How big was the Picutre?Can't upload attachments. Is it temporary?
How big was the Picutre?
I've missed a config-option for uploading files.
the max-filesize is now 4MB
please try it again. and if it not works, load the picture to some image-hoster, so that i can check why it's not working.
Mine were 10mb at the old vb forumMost of the attachements aren't this big![]()
Mine were 10mb at the old vb forum
Sometimes I upload/reupload pictures sets in zip/rar files to ensure my links never die
there were others who will like too this but i dont see them active anymore, so its just me then.
10/15 mb should be great.
I agree: The average attachment wasn't / isn't that big.xenforo atm has only one fs-limit for all types.
So yes, 4MB is the overall limit.
We can discuss changing this limit. But i'm not so sure, if this is really needed. Most of the attachements aren't this big![]()
it was explained fully in the mod section, as it was a bit vague, but it will be looked into
unfortionately xenforo don't save your own sorting-options.Awesome changes
Btw, how can I set "Start date" as default sort ?
attachments have always been there
thumbs not showing, I have not had that many problems
500 internal server error, mainly started this weekend, possibly a server error
karma points info, no idea what that is
Like button, it is the old thanks button
it is members that name threads
tags we will be working on and hopefully getting soon
Is it possible to add a scrollbar to the preview? If you write posts which are a little bit longer the layer containing the preview is bigger than the browser window. And as the left top position of the layer is (luckily) fixed and as the scrollbars of the browser window are not affected, you see only the beginning of the preview.what has changed wihtin the last hour:
-> Quick-Reply has now a Preview-button
Thanks for the screenshot. For one moment I was really wondering if I did something wrong (despite the fact that you can't do much wrong about pressing a "Preview..." button