Search results

  1. D

    Hmm.. *pokes around*

    No accounts have been deleted. We encountered some forum issues and had to roll back the forum to jan 28. And as of yet, we still haven't been able to bring back the attachments.
  2. D

    Akiba-Online returns [All attachments are corrupted]

    Oh, I guess we have a scapegoat now.
  3. D

    Tag system

    Only the original poster and mods/admins can edit the tags.
  4. D

    someone know HOW make this kind of screenshot?

    I use Fraps for most of my screen capture needs. Also, just tried out the built-in function, and it works flawlessly.
  5. D

    Tag system

    Maybe. Use this.
  6. D

    um...mostly to guys..

    I call mine the Peninator, and sometimes Dickmeister. But really though.. It's only for the fun of it.
  7. D

    Boob scale

    Use the attached picture as reference.
  8. D

    favorite anime

    Definitively Mahoromatic. It's the anime that sparked my interest for anime. It's by far the most memorable anime for me.
  9. D

    Join us on IRC

    Why not do something useful with your internet, and idle with us in our IRC channel? Come join us at #shibuyabashi. (Rizon) Let's all idle together. And since most of our staff members also idle there pretty much 24/7, you'll be able to contact us much faster, should you need it. Here's...
  10. D

    Which country are you from?

    I hail from Swedenland. Way north, where the polar bears hunt penguins.
  11. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Tigon < Post #200 v Do you have too much time on your hands?
  12. D

    I guess, We need to become the forum restricted !

    We have plans for a system to 'reward' people, but I'm pretty sure it won't be a rep system. chompy hates the rep system. We do this as we go; trial and error. So you'll never know what to expect. :3
  13. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Sure. I'm the greatest there is. I'm the love of my life. < :evillaugh: v Do you have an idol other than me?
  14. D

    Does anyone enjoy the SMT series?

    I've got Lucifer's Call. (aka Nocturnal) I love it. It features Dante.
  15. D

    What's your MMO addiction?

    Yeah.. What's your game? You play WoW 'til the early hours every day? Does PSU r*** your schedual? Have your soul been corrupted by maple story? Does RO dominate your life? I myself play Guild Wars and PSU on and off. Come post here, so that we might organize or syncronize our addictions.
  16. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ I am not sure what that even means. < My custom title is 'Closet Evil' for a reason. v Have you ever created a torrent and seeded it yourself?
  17. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ No candy for you! < *Eats all the candy* v Come on now. Surely you kid. I'm obviously the best mod of them all.
  18. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Wuh..? Hey! :crash: < :...: V Do you like candy?
  19. D

    Hentai Anime List - By Category

    Edited title and sticked it. Great thread.
  20. D

    Boob scale

    3, 4 and 5 obviously win. And thread moved. And poll edited to make more sense on the front page.
  21. D

    Going to Japan

    Learn how to use chopsticks. Also, go to akihabara. Enjoy.
  22. D

    Hello world

    Cool. Just don't eat the forum or something. Enjoy yourself. Oh, and read the rules and stuff.
  23. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Of course you do. < I'm out of things to say. v Are you emotionally unstable?
  24. D

    New Member from the UK

    You keep comparing this forum to HF. Stop doing that! :crash: Welcome, Borgman. Enjoy our forum. :goodboy:
  25. D

    (H-game)Cheating tools

    That's not as fun as hacking memory.
  26. D

    Help us Grow!

    We have that already. There's a moderator/admin only section (Which you can't see), a lot of torrent sections and a general talk section fot you to use at your leisure. There may/will be changes in the sections and subsections later on, but the current layout will not be changed for at least a...
  27. D

    I guess, We need to become the forum restricted !

    That's pretty much the whole idea. Points for figuring that out. (even though both me and chompy has mentioned it before) Although, there might be an 'addition' to this forum in the future that will require people to register to access it. The rest of the forum will likely still remain open...
  28. D

    ideal Person

    Hmm.. Hard to say, since I never really think about that. But I'd go with this: how tall she is doesn't matter. I'm 183cm tall, so it's unlikely she'll be taller than me anyway. Is intelligent and capable of independant thinking. Is not a group person. Have my interests, such as...
  29. D

    hentai or anime

    Anime. I've said it before and I'll say it again.. There's just too much low quality crap hentais out there. The poor quality is a huge turn-off for me. There are, of course, a few gems out there that are worth watching, but they're unfortunately rare. I've turned to h-manga and such. (This...
  30. D

    Hows it goin

    Contribute by seeding after downloading, and maybe even force persuade more people here. That'll be more than enough and highy appretiated. Welcome to our sanctuary of filth.
  31. D

    How about a tracker... No. No tracker. At least not at this point. Who knows what'll happen in a year or so.
  32. D


    axel's nice like that.
  33. D

    Recent downtime ~1 day

    I'll believe that when it doesn't happen.
  34. D

    How often you think of sex?

    Every single emotion, thought, whim, impulse, feeling and etc comes from the brain. Your crotch cannot think or feel. People who are castrated before their puberty just won't get those hormones. Also, castrated people does not count as 'average people' since there's just too few of them...
  35. D


    Hay, you. Let's fap together in a confined space. :goodboy:
  36. D


    Okay.. We're not very hard on spam and such around here yet. It makes this place look active. But this is just ridiculous. :sick: Thread pwned. :evil:
  37. D


    :hi: Does this suffice?
  38. D

    nick names

    Asking people to not call you something will only make them want to call you just that. You brought it upon yourself, Mahri. Edit: For some reason, I've been called 'Denny' alot recently.. :nosepick:
  39. D

    How often you think of sex?

    You speak of heaven?
  40. D

    say somthing good/bad about the person before you

    Dammit! darkangel4evr is a stalker! gtfo of my photo-album!
  41. D

    How often you think of sex?

    I think it's easier to answer when I don't think of sex; When I'm too busy to think of anything else, or when I'm throughly disgusted.
  42. D

    Happy 2007 Everyone

    First thing I ate this year, was a painkiller. Which is kinda sad, when you think about it. Happy new year, whoo, yay and etc.
  43. D

    name this animal

    Okay, fine.. So, what's this, then?
  44. D

    name this animal

    I don't have the slightest clue what it is.
  45. D

    say somthing good/bad about the person before you

    Pedo fails at reference jokes. He also loves big boobs.
  46. D

    Music Preference

  47. D

    name this animal

    Gray Wolf? Too easy.. Is there a catch? :???:
  48. D

    name this animal

    Close enough. They're all pretty much the same, with minor differences. Like different breeds of dogs.
  49. D

    name this animal

    I :love: the little critters. I watch animal planet alot.
  50. D

    name this animal

    Potamochoerus Porcus. :smoke: