Zool's Full Fisting & Extreme Thread

zool's next jav fisting and fetish videos - - IAT-101 & MAD-77

[FM128][JFFM106][Nat High][Dir.xxx][Rel.2005-09-08]Unknown_Actress-Idol_-_Drunken_淫_club_liquor_soaked_spasms_ this_rumor[これが噂の痙攣酒漬け酔淫倶楽部][IAT-101]-ddl:



posted: 11-29-2011




video is ripped

the above are the next two jav fisting videos that are to be posted on zool's blog and on akiba-online

before i post the above i will be reposting: JBD-118, CC-102, MIAD-150 & BSHD-07
who is that actress in the GloryQuest, MAD-24, fisting video?

a while back i posted a GloryQuest fisting video, MAD-24, which like many of the Maniac and anal fisting videos produced by GloryQuest does not identify the idol/actress. My post is here:


a japanese friend identified the actress as 梧佳綺(あおぎりよしき) and directed me to: http://www.aventertainments.com/ActressDetail.aspx?languageID=2&actressname=梧佳綺 another person at another site corroborated that identification giving me info regarding her video, Cat Sperm Women, where Yoshiki Aogiri is dressed in a dreamy black latex outfit.

a google search of Yoshiki Aogiri also came up with this: http://www.loudletters.com/ll/rest/celebrityprofile/1C/Yoshiki Aogiri

so from the above you can see that Yoshiki Aogiri is variously called Yoshiki Aogiri and Aki Kurozuki, and in japanese, 黒月あき and 梧佳綺

under the name Yoshiki Aogiri i came up with Super Squirt 1 and Cat Sperm Women while under Aki Kurozuki i came up with Super Squirt Vol 5 - and a more expanded filmography is located under the name 黒月あき at: http://www.dmm.co.jp/mono/dvd/-/list/=/article=actress/id=12344/

it is under the name 黒月あき she did at least three additional fisting videos under the Wanz label, covers below

here's at least a partial filmography by cover, below

this is by no means Aki Kurozuki aka Yoshiki Aogiri's [黒月あき-梧佳綺(あおぎりよしき)] complete filmography - it is, however, an interesting beginning
zool's gif dump:

zool uses .gif images to spruce up his various posts - this is a source of some of those .gif images

BlackHoleFinal.gif~c200.gif hyperlinks.gif~c200.gif purple-swirling-animation.gif 1236687w3bgm4du31.gif 1260443674_infinite_vortex.gifmyoshka_greekswasi3d_1.gifanimated fractal 800.gif
aspundir_blogspot_in (2).gif giphy-1a.gif UntidyAltruisticEastsiberianlaika.gif vortex.gif Vortex_Cool.giftumblr_nhgxxh4QtF1txeruoo2_r3_500.giftumblr_madjpwORvU1qaaawfo1_r1_400.gif vortex_789.gif vortex+giphy.gifvortex+giphy101.gif vortex+giphy103.gif vortex=giphy102.gif waveyvortex.gif8-cell-simple.gif


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[IAT-101][fj.net][ss.com][k2s.cc][fb.me][pan.baidu.com] zool's 106th Japanese Full Fisting Video [Censored]

JAV Fisting Clip
promo pic of nana saeki in RCT-169
JAV Fisting Clip


[IAT-101][fj.net][ss.com][k2s.cc][fb.me][pan.baidu.com] zool's 106th Japanese Full Fisting Video [Censored]

zool video info: [FM128][JFFM106][studio/label:natural_high][メーカー/レーベル:ナチュラルハイ][dir:itaka_sumithrin_powder][監督:イタカ・スミスリンパウダー][rel/発売日:2005年9月8日]yui_lina[ユイ・リナ]_-_

sources: XXXXwww.naturalhigh.co.jp/all_title/IAT-101.php and XXXXwww.dmm.co.jp/mono/dvd/-/detail/=/cid=1iat101/

CENSORED with a mosaic over the genitals

this is a 2.10gb .mp4 of the video "drunken slutty club liquor pickled convulsions of this is rumor [これが噂の痙攣酒漬け酔淫倶楽部]" starring yui lina [ユイ・リナ]. the video's content includes m-f fisting, rope bondage, m-f hardcore action as well as dildo and industrial strength vibrator action. it is, of course, censored with a mozaic over the genitals.

