Do you delete or rewatch old JAV collection?


Active Member
Jan 9, 2017

Here is what I currently have that's been archived. I have about 7000+ more movies but they haven't been properly labelled so they aren't on this file. I try to translate the titles myself because I find that many of these other sites that translate them either just use Google Translate which is inaccurate, or just do a poor job because they don't consider slang, casual speech, or phrases/characters with multiple meanings (R18 is notorious for this despite being a sister site to DMM which is really odd). My translations may not be 100% accurate, but I believe they are better for the most part. Anyways, the other movies will eventually migrate to that spreadsheet but that's not going to be in the near future.

BTW the pink boxes are some of my favorite girls.
Thanks BB! Much appreciated!
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New Member
Oct 19, 2016
RAID is not a backup if you only save your data in a single RAID. You still need to have two copies of your data and it can be called a backup. Putting everything in one place should never be treated as a backup. RAID is just a storage safer than isolated disks.
RAID is an insurance if one of the drives on line shit-the-bed and there is a need for non uninterruptible operation, and since there is duplication in the Array it sure needs a separate medium be it CLOUD, TAPES or External HARD disks to ensure the total duplicability of the storage array in use.


New Member
Oct 19, 2016

Here is what I currently have that's been archived. I have about 7000+ more movies but they haven't been properly labelled so they aren't on this file. I try to translate the titles myself because I find that many of these other sites that translate them either just use Google Translate which is inaccurate, or just do a poor job because they don't consider slang, casual speech, or phrases/characters with multiple meanings (R18 is notorious for this despite being a sister site to DMM which is really odd). My translations may not be 100% accurate, but I believe they are better for the most part. Anyways, the other movies will eventually migrate to that spreadsheet but that's not going to be in the near future.
BTW the pink boxes are some of my favorite girls.

Thanks for this trove list. I got hooked on the K-tribe series , and I thought I had most of it, but looking at your list I am way way behind what I thought i have collected. TWO Q's : 1- Is there a way to list them in code alphabetical order. 2- What are you translating? the titles? the JAV Cast? ROFLMAOL as I am only interested in the JAV code and cast name other than I know they do actually sound lame and subjective to the native language meaning!
Cheers and thanks again!


Senior Member...I think
Mar 22, 2008
Here's a list of my JAV archive. Updated last year, collection probably grew a wee bit more since I last updated it.
Over 14k titles is not bad at all! You're just above me. about 12k. :confused:
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Sep 2, 2014
I'm going through a phase where I'm deleting all the old poor quality yellow watermark 1.2gb size JAV's from 2014~16 and downloading the HD versions where available.
I've also deleted a heap of ones where I'm just not interested anymore.


New Member
Oct 19, 2016
Ditto, but also I tried to just hold onto the one that .. hum ... suits my taste, specially the ones that are around 5GB.. for me it's an ongoing process of weeding out the boring ones to give room to the more interesting ones.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2007
I'm don't come close to those numbers but the last HD (I'm using internal drives in a HD dock) contained a total of: 1442 folders/16 149 files/2.04 TB space. If I copy all the folders with individual movies and count them, there's roughly 840 movies on that drive. I have 8 other drives with Asian content on. Some drives are backups (I started out making backups of each HD) and some has unique content.

I have recently started to rename the folders to "proper" titles. I use the program Cathy to catalogue my files but it can only read western characters and doesn't really show the proper size for large files.
I'm a bit of a compulsive collector but I have distinct favourites and will delete some content that I don't like. If the actress is in just one scene I usually cut that out with Avidemux and keep that.

I do look for some content with Chinese subtitles that I've seen captures from now and then but most of the time I can't find downloadable files of those. One example is the movie SDMT-738. I know there's a Chinese subtitled version of it on some pay site but I can't buy it (difficult to understand the different methods of payment and I need to have a mobile phone to get a code. I tried contacting them about getting a code to my email but haven't received an answer in 10 days).
Another one is SGV-018. Same situation.中文字幕&orderby=date
used to be a good place to download videos with Chinese subtitles but since last month I can't watch anything in any of my browsers (not html5 nor flash).
Anyone have the same problem? I did create an account to see if that helped but it didn't.


Jan 7, 2018
i only keep those starring specific actresses which i really like... more or less 20 actresses and somewhere around 200 full films by those actresses

anything else is disposed after watching it once or twice
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Sep 2, 2010
I am similar to @Muten_Roshi in that I mainly keep videos of specific actresses (I have lots of misc. stuff as well), and almost obsessively try to collect everything made by the ones I really like a lot. The main problem with doing that is the ones I like the most tend to be long retired actresses starring in older films that will most likely never be posted anywhere, or that were posted back when they were new so the links are long dead on file hosts that no longer exist.

I have also been doing what @nmercer has been recently as there have been a large number of older videos I already had being re-posted in better quality or without watermarks so I've been slowly upgrading my old collection with these new files. With certain actresses that I really like I also constantly check so see if better versions of their videos have been posted then what I already have.

Occasionally I will be looking back through my collection and see one that either I don't remember keeping or why I kept it, so those get deleted from time to time. Otherwise I am mostly a hoarder. ;) My main problem with that is lack of hard drive space to be able to keep everything I'd like to.
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Jan 7, 2018
obsessively try to collect everything made by the ones I really like a lot.

bro this is exactly me lol... good to see someone else who understands how it feels

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2022
I keep my top favorite collection forever. they are already ultra filtered movies make me watch again & again. except 5~6 movies may be & daily downloads.
Any of them can become 'Hard to find movie' anytime. Sure, I don't delete.
love to watch whenever I like.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2021
From time to time I navigate through my jav folders trying to delete things... but I barely delete nothing. My pass/no pass standard has been the same for years: could I open this video in some random moment and finish with it? Only if the answer is yes I'm going to keep it.
And I already have almost 10TB worth of these videos.


Akiba Citizen
May 25, 2017
I love my older JAV movies. Some of the best acting came from the older videos, not shading the new movies but that's my opinion.
Things felt more organic and the actresses look more more natural. I would never delete my stash. :D