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  1. D

    Recent downtime

    At least he didn't break the forums on PURPOSE :snicker2:
  2. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ No, I hate it and delete it on sight. < What kind of question is that to ask on a forum like this? v Linux or Windoze, what do you prefer?
  3. D

    learning Japanese?

    I use a simple program called Kanatest to learn the alphabet. First, I study the letters with the romanji translation on a printout, then use the program to quiz myself on it.
  4. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Nil. < Moderating is overrated. Except for the obvious increase in e-peen size, there's not much to it, other than work. v Do you want to be a moderator?
  5. D

    So I really want an anime with a great story...

    I second Twelve Kingdoms, or Juuni Kokuki, as I really enjoyed that one.
  6. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Swords or guns? < Tough one, since I don't really care either way. As long as there's blood. And limbs. v Could you live in a world without violence?
  7. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Play doctor wearing naught but a stethoscope? < Just my guess. v Have I ever been wrong? 'yes' is the wrong answer.
  8. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ The meaning of 'good' in this case would be relative to the tastes of the person tasting said pizza, and since the pizza is assumed to be 'good' according to the taste of the person in question, namely me, the answer is hence obvious. < Yes. I like a good pizza. v Semantics is fun, isn't it?
  9. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Go cuddle yourself in the corner. < I only allow cuddling upon me by females whom I deem worthy. And Sven. v Are you lonely?
  10. D

    What is the best torrent program to download?

    Yea, I'll give you that; it does use a lot of memory. Pretty much the only thing it has going against it.
  11. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Because it's just as stupid and pointless as everything else we do. Why stop now? < I'm into many things. v What's your fetish?
  12. D


    I say tetris and end the discussion with a groundbreaking victory.
  13. D

    Which country are you from?

    Don't spread such lies. You are mocking common sense.
  14. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Sure, if it didn't suck. < I'm gonna go swipe a memory stick.. I'm sure they won't notice. v What's your record on how many marbles you've managed to put up your butt?
  15. D

    What is the best torrent program to download?

    CPU intensive? Azureus has been called bad for many things, mostly its memory consumption.. But CPU intensive is a thing it's not. Vanilla Azureus versus uTorrent is pretty much the same in terms of CPU usage. Sure, you can increase the CPU need with plugins, but plugins are a thing uTorrent...
  16. D

    Hentai Anime List - By Category

    Here you go:
  17. D

    Hentai Comic Magazine question

    It's just different names for different magazines. Kinda like the difference between Batman and Spiderman. They're all the same, really. Just look around and see which one you like the best.
  18. D

    [RF]Comic Masyo(Manga)

    I've got it. Can't find a torrent that happens to be alive, so I'll make one. I'll post it in a while. Edit: Here you go:
  19. D


    Are you dots or the dots?
  20. D


    I am? I mean.. We are?
  21. D

    Recommend a fps!

    Try Chronicles of Riddick. One of the few fps games I actually liked. Actually, it might be the only one so far..
  22. D

    Which country are you from?

    Alexa says.. users come from these countries: Japan - 34.2% Taiwan - 7.5% Thailand - 5.9% Singapore - 5.7% United States - 5.5% Sweden - 5.3% Hong Kong - 4.3% Malaysia - 2.6% Mexico - 2.4% Indonesia - 2.2% Peru - 2.0% Bahrain - 1.8% Kuwait - 1.8% Philippines -...
  23. D

    Loli Manga Pack.

    And closed it is.
  24. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Drakväktare. < It's a swedish fantasy novel. v Is the space-time continuum absolute?
  25. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Because I'll squash you like a bug if you don't. :crash: < It's getting late.. 8:42 am.. Going to sleep. v Do you brush your teeth?
  26. D


    They seem to like throwing themselves at walls. Especially this 'Howard Spanks' guy. Maybe it's a fetish?
  27. D

    For the first time...

    Car-smecks is overrated. It's like regular sex, but with obstacles. But for a first time, anything's fine.
  28. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Defragmenting, ircing, watching a TV series and browsing the forum. So, nothing. < Come to think of it, I really do multitask alot.. v Do you exist, other than as a figment of my imagined reality?
  29. D

    What's your screen resolution?

    480x640? Must be a cellphone or something. Closed because of old age and general deadness. Make a new one.
  30. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ Well I can pretend you don't exist. < I'm good at ignoring people. v How much bandwidth do you use monthly?
  31. D

    ^<V Above, you, below

    ^ You're such a noob axel. I never had one to begin with. < I need to stop staying up til 6am every day.. v Do you sleep?
  32. D

    Using Japanese.

    出来るだけ長くシードをお願いします Yeah, no problems here.. I think it's a local issue.
  33. D

    Hi, I'm haall

    And add the thread to the right section. You should read:
  34. D

    Hi there

    We're all pirates here. It's ironic, but pirates are the only ones that's actually sharing on the internet. And welcome to our forums.
  35. D

    What's your screen resolution?

    I would have put up all resolutions into the poll, but they didn't fit.
  36. D

    What's ur greatest fear?

    The dentist.
  37. D

    What's your screen resolution?

    I'm on a 19" 1280x1024 LCD, and I still seems to always run out of workspace.. How you could use anything lower that that and not be bothered by the lack of space, and not to speak about the lack of pixels, is beyond me..
  38. D

    What's your screen resolution?

    What screen resolution do you use? Multiple choices if you have more than one display/computer and use a different res on that one.
  39. D

    BEWARE: I guess, a new "downtime" is coming !

    I wouldn't worry about that. We've figured out what caused the corruption last time, so that won't happen again.
  40. D

    BEWARE: I guess, a new "downtime" is coming !

    What chompy means to say is that he will fix this
  41. D

    Hentai 2019

    Indeed. Welcome to our community. If you want to link to another site not relevant to a torrent or discussion, PM a mod for permission.
  42. D


    Mushishi is indeed great. I'm not even fully sure why I like it so much. Maybe it's its atmosphere that makes it so enjoyable. Too bad the series is over. I'm hoping for another season. Mushishi 2: Return of the mushi, now with guns!
  43. D

    A Different H-Manga Upload Thread <- These are both for direct downloads, not torrents. <- This is for torrents.
  44. D

    A Different H-Manga Upload Thread

    No, you put hentai manga in the Hentai Downloads section
  45. D

    A Different H-Manga Upload Thread

    Yeah, we already have that. Post those here:
  46. D

    Attachment Issue suggest solution

    I hope you're wrong, but I'm pretty sure you're right.
  47. D

    Attachment Issue suggest solution

    Don't worry. We don't plan on keeping them forever. They'll be purged in a week or so. And since the result will be the same, there's no harm in saving a few torrents while you're at it.
  48. D

    Attachment Issue suggest solution

    All attachments from before jan 28 are corrupt. We encourage reuploading your attachments. After a time, we will purge all torrent threads not edited after jan 28, since they will have corrupted torrents. Checking and editing threads like that is tedious, tedious work. That's why we're...
  49. D

    Unable to open torrent files!

    That sucks.. I guess I will delete all my attachments and dig up my old torrents and reattach them. It will take a week or so before the forum regains its balance again, so be patient. :bow-pray:
  50. D

    Hmm.. *pokes around*

    Ah, sure. PM me and I'll make somebody do it