you are searching - definitely gives you different results.
i am currently having trouble both uploading and downloading video so am changing out my computer - both my download manager is working about 1/2 the time and my ftp manager is consistently timing out although other computers on my network are working just fine.

until i get an entirely new system i am shifting to another computer altogether which i know to be sufficiently powerful to carry on all my antics at least temporarily until i get a decent 'puter system

and while i am currently not uploading vidoe i am purchasing some DVD for ripping - once i have obtained the video i will let you know what i got.

i was able to download today a small 638 mb .avi of ADV-0260 by Art SM - here is the Cover and Screenshots - i just purchased the DVD for this so i will rip a far better version later:

ADV-0260_jacket.jpg ADV-0260_thumb.jpg

if i can swing it i will try to obtain some okayama SM club / pan-net video, both digital and DVD, more Sanwa mook DVD, more Paingate , and more Shureel / Sodom DVD

i have also recently downloaded about 43 gb of N24 video out of a total of about 200 gb N24 video from ddl sources and i am downloading torrents consisting of another 200 gb of N24 video
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this guy neevneev wants some BDSM- videos - can anyone help?

i am attaching a folder of the BDSM- series jacket covers - the cover i am missing is BDSM-014. anyone have it? here's the link to the covers:

https://filejoker.net/fai9bhwx8k9w - 9.6 Mb there are no automobiles in there

like i said before i don't really care for messr neevneev's choice of enema / scat videos - but the BDSM- series as a whole is a good group of videos to collect. my particular inclinations, not exclusively, go more for the following:

BDSM-014 Actress and family, it seems to have been asked to DVD sales ban.
BDSM-014.jpg BDSM-014_thumb.jpg
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Always Thanks to Greenglobe for his generosity.
I have been searching for SVDVD-0447 and svdvd-076 for a long time. It would be very kind if you could post them here.
CC-152 1nd EDGD-147 also look very good if you have a chance to post them.

Thank you until now.
Only friend reliable one person in the future, it will send links.

filejoker does not intend to become a premium member.
Moneymaking principle, there is no interest.
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BDSM-014 got banned in japan? that is something else!

and btw i am downloading a very slow torrent of CC-152.iso, 7.17gb in size - it will be downloaded in a couple of months by it download status.

Manufacturers, due, the sale of this work has ended.
”Manufacturers, due.”
This seems to demand of the principal side.

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status of Collector COWD- series collection . . .

i traded for a .wmv version of COWD-001 - i have been given .mpg versions of COWD-002 and COWD-004 - i was able to obtain .wmv versions of COWD-010, COWD-011, COWD-016 and COWD-017.

i recently ordered DVD of COWD-002, COWD-003, COWD-004, COWD-006 and COWD-007

i have also been downloading a torrent of COWD-008 that has thus far downloaded 14.5% in a 2 week period. if this keeps downloading like it has it will take another 2 1/2 months to download, assuming it won't finally crap out.

search my threads and you will find jackets for all the above aready posted.

and i do plan on posting all the above.
Manufacturers, due, the sale of this work has ended.
”Manufacturers, due.”
This seems to demand of the principal side.

シリーズ日本のマゾ女 被虐の熟女 貴子 VOL.2 BDSM-014   


待望の人気シリーズ最新作。長期に渡る調教の数々に、肉体の変化を見せる熟女奴隷!SMマニア必見の調教実録。〇擬似拷問!磔台に逆さに括られスラッ シャー鞭に戦く!〇マルゴボンデージ大字磔鼻フック!小便浣腸に熱蝋排泄!〇極太ディルドーに貫かれ白き巨尻を炙られる!〇秘肉襞ステンレスクリップ責 め!羞恥、まんぐり燭台! 厳しい調教の宣告を受けると女は無毛恥丘を震わせて期待汁を垂れ流した。命令され罵られ足蹴にされ服従を誓う変態マゾ熟女「貴子」。

so it is out of print - copies of the jacket cover are almost nonexistent - none at arzon.jp or at any customary site