zoolfan, i am downloading the video from ryushare right now. i am guessing that i may have screwed that puppy up! i uploaded MIRD-061 prior to my move and uploaded it again when i got here. i would assume that the older upload has no pw but the new one may and i suspect i wasn't scrupulous about what i posted. would the result you obtained happen if one or two of the splits had the pw zool and the rest not have a pw? i suspect it would fuxx them up.
i am checking my download from ryushare for zool-FM.no.177 and should have it done in 1/2 hour to 2 hours. if it requires a reupload that should complete by tomorrow morning.
peace, z
zoolfan and others,
something is screwed up with the upload - i will repost zool-FM.no.177A & B.
peace, zool