here's the cover to IAT-101:
here's screenshots to IAT-101:

here's the links to IAT-101 posted on filejoker.net, subyshare.com, k2s.cc, fboom.me and pan.baidu.com:


https://filejoker.net/si9xcdmu8b8u/zool-FM.no.128.part1.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/5nmt7v8zy8wd/zool-FM.no.128.part2.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/pqepxw0yjce5/zool-FM.no.128.part3.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/340hhk92gs4s/zool-FM.no.128.part4.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/364nny057qm7/zool-FM.no.128.part5.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/kjuf7tnzpsy8/zool-FM.no.128.part6.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/kvzknkt6mm3v/zool-FM.no.128.part7.rar 52.2 Mb




pan.baidu links :http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bXXWcA pw to access those files:poxd

MD5 checksum for 2.10gb .mp4: f635379f4882d7471387c62177f88f38


https://filejoker.net/mkwk6fjqxc2n/zool-FM.no.128_iso.part01.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/smc5lb71jybn/zool-FM.no.128_iso.part02.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/s09rjpszgw1v/zool-FM.no.128_iso.part03.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/2fo4mqjk73gc/zool-FM.no.128_iso.part04.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/ddb66gyfatj3/zool-FM.no.128_iso.part05.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/nr5n6i9fbkp7/zool-FM.no.128_iso.part06.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/74bg11ifs6tv/zool-FM.no.128_iso.part07.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/k2q4gf7nwuw9/zool-FM.no.128_iso.part08.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/o7gxf9txopdl/zool-FM.no.128_iso.part09.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/sx0at4wrqplz/zool-FM.no.128_iso.part10.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/tg4c0s4i7kiu/zool-FM.no.128_iso.part11.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/allaybgsywyw/zool-FM.no.128_iso.part12.rar 325.3 Mb

.iso posted on filejoker only

MD5 checksum for 4.29gb .iso: 33c496075e4ef2f94785961910e8ae79

links are interchangeable

links are all free - no premium accts required

pw: zool

video info.:

name of video: "drunken slutty club liquor pickled convulsions of this is rumor [これが噂の痙攣酒漬け酔淫倶楽部]"
actresses/idols: yui lina [ユイ・リナ]
clip type: .mp4; size: 2.10 gb (2,154 mb / 2,206,436 kb / 2,259,390,723 bytes); video size: W:720xH:478
audio codec: mp4a: MPEG-4 AAC LC; video codec: avc1: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
source: zRip

zool's rating: FOUR*STARS

enjoy!! :cerutu:

JAV Fisting Clip
promo pic of kim yi, korean, in massive dildo webcam
JAV Fisting Clip

zool muzak: XXXXwww.youtube.com/watch?v=laPNEU5krIc - the white stripes ~ "catch hell blues"

tags: dildos, IAT-101, industrial strength vibrator, jav fisting, m-f fisting, m-f hardcore, natural high, rope bondage, yui lina [ユイ・リナ]
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[MAD-77][fj.net][ss.com][k2s.cc][fb.me] zool's 107th japanese full fisting video [Censored]

jav fisting video
promo pic # 17 from RCT-144 by Rocket
jav fisting video



[MAD-77][fj.net][ss.com][k2s.cc][fb.me] zool's 107th japanese full fisting video [Censored]

zool id info: [FM129][JFFM107][studio:Gloryquest][メーカー:グローリークエスト][label/レーベル:maniac][dir/監督:xxxx][rel/発売日:2008-02-21]yuuka_matsushita[松下ゆうか]-aka-ayane_aino[愛乃彩音]-aka-fujisaki_yuka[藤咲ゆうか]_-_hard_fist_ikippa[ハードフィストイキッパ][MAD-77]-zrip:

sources: XXXXwww.dmm.co.jp/mono/dvd/-/detail/=/cid=13mad77/ & XXXXwww.arzon.jp/item_451146.html

this is a 1.75 gb .avi of the video "hard fist ikippa [ハードフィストイキッパ]" starring yuuka matsushita [松下ゆうか] aka ayane aino [愛乃彩音] aka fujisaki yuka [藤咲ゆうか]. its content includes m-f fisting, m-f hardcore, oral sex, latex, negligees, wigs, dildos, big dildos, vibrators, and cosplay. it is, of course, censored with a mozaic over the genitals.

