In my own collection I have Emiri doing bukkake on WDI-058, WDI-059 and SUPD-097 (one bukkake scene). These have some lovely scenes

When she was new, I didn't think she would ever be doing bukkake.
From the interview, what striked me the most is that she had a boyfriend for 5 years at the time, and told him about her "new job" after she'd started. Then she was surprised that he went psycho about it

. Anyway, I do love that we have whores like this in the world, but probably wouldn't want her as my girlfriend.
Right on!
I have STAR-556, WDI-059, and IPZ-166 in my collection; ended up adding WDI-058 and SUPD-097 on your reco. Good Call! I even went and watched the interview again prior to teeing up those titles, which made for added viewing pleasure.
That whole thing with her boyfriend losing his shit was awful. What a dickhead. I would understand him being displeased, as yeah she is a self admitted whore of epic proportions (I agree the world needs a healthy supply of women like her), and he is certainly free to choose to end the relationship on that account, but to do so in such a horrible, disrespectful and overly dramatic fashion was totally out of line. She didn't deserve that.
clearly watching her videos she was enjoying herself, girls never like to admit to being sluts ... she gave off a vibe that she didnt have a choice . The bf thing was fucked imo, cold hearted.
It also impressed me how she handled the issue with her new boyfriend's mother. She was very professional and respectful about the whole thing, when she was the one being wronged.
The boyfriend's mother found out about her career, talked smack about her and generally treated her poorly over that issue. Emily ended up confronting the mother, telling her that if she had a problem, she should say it to Emily's face or drop it, especially if that is her only issue of contention. The mother, to her credit, responded in kind and let it go. The whole time, the boyfriend was very accepting of her career and they had a healthy relationship if I recall correctly. Was very pleased to see that outcome.
I think this relationship spurred the conversation about starting a family, but I am not positive on that.
I somehow don't think that is a way any loving parent would describe acts of sex to their children, in whatever context. It was insightful that she was very capable of discussing her adult video career in the interview without recourse to any such highly graphic descriptions, such as imagined in your post.
Over the course of the interview, Emily logically breaks down the AV industry and what being a part of it entails in terms of risks, rewards, and how it is a HUGE commitment with serious consequences.
When she speaks about how she will present this to her children, it is fairly obvious that when it comes time to have that talk, it will focus on what she learned about the industry so they can understand, and as previously stated, make their own minds up about it with an insider's perspective.
I guess I should have thrown an asterisk on those imagined quotes labeling them "For entertainment purposes only".