Recent content by TheOppaiAddict

  1. TheOppaiAddict

    JAV embracing r***, incest, and pedophilla?

    No disrespect but if your not going to add to the topic or your bothered by the topic itself your more then welcome to leave.
  2. TheOppaiAddict

    JAV embracing r***, incest, and pedophilla?

    "I must defend the honor of the things that I enjoy because if I don't nobody else will" That's you right? That's what a 44 year old man came to do on this thread right?? Yeah nothing even remotely childish about that... Rightous Porn Fury? Dude I know sarcasm when I see it. In a generation of...
  3. TheOppaiAddict

    JAV embracing r***, incest, and pedophilla?

    If you don't think that a trouble individual can be influenced by something like Porn your kidding yourself. Adult films aren't only watched by individuals like us there are many others who watch it and perpetuate the fantasy there watching as reality. Just ask the many men behind bars for...
  4. TheOppaiAddict

    JAV embracing r***, incest, and pedophilla?

    If you already have a warped perception on reality and find entertainment in things like r***, incest etc watching it ain't going to make it better. Which is part of my argument when I say that the AV industry's reliance on selling these fantasy like settings are clearly being bought and enjoyed...
  5. TheOppaiAddict

    JAV embracing r***, incest, and pedophilla?

    Imagine thinking that facts about the Japanese culture that's public knowledge I might add is a "Weak Argument" and then doubling down on the idea of "Cultural Differences" like that's supposed to somehow make it better or exempt Japan from any criticism. Let me make a comparison here between...
  6. TheOppaiAddict

    JAV embracing r***, incest, and pedophilla?

    Yeah your talking to someone who doesn't watch the Horror genre or anything remotely close to it. I don't find enjoyment in blood and gore. My limit being video games and even that's a stretch the most violent games I own are from the God Of War, Devil May Cry, and Resident Evil series.
  7. TheOppaiAddict

    JAV embracing r***, incest, and pedophilla?

    You do realize even if something is implied in a fantasy like setting doesn't mean it isn't trying to normalize the actual act itself. Or does it somehow make it better or passable because it's a "Fantasy" when compared to countries who do things like marry off children to adults or human...
  8. TheOppaiAddict

    JAV embracing r***, incest, and pedophilla?

    Kinks and fetishes aside that doesn't justify anything. I'm not about to give Japan a pass for something as simple as "Cultural Differences." Where talking about r***, incest and pedophilia here. Remember when Nobuhiro Watsuki creator of Rurouni Kenshin was arrested for possession of child...
  9. TheOppaiAddict

    JAV embracing r***, incest, and pedophilla?

    It's no secret that Japan is shameless when it comes to what they consider "Entertainment" which I have to be honest I don't entirely agree with. One of them being there fascination with underage boys and girls. Whether it's music, film, television, anime, manga, video games nothing is off the...
  10. TheOppaiAddict

    Do you engage in, and enjoy, paizuri?

    I don't know if your aware of this but there was a rumor during her earlier years that Julia's breasts where fake. Apparently she got breast implants before joining EBOD studio. This was actually said by an EBOD director in an interview. Been trying to find said interview but no dice my guess is...
  11. TheOppaiAddict

    JAV Shemales

    It's not a theme I watch regularly but I have seen a few AVs and I've enjoyed them quite a bit. The "Transexual" or "New Half" genre is considered niche when compared to other genres so you wouldn't see many conversations about it sadly. Speaking as someone who has a few friends who happen to...
  12. TheOppaiAddict

    Do you engage in, and enjoy, paizuri?

    I have experienced it a few times and the feeling is amazing especially when your kissing while you cum. If your wondering how I can do that it's because she was taller then me. I'm 7 inches and she was big enough to wrap around me. Since it's been awhile since I last experienced it I don't...
  13. TheOppaiAddict

    Fuck Buddies

    I'm bisexual and I've got friends I've played around with but I wouldn't necessarily call them "Fuck Buddies." I think that terminology is kind of unfair especially if you don't do it often.
  14. TheOppaiAddict

    Is life happier quitting porn?

    It doesn't take a genius to read people. And just because she's an adult film star doesn't make her any less human. Hitomi Tanaka is 35 years old she's not getting any younger. She's at that age where a woman would want to be married or is already. I'm 36 years old and I'm single and I don't...
  15. TheOppaiAddict

    akiba resident JAV subtitlers & subtitle talk★NOT A SUB REQUEST THREAD★

    My Japanese is not good looking bro but I can understand certain phrases and sentences. And I can honestly say some of the worse English subtitled jobs I've ever seen have come from that site! Lol