here's the jacket cover to MAD-77:

here's the screenshots to MAD-77:

here's the links to MAD-77 posted on filejoker.net:


https://filejoker.net/zqhzvy7f9gum/zool-FM.no.129.part1.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/3tnlu1bjiydg/zool-FM.no.129.part2.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/g3r1yvgd9fcs/zool-FM.no.129.part3.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/edtb0ud4vfdj/zool-FM.no.129.part4.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/y24ynvfduoe9/zool-FM.no.129.part5.rar 233.4 Mb


https://filejoker.net/35r47klqrksx/zool-FM.no.129_iso.part01.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/0bhns46cv4do/zool-FM.no.129_iso.part02.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/ersr2655zf4k/zool-FM.no.129_iso.part03.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/wsn7d1lb7pja/zool-FM.no.129_iso.part04.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/nvjpvnsb0sm8/zool-FM.no.129_iso.part05.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/jv4uducjb2q4/zool-FM.no.129_iso.part06.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/kj0stqmq7smi/zool-FM.no.129_iso.part07.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/a69x272ur5mh/zool-FM.no.129_iso.part08.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/fa7hjv6kn912/zool-FM.no.129_iso.part09.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/6dm4jhzaslzb/zool-FM.no.129_iso.part10.rar 350.0 Mb
https://filejoker.net/y1i56twffqfc/zool-FM.no.129_iso.part11.rar 274.0 Mb

here's mirrors for MAD-77 posted on subyshare.com, k2s.cc, fboom.me, uploaded.net and baidu.com:





baidu link : http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eQfIuVS pw to access those files : 7hh3

and here is the corrected filejoker link [I fixed above so the .rar should work ok now]:

https://filejoker.net/rlcz8mz7t8wo/zool-FM.no.129.part5.rar 272.7 Mb

pw: zool

video info.:

name of video: "hard fist ikippa [ハードフィストイキッパ]"
actresses/idols: yuuka matsushita [松下ゆうか] aka ayane aino [愛乃彩音] aka fujisaki yuka [藤咲ゆうか]
clip type: .mp4; size: 1.61 gb 1.64 GB (1,680 MB / 1,720,576 KB / 1,761,869,911 bytes); video size: W:720xH:480
audio codec: mp4a: MPEG-4 AAC LC; video codec: avc1: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
source: zRip

zool's rating: FOUR*STARS

enjoy! :basah:

jav fisting video
promo pic # 11 from RCT-144 by Rocket
jav fisting video

zool muzak: XXXXwww.youtube.com/watch?v=NNccOtwaP2U - the elves ~ buckingham blues

tags: big dildo, Dildo, GloryQuest, jav fisting, latex, m-f fisting, m-f hardcore action, MAD-77, negligees, oral sex, yuuka matsushita [松下ゆうか] aka ayane aino [愛乃彩音], vibrators, wigs
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[mul] zool's 108th Japanese Full Fisting Video [DMS_Night24- File_16037][Uncensored]

JAV Fisting Clip
View attachment 536018
Promo # 2 to DDT-365
this one is pretty new -
zool does not have

JAV Fisting Clip


[mul] zool's 108th Japanese Full Fisting Video [DMS_Night24- File_16037][Uncensored]

[FM130][JFFM108][Night 24 Group][Dir.xxx][Rel.?]Nozomi_Onuki[大貫希]-Sakura_Kawano[さくら 河野]-Others_-_Oshidashinji_surprised!-Fist_of_the_threat[ オシダシンジもびっくり! 脅威のフィスト][DMS_Night24- File_16037]-ddl


DMS Night24 File16037 is an uncensored video starring principally Nozomi Onuki [大貫希] as well as Sakura Kawano [さくら 河野] and others. it is a 394 mb .wmv file with jav and m-f fisting and lots of bdsm play. it is an UNCENSORED file.

here's the cover to DMS Night24 File16037:

here's its 48 screenshots:

here's the links on multiupload:

zool-FM.no.130.part1.rar (238.4 MB): http://www.multiupload.com/LL24HU6GPS
zool-FM.no.130.part2.rar (156.4 MB): http://www.multiupload.com/D3HRHWUH5G

zool is now using multiupload as his primary host for the posting of his video - all video is simultaneously posted via multiupload to megaupload, hotfile, filesonic, fileshare, depositfiles, wupload, and several other hosts

video info.:

name of video: "Oshidashinji surprised!-Fist of the threat [ オシダシンジもびっくり! 脅威のフィスト]"
actresses/idols: Nozomi Onuki [大貫希], Sakura Kawano [さくら 河野], Others
clip type: .wmv; size: 394 mb (403,780 kb / 413,471,201 bytes); video size: W:640xH:480
audio codec: 0x0161 (WMA v2); video codec: WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main)
source: ddl
pw: no password

zool's rating: FOUR STARS

JAV Fisting Clip
View attachment 536017
Promo # 1 to DDT-365
this one is pretty new -
zool does not have

