Cultured Men's Club (Gravure Group Buying)


Nagisa Ikeda Set.jpg
Nagisa Screenshots.jpg
IMPM-017 - Bluray Rip, Cant fnd any previews for this one.
IMBD-352 - Bluray Rip, Preview:
IMBD-369 - Bluray Rip, Preview:
IMBD-378 - Bluray Rip, Preview:
IMBD-403 - Bluray Rip, Preview:

Distribution will include ISO + Lossless mkv
$15 to buy in, looking for a minimum of 5 buyers.
If your interested message me
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IBD Set.jpg
IBD-004 (Chibana Hiyori)- Bluray Rip, 46 minutes, No previews
IBD-006 (Risa Sawamura) - Bluray Rip, 54 minutes, No previews
IBD-008 (Chibana Hiyori) - Bluray Rip, 42 minutes, No previews

Distribution will include ISO + Lossless mkv
$15 to buy in
If your interested message me
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For the Digigra fans out there,
I wanna try something a little different, ill call it a Potluck. Digigra is having a pretty nice sale on 4k videos, If anyone drops $5 into the pool you will get to add a girl, at least 2 of your chosen girl's 4k videos will be added to the lot.

At the end everyone who participates will get the whole lot which at this moment is at 12(+2) 4k videos.

Digigra Potluck.jpg

架乃ゆら 4K動画 圧倒的透明感、架乃ゆらちゃんの全てを見て下さい!接写編
架乃ゆら 可愛い先生の着替えシーンをこっそりのぞき見
架乃ゆら 4K動画 かわいい顔していやらしい腰つき!まるで跨られているような…バランスボール編
木下ひまり 4K動画 パンツを下してアンダーヘアやお尻の大事な部分まで…接写編
木下ひまり 4K動画 見られてたらムラムラしてきちゃった…パンツを食い込ませてハミ肉しまくり!挑発パンチラ編
木下ひまり 4K動画 プリーツスカートからサテンのパンツがちらり♪かわいい笑顔でおっぱい丸出し!パンチラダンス
木下ひまり 4K動画 お菓子の代わりにお尻を見せちゃう!クイコミまくりの紐Tバックの奥までまる見せ!尻フェチ編
木下ひまり 4K動画 かわいい顔して実はS?長身ギャルがピンヒールと生足で攻めまくる!足フェチ編
木下ひまり 4K動画 オイルまみれの体をバランスボールにこすりつけまくる!バランスボール編
永愛 4K動画 クラス1ギャルからのお願いは何と単位!私のパンツ好きに見ていいから…お願い先生☆挑発パンチラ編
七瀬アリス 4K動画 がばっと大胆に足を広げ、組み替える度に見える白いパンツ!足フェチ編 七瀬アリス 4K動画 すべすべの生尻やアンダーヘアに大接近!色白美肌の接写編
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[CMC-029] Amaha Narumi SpiceTV Digitals
Amaha Set.jpg

Amaha Screenshots.jpg

amaha1.gif amaha2.gif
These are some earlier titles but i feel we gotta fill them in sooner or later, so lets work at making our amaha collections full.

- WEB DL 1080p, 100 minutes (10 minutes exclusive scenes), preview:
MBR-AA184 - WEB DL 1080p, 114 minutes (12 minutes exclusive scenes), preview:
MMR-AA173 - WEB DL 1080p, 131 minutes (19 minutes exclusive scenes), preview:

$15 to buy in, message, deadline and delivery May 18
Payment Methods: Paypal, Bitcoin, Bitcash, DMM card
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[CMC-030] Yumemi Ruka SpiceTV Digitals Canceled
Ruka Set.jpg
Ruka Screenshots.jpg

Ruka will be funded differently, I don't think she has enough support to hold her own funds.
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[CMC-031] Hoshino Fuka Blurays
Fuka Set.jpg

Fuka Screenshots.jpg

fuka2.gif fuka3.gif

Distribution will include ISO + Lossless mkv
- Bluray Rip, 116 minutes, Preview:
MBDD-2066B - Bluray Rip, 114 minutes, Preview:
DSTAR-9099 - DVD Rip, 90 minutes, Preview:

$15 to buy in, deadline May 18, delivery TBD
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[JK-001] Nice Age Karen DVDs (Age 15)
Karen Set.jpg
Karen Screenshots.jpg

ikaren1.gif karen2.gif

Distribution will include ISO + Lossless mkv
HNNS-001 -
DVD Rip, 55 minutes, Preview:
ARH-002 - DVD Rip, 57 minutes, Preview:
GTRB-001 - DVD Rip, 124 minutes, Preview:
ARH-006 - DVD Rip, 59 minutes, Preview:

$15 to buy in, deadline May 18, delivery TBD
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[CMC-032] Ririkana ROMs
Ririkana Set.jpg

Will be distributed as an exact copy

(top left -> bottom right)
競泳ヘテロジーニアス -
ROM, 100 images (3000x2000) + 120 minute movie
凛々奏メイドと夢の日々 -
ROM, 120 images (3000x2000) + 70 minute movie
凛々奏Getできるかな? -
ROM, 100 images (3000x2000)
ママバニーのバブみに酔いしれなさい -
ROM, 100 images (3000x2000) + 5 minute bonus movie

