Everything has been sent out now, if you haven't recieved the links for what you've funded please check your spam, if its not there, message me.
Potluck content will be sent out later.
I will be soon posting the funds for june but first I'd like to update on some things:
1. Late fees
Previously I had a system of you getting the same price as everyone else as long as you fund before deadline, those who missed deadline were subject to an added $5 to join the fund, with most funds being $15 it would be $20 for late buyers, I think from here on ill eliminate the fee, the original reason is to prevent people treating the late buys like a cheaper storefront but its needlessly rough for people who are newly finding the group.
2. Funding Rate
Without the late buy system i think there needs to be a clear indicator of the health of a fund, so from now on i will add a funding rate to each post, this will update over time and both serve as transparency and also an indicator of if the fund has enough people to survive, if a fund isn't near 80% funded before deadline i will cancel it, unless... I am highly invested in obtaining the content, where in those cases I will eat the large remaining share.
3. Bonus System
It's something I've been developing in my mind for a while and will be tested this month, for this first run i will keep it simple, to incentivize funding promptly, i want to give rewards in the form of free content, this currently includes access to downloads from the popular IM4K series but i plan to expand it to cover more content especially for those who aren't particularly into IMAX stuff.
In the future i'd like to try a point system where people who fund on time will recieve redeemable points that i track, which can be redeemed for free 4Ks, Blurays, DVDs and PPV at different rates. this will help to fill holes in the collections of newer data hoarders collectors.
4. Subscription Service 2.0
It's something i was attempting before but was way too much work and asking alot to set up reccuring fees, the new service should be much more attractive if your somebody who loves the monthly galleries from many subscription sites. will post very soon the new format.