JAV Fisting Clip

black: bdsm, DMS Night24 File16037, jav fisting, m-f fisting, Night24 Group, Nozomi Onuki [大貫希], Others, Sakura Kawano [さくら 河野]
[mul] zool's 109th Japanese Full Fisting Video [IESM-011][Censored]

JAV Fisting Clip

Dogma promo # 1 to DDT-319
zool has

JAV Fisting Clip


[mul] zool's 109th Japanese Full Fisting Video [IESM-011][Censored]


CENSORED with a mosaic over the genitals

this is a 1.07 gb .avi file of the video entitled "Beautiful flight attendant fist [美人スチュワーデス フライトフィスト]" starring the actresses/idols, 3rd Mary Aoi [三代目葵マリー] and Reiko Takaka [高田礼子]. it content has m-f hardcore, lesbian fisting, toys, rope bondage, a beautiful stewardess, and use of speculum. it is, of course, censored, with a mozaic over the genitals.

here's the cover to IESM-011:

here's its 48 screenshots:

here's the links on multiupload:

zool-FM.no.131.part1.rar (238.4 MB): http://www.multiupload.com/03KI62R3SZ
zool-FM.no.131.part2.rar (238.4 MB): http://www.multiupload.com/B5PENA4HJQ
zool-FM.no.131.part3.rar (238.4 MB): http://www.multiupload.com/3UYW182VAX
zool-FM.no.131.part4.rar (238.4 MB): http://www.multiupload.com/QNV90ZUMNB
zool-FM.no.131.part5.rar (128 MB): http://www.multiupload.com/7F7UA560ZA

zool is now using multiupload as his primary host for the posting of his video - all video is simultaneously posted via multiupload to megaupload, hotfile, filesonic, fileshare, depositfiles, wupload, and several other hosts

video info.:

name of video: "Beautiful flight attendant fist [美人スチュワーデス フライトフィスト]"
actresses/idols: 3rd Mary Aoi [三代目葵マリー], Reiko Takaka [高田礼子]
clip type: .avi; size: 1.07 gb (1,105 mb / 1,131,636 KB / 1,158,795,928 bytes); video size: W:352xH:240
audio codec: 0x0055 MPEG-1 Layer 3; video codec: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
source: zrip
pw: no password

zool's rating: FOUR STARS

JAV Fisting Clip

Dogma promo # 1 to DDT-351
zool has

JAV Fisting Clip

tags: 3rd Mary Aoi [三代目葵マリー], iEnergy, IESM-011, lesbian fisting, m-f hardcore, Reiko Takaka [高田礼子], rope bondage, speculum, toys
getting ready to close down for x-mas - here's what i will be posting next . . .

when i get back from california usa on 01.05.2012 from x-mas vacation i will be posting a really nasty fisting-scat video by AVDP2008 video, AVGL-005, and an Alpha International video, WFFD-05, starring Nozomi Onuki [大貫希]

the details for both videos including the cover and screenshots:

View attachment 536511

View attachment 536513
femdom strap on

here's some recent jav videos that have some fisting in them that have been released in late 2010, in 2011 or coming out soon:

here's two jav fisting videos that were released late last year [2010] that i don't think have as yet been posted:


LOVE opud-111 This is kinda rare style so a challenge for all users to find more like this movie!

I'm looking for movies that have women doing strap on on guys or girls, but not the common stuff more like either a guy taking two at the same time same place/hole (or a girl), or a guy taking it and then at the same time doing another chick. And also at the correct camera angle, see the provided covers in the link or opud-111 that show an example what I'm looking for:


It's in the corners of the pictures.

Thanks a lot, appriciate it!
A Christmas present for you !

A Christmas present for you !

some amateur asian fisting is your Christmas present

here's a promo picture of what i have been told is amateur asian fisting of the girl called T-Ing - enjoy !

here's screenshots of the small 2.37 mb .wmv clip i have of this scene:

here's the video:

zool-2011-Christmas_Present.rar (2.5 MB): http://www.multiupload.com/BW32EFRNJO

Labels: amateur asian fisting, T-Ing, X-Mas Present
A Christmas present for you !

some amateur asian fisting is your Christmas present

here's a promo picture of what i have been told is amateur asian fisting of the girl called T-Ing - enjoy !

here's screenshots of the small 2.37 mb .wmv clip i have of this scene:

here's the video:

zool-2011-Christmas_Present.rar (2.5 MB): http://www.multiupload.com/BW32EFRNJO

Great post as always zool, hope you have more of this one.