$15 to buy in, deadline May 18, Delivery TBD
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Reactions: krillin09
[TSU-001] Tsukasa Kanzaki Compilation Project Part II

Tsukasa Project II.jpg
Tsukasa Screenshots.jpg
tsukasa1.gif tsukasa2.gif

Distribution will include ISO + Lossless mkv
- Bluray Rip, 82 minutes, Preview:
BFAZ-020 - Bluray Rip, 110 minutes, Preview:
BFAZ-017 - Bluray Rip, 110 minutes, Preview:
BFAZ-016 - Bluray Rip, 116 minutes, Preview:
BFAZ-014 - Bluray Rip, 120 minutes, Preview:
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Reactions: JAVMonk
[CMC-033] Rui Kiriyama Blurays
Rui Set.jpg
Rui Screenshots.jpg
rui1.gif rui2.gif
Distribution will include ISO + Lossless mkv
- Bluray Rip, 160 minutes, Preview:
LCBD-01104 - Bluray Rip, 130 minutes, Preview:
9OME-384 - Bluray Rip, 110 minutes, Preview:

$15 to buy in, deadline May 18, delivery TBD

To pay via Bitcoin, Bitcash or if you'd like more info before buying message me
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[JK-002] IM4K Iruma IM4K + PPV Galleries
Iruma Set.jpg
Iruma Screenshots.jpg
This is our very first IM4K fund with a very new girl, they are actually very expensive so I'm just trying to see if $15 will work, if the support is too low ill keep adjusting over time.

IM4K-339, WEBDL 4K
IM4K-359, WEBDL 4K
Making Video: 4kmak_yui-i_001
4K Galleries: 4k_l_yui-i_01, 4k_p_yui-i_01, 4k_p_yui-i_02, 4k_p_yui-i_03, 4k_p_yui-i_04, 4k_p_yui-i2_01, 4k_p_yui-i2_02, 4k_p_yui-i2_03
Total: 358 photos

$15 to buy in, deadline and delivery May 18
Payment Methods: Paypal, Bitcoin, Bitcash, DMM card
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I'm moving the deadline of Nagisa Ikeda IMBD Set and IBD set to May 18 with the rest, so if you feel you've missed, it's not too late. However it will still be difficult to late join after its closed so get in before then if you want it.
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Preparing to send out Anju and Asami 4K's just currently upgrading my storage, my capacity is near zero on the partition where I host most of the downloads for funding group, the new drive is initializing and should be done within the next few hours.

On that topic, the new storage space gives me the ability to better host files, that means that i can afford to deliver all versions of the Blurays whenever we fund those, if you've already funded a few ill be repackaging and sending them out with the ISO file, before, I was caught up on the encryption and gave up on getting the ISOs for the Blurays but I've found new programs that can decrypt and compress recompile them into an ISO file, so I'm going back to sets like Yunon, Anju, Fuka, etc and adding the ISO files to the package.
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Additionally I'd like to clarify something about funds:

When you fund something you are not buying the content from me, I've had multiple people mention something along the lines of "I have 1/3 or 2/3 of this set, can i just buy one of them?"

When you buy into the fund despite how it may look you are not buying 3 dvds for $5 each, especially cases where you have 5-7 dvds in a single fund, that would be $2-3 for content.

Here is a breakdown of the cost of various content:
This is all assuming the DVD is "New" and not out of print.
All values are adjusted to the current exchange rate on 22/05/05

Gravure DVD (Standard): 3800 yen / 29 usd each
Gravure Bluray (Standard): 4800 yen / 37 usd each
SpiceTV Uncut Digital Movie: 4880 yen/ 38 usd each
FACE (BFAA) 4K Digital Movie: 8000 yen / 62 usd each
IMAX (IM4K) 4K Digital Movie: 13000 yen / 99 usd each

S-Digital and Oimoya Honpo which distribute U15 content sell their DVDs and Blurays at a premium of usually around 6000 yen

All calculations below include myself as an initial funder
3 dvds = 87 usd, that requires 5 additional funders
3 blurays = 111 usd, that requires 7 additional funders
3 SpiceTV movies = 114 usd, that requires 7 additional funders
3 BFAA 4ks = 240 usd, that requires 15 additional funders
3 IMAX 4ks = 297 usd, that requires 20 additional funders

If I let everyone who has a part of the set already get a huge discount then the funds would all fail or i would be paying for way too many shares, when you pay $15 it is to add to the fund pool it is not a direct purchase of 3+ dvds, please think of it as buying with/for everyone else.
Looks like the upgrade takes much longer than anticipated, 10 hours later and i am at 45%, It should be done early tomorrow, I will be distributing Anju and Asami sets then.
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Anju and Asami 4k sets has now been sent out, if you were missed contact me.
I'm canceling Ruka's fund [CMC-30], I don't think she has a good chance of being funded on her own so she will most likely be bundled with other spiceTV packs.

It might be replaced with an alternate fund soon.
any news about Nozomi Takada ?
Nothing yet, there's a big holiday in japan called golden week that started around the time they were to ship so I'm guessing that delayed it, I think that ended on May 8 or 9 though so it should update soon