Hi zool,
Thanks, those KON-s are really good ones. I don't like Genki series, either.
Thanks, those KON-s are really good ones. I don't like Genki series, either.
hey cgviewer,
i know about the KON- series in genki-genki but didn't really pay attention to that great maki tomoda video from 2007, KON-011 [dvd] / DKON011 [digital download] ~ i will get some of those.
it just so happens i am in the midst of big trade for some of the new prohibited [@ akiba-online] genki-genki, that so far consists of GETN041 to GETN061. see XXXXgenki-genki.com/products/list.php?category_id=16 pretty nasty sXXt!