Happy New Year!
more T-Ing fisting clips to be posted . . .

cohfok and others interested in amateur asian fisting,

there will be many more of T-Ing's amateur asian fisting clips posted in the future - i believe i obtained 5 to 10 more of her fisting/big dildo clips and will post them in the near future.
[mul] zool's 110th Japanese Full Fisting Video [AVGL-005][Censored]

JAV Fisting Video
View attachment 548238
promo#3 from DASD-164
JAV Fisting Video


[mul] zool's 110th Japanese Full Fisting Video [AVGL-005][Censored]


CENSORED with a mosaic over the genitals

this is 1.45 gb .avi video of the movie "[Exclusive] Scat extreme torture, bondage, enemas, orgasm, anal, fist, Pies [【独占】極・拷問 スカトロ、緊縛、浣腸、アクメ、アナル、フィスト、中出し。]" starring Unknown_Actress(es)-Idol(s). its content includes m-f fisting and graphic scat as well as other m-f hardcore action, including anal, torture with clothes pins, and bdsm action and anal sex. it is, of course, censored with a mosaic over the genitals.

here's the cover to AVGL-005:

here's its 48 screenshots:
View attachment 548241

here's the links on multiupload:

zool-FM.no.132.part1.rar: http://www.multiupload.com/G02Q3WD3N2
zool-FM.no.132.part2.rar: http://www.multiupload.com/5NBGDNXL96
zool-FM.no.132.part3.rar: http://www.multiupload.com/XL1RN2YVX6
zool-FM.no.132.part4.rar: http://www.multiupload.com/N53JJRUXP0
zool-FM.no.132.part5.rar: http://www.multiupload.com/MIIFO6NZYC
zool-FM.no.132.part6.rar: http://www.multiupload.com/GW0YAC89PK
zool-FM.no.132.part7.rar: http://www.multiupload.com/WU0KCI0IJB

zool is now using multiupload as his primary host for the posting of his video - all video is simultaneously posted via multiupload to megaupload, hotfile, filesonic, fileshare, depositfiles, wupload, and several other hosts

video info.:

name of video: "[Exclusive] Scat extreme torture, bondage, enemas, orgasm, anal, fist, Pies [【独占】極・拷問 スカトロ、緊縛、浣腸、アクメ、アナル、フィスト、中出し。]"
actresses/idols: Unknown_Actress(es)-Idol(s)
clip type: .avi; size: 1.45 GB (1,492 MB / 1,528,541 KB / 1,565,225,984 bytes); video size: W:640xH:480
audio codec: 0x0055 MPEG-1 Layer 3; video codec: XviD 1.1.2 Final
source: ddl
pw: no password

zool's rating: FOUR STARS

JAV Fisting Video
View attachment 548239
promo of keana at rest
JAV Fisting Video

tags: anal, AVGL-005, AVGP2008, clothes pins, enemas, jav fisting, m-f fisting, scat, torture, Unknown_Actress(es)-Idol(s)
[mul] zool's 111th Japanese Full Fisting Video [WFFD-05][Censored]

JAV Fisting Video

promo #4 of DOU-003
JAV Fisting Video


[mul] zool's 111th Japanese Full Fisting Video [WFFD-05][Censored]


CENSORED with a mosaic over the genitals

this is a 1.55 gb .avi video of the movie by Alpha International called "Manami Aso Fist Fucking-5-W [Wフィストファッキング-5-麻生まなみ]" starring the superb Nozomi Onuki [大貫希] who is known in this video as Manami Aso [麻生まなみ]. its content includes m-f fisting and lesbian fisting, double fisting, m-f hardcore and self-fisting. it is, of course, censored with a mosaic over the genitals.

here's the cover to WFFD-05:

here's its 48 screenshots:
View attachment 548330

here's the links on multiupload:

zool-FM.no.133.part1.rar: http://www.multiupload.com/7SODTJJYFI
zool-FM.no.133.part2.rar: http://www.multiupload.com/6Z33Y7CWP8
zool-FM.no.133.part3.rar: http://www.multiupload.com/6RU8DYT4WB
zool-FM.no.133.part4.rar: http://www.multiupload.com/5R2ZXG9Q0I
zool-FM.no.133.part5.rar: http://www.multiupload.com/FNO1WPINZY
zool-FM.no.133.part6.rar: http://www.multiupload.com/STDB5FNXT0
zool-FM.no.133.part7.rar: http://www.multiupload.com/2HXQ75Q5GD

zool is now using multiupload as his primary host for the posting of his video - all video is simultaneously posted via multiupload to megaupload, hotfile, filesonic, fileshare, depositfiles, wupload, and several other hosts

video info.:

name of video: "Manami Aso Fist Fucking-5-W [Wフィストファッキング-5-麻生まなみ]"
actress/idol: Nozomi Onuki [大貫希]
clip type: .avi; size: 1.55 gb (1,588 mb / 1,626,277 kb / 1,665,308,120 bytes); video size: W:480xH:320
audio codec: 0x0055 MPEG-1 Layer 3; video codec: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
source: zrip
pw: no password

zool's rating: FOUR STARS

JAV Fisting Video

promo#1 of TMD-038
JAV Fisting Video

tags: Alpha Int, double fisting, jav fisting, lesbian fisting, m-f fisting, Nozomi Onuki [大貫希], self-fisting, WFFD-05
need help with oron premium account . . .

i have found an extremely good japanese fisting video that is on an oron premium account i can't access.

if anyone can help me access that video pm me here.

thax, zool
zool has reencoded jav fisting video, TT-011, from GQ . . .

i found a version of the jav fisting video from GloryQuest, TT-011, which was in two .wmv clips that are 2.14 gb and 3.27 gb in size, respectively. a copy of the cover is here:


i went to vcdhelp.com and obtained a copy of the free XviD4PSP, vers., avisynth-based multimedia converter, and converted the 2.14 gb .wmv clip to a 433 mb .avi clip and the 3.27 gb .wmv clip to a 688 mb .avi clip, both with XviD video codec and MP3 audio codec - the instructions for conversion were basically those set out at: http://forum.videohelp.com/threads/...to-AVI-or-MP4-or-MKV-with-burned-in-subtitles the downside of XviD4PSP is the time it takes to reencode - it took 9+ hours to reencode part1 - 433 mb .avi and 15+ hours to reencode the part2 - 688 mb .avi.

here are the screenshots for both converted clips:

View attachment 551101 View attachment 551102

for my own reasons i do not intend to post this converted video at this time but am willing to share this video with with a select few who wish to post it - those interested in posting should pm me here

sharebee.com was a good idea while it lasted - much like multiupload and pretty much collapsed and didn't provide a stable platform for uploads which were degraded most of the time.

many people still use it. i upload exclusively to multiupload.com and have to say it is satisfactory.
here's a fairly recent fisting video not labled as such, NHD-42 . . .

jav fisting i overlooked

here's the dmm link:





発売日: 2010/09/01
収録時間: 135分
出演者: 若菜あゆみ
監督: ----
シリーズ: M婦人不倫調教
メーカー: 中嶋興業
レーベル: 中嶋興業
ジャンル: 凌辱 人妻 不倫 調教 縛り
品番: nhd042


google translate to english:

Trainer 23 women's infidelity M

Release Date: 2010/09/01
Duration: 135 minutes
Cast: Wakana History
Directed by: ----
Series: Women's infidelity Torture M
Manufactured by: Nakajima industrial
Label: Nakajima industrial
Category: r*** Wife Adultery Discipline Restraints
Part Number: nhd042


here's the cover:
found awesome big dildo jav on filepost but . . .

but have since determined that the site this video was posted on, http://movieiso.blogspot.com/, is FAKE

it is a 1 gb .avi and a 3.0 gb iso were posted here:
and links for SMA-604 were posted here:
http://filepost.com/files/42ea6eb7/n94175-8518-movieiso-blogspot-com.avi/ 1 gb
http://filepost.com/files/cdfe8881/n94175-8518-movieiso-blogspot-com.iso/ 3.9 gb

here's the cover:


confirmation this website is fake is here:

i want to send a warning to folks about fake jav sites - i am not entirely certain of their purpose except i have heard of several theories advanced: 1) they are used for phishing or something like phishing where ominously the downloader is lured to a webhost, e.g., filepost, but it is a fake virtually identical mirror of that particular filehost all for the purpose of grabbing the downloaders credit card and payment info; and/or 2) they are created to harvest the particular filehost's affilate program cash made from unwary downloaders who have to purchased premium accounts and then download empty .avi or .iso files

here's a list of fake web sites i found on the following japanese web site: http://unkar.org/r/download/1